"Kronii's foot... sniff sniff, sniff sniff... so sweet"Takane Lui

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Kiara member stream clip
  • SpringKusa

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    I haven't seen it posted. Anyone who has access might be interested

    is it possible that kiara's just coping as much as we are? :pippasadl:

    Anyone subbed to Kiara?
    View attachment 84550
    Hopefully @JellyKusa will share some info about this.
    @JellyKusa probably is but he was bit drunk yesterday/today :calidrinking:

    So anyone can provide a permanent archive for this? I only have a free GoFile account and its 20 minutes long.
    Its the part of Kiaras members stream where she talks about Fauna and the company in general.
    Ii just clipped it in full, but I will add a write-up later.

    Archivist edit: Catbox

    but the TLDR is: There are many reasons why one might graduate, and "issues with management" is very broad and vague and while it sounds the same for us, the specific issues the talent might have might be completely different. There was no big change in direction or event one could easely point to, and the company changes really slowly and gradually (to kiaras frustration). The issues Talents might have with management arent big stuff but more like a death by a 1000 cuts.
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    sbm's summary of Kiara's stream
  • sbm

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    So anyone can provide a permanent archive for this? I only have a free GoFile account and its 20 minutes long.
    Its the part of Kiaras members stream where she talks about Fauna and the company in general.
    Ii just clipped it in full, but I will add a write-up later.

    but the TLDR is: There are many reasons why one might graduate, and "issues with management" is very broad and vague and while it sounds the same for us, the specific issues the talent might have might be completely different. There was no big change in direction or event one could easely point to, and the company changes really slowly and gradually (to kiaras frustration). The issues Talents might have with management arent big stuff but more like a death by a 1000 cuts.
    Good watch even at 1.5x.

    Here's a full transcript:

    Yesterday, when I was streaming, I forgot. Like I knew beforehand of course, because we always get told before hand when there's graduations about to be announced or so. I knew it beforehand but then I forgot when I was streaming, because I was so focused on streaming. And then afterwards when I ended my stream, I saw the stream reservation and saw that you guys- the fans in genera- were already scrambling, and I was like "oh shit'. Ahh. "Oh right, it was tonight."

    Um, yeah, and then... ah fuck. (Laughs.)

    (Reading chat) "It's kind of messing me up not going to lie."

    It's sad for me too, because I recently got closer with her, and was, you know, happy. Like, we didn't really click until recently, with Seven Days to Die. We had some good moments before but Seven Days to Die was really where I feel like we clicked. So I'm glad we had that, but that's too little, that's too little. But yeah, Seven Days to Die really special. And uh, I have, behind the scenes, I have been trying to get Grounded going. It might happen, it might not happen. Even if it does happen there's not enough time to finish it, a bit difficult. Yeah, I also, I guess I should do a Holotalk. Very very busy. I also want to do another Girlstalk with her. How am I going to do all these- I can't help her with the world tree, there's already so many other things I need to do with her. If she has time to do something with me, it's got to be- highest priority is like, Holotalk, to me, and then, Grounded and Girlstalk. I'd like to have one more.

    I have a lot of thoughts, obviously, but... first and foremost, for me, it's important that Hololive is a place where you guys can find entertainment and fun and laughter and all that. And so I'm sad for the community that all these announcements are really dampening the mood, especially because these two were so closely announced to each other, it's even more emm- disheartening than usual. So that's really unfortunate that it came like bam bam.

    I feel bad, because my whole twitter timeline is filled with pure pessimism - is that how you say it in English- yeah, yeah. Everybody's mad. I understand, people know, you guys know, I criticize the company a lot. Erm, but, I think I still do it nicely (laughs), and I don't even share half of the things I would like to share. But, I did want to say- I'm saying that because I want you to know, I'm not really trying to defend the company. I just want to say one thing to put in everybody's minds. Because one thing I've been seeing constantly on Twitter now, since Fauna's announcement, is everybody's like, "Oh my god, I can't believe once again management is the reason behind it, so they are doing something wrong! What have they done in the past months that is making everybody leave? They need to turn back around right away, fix this, like whatever they're doing it's shit, it sucks!" Everybody's focused on that right now, I see it everywhere.

