-- Adventureholic is.. an opening for sure..? Originally I didn't think it was the worst thing ever but getting it on stage was awkward and it's just rough sounding the more I hear it.
-- HoloX are dorks, but that's part of what makes them so amazing. Also they unironically keep releasing goods songs and covers so they continue to be a damn good gen/group.
-- Sheep good, pink woman also good.
-- KanaLuna love, just a damn good performance and not much to ramble on about it. I love how JP inherited Anya somewhere along the way.
-- Chloe Roboco is a surprise to be sure, but goddamn what a good one.
-- Ollie and Bae work good together as always. Only makes sense they can do it while singing as well.
-- Honestly lost track of the next few. I got too side tracked into enjoying it to ramble. Suffice to say all the hags and construction company stuff was good. But that's to be expected. MIO BOTAN

-- The MC section made me remember I was doing this lol. Jesus Suspect is still a fucking bop.
-- SMOK continues to be everything you need in life. If you think otherwise then you're incorrect. Can't believe they skipped that MC oppurtunity though.
-- Blue Clapper's still catchy too. NePoLaBo always a winning crew.
-- I probably would've thought the BoneBros ending song was weirder if I didn't read this thread that already explained it.