    And I understand, because, everybody- the girls that are leaving, they give such a vague, broad reason, and it just sounds like, yeah, management- it doesn't give a good conclusion, right? But, first of all, even if they wanted to be more detailed, I generally think they can't. So they have to be kind of vague. But that doesn't mean that they are really all leaving for the same reasons. Management, like disagreements with management, is extremely broad, it's an extremely broad thing to say. And from my experience, everybody has their own issues behind the scenes. Really, everybody does. It's very individual. Everybody has their own individual, unique problems and cases, and things that they're fighting for behind the scenes. Maybe there's some overlap in wishes, here and there, but I'm pretty sure that all these cases recently, they're all different stuff. It's not like one big bad thing that happened in the past months, that Cover's doing so wrong, that we can blame. Like, that would be nice, to have something to pinpoint so easily, but there's no such thing.

    And also, even when it seems like everything is coming down at once now, that also doesn't mean that it's a particular thing that happened in the past six months or so. Which is also something that I've been seeing a lot on Twitter, like, people seem to think there's one thing that Cover's doing very wrong recently, and that is making everybody want to leave now. Just how everybody's issues are very individual and unique and different, everybody's timeframe of when they start discussing something like this to the point where it's announced is very different. So even though there's like one day between Chloe and Fauna announcing it, doesn't mean that they started this process at the same timeframe. So, there could be months apart, there could be many many months apart. And it just, through timing, scheduling, discussions, some discussions take longer, some take less time, some have different exit contracts, as you can see. And all of this takes different time, and there may be other factors that play into it, so- it's hard for me to put this into the right words I guess- but I'm just trying to say that, that it's not one thing that you can blame, and that we can ask management to stop doing!

    Everybody is individual, everybody has their own issues and reasons, and I think mostly, in most cases, it all comes down to things building up, stacking up, over not just half a year, but like, years. Such as- if it were me, it would be the case. And, I- I- mostly, I only know like, big things, but for Ame maybe I knew a little bit more, but from what I generally know, you know, I'm not very happy with the company's decisions in some things either, but there's not like one thing that-. People even ask me, people even wrote to me on Twitter and they're like, "Kiara, you have to do something! Everybody's leaving for something that management fucked up!" But I can't do anything, first of all. I can't, I don't have such power, and there's nothing in particular that, even if I had more power there's nothing in particular I could fix. Again, it's like, things are like stacking up, and, you know...

    And, also- maybe, once again, I'm unnecessarily talking too much. Thank god this is a member's stream. But (laughs), I just wanted to say that, there are more sides and facets- it's multifaceted- to this, these issues. It's more intricate than that. It's not so simple. It's not so simple as in "Oh, the company is now public for a while now and they're doing so much focus on performing, they're overworking the girls." It's not that simple, really. And also if it really was that, girls always have the choice to take a break from certain projects. They don't have to participate in every project. And they don't have to do a 3D concert like my recent one, you know, the YouTube ones. That's a lot of work, but they don't have to do that. Nobody is forced to do that. They can turn down sponsorships and they could turn down- pretty sure they could even turn down participation in Fes, if they wanted to. Stuff like that. So yeah.

    But what I also wanted to say is, I know right now it looks bad, but I think this is just a normal cycle. Okay, so I've been here for four years, right? And we are still in the, or maybe... at least when I joined and the first couple years, this is the beginning of Hololive. And it was normal that barely anybody graduated and left, because it was the beginning. And so, people got used to that feeling of everything being relatively stable. And now of course it hits pretty hard when it looks less stable, but, this amount of time- I generally think from a western mindset, three or four years or whatever, is a very reasonable and normal amount of time you would want to spend in such a job. Especially if you were working for a Japanese company, and you aren't used to working for a Japanese company. But also, just generally, a streaming job, it's a mix of entertainment and all that. It's normal, I think, to want to move on with your life and do something else, and I know that also there's a lot of people saying "I don't understand why these girls are leaving because they make a lot of money and easy job, streaming, haha." Yeah, but even- I could argue with that too- but even with that in mind, money is not everything, and girls still might want to move on and do something else. As I said, things are super intricate, there's way more to it than what such a broad and vague reason might be able to give you. There's many factors behind the scenes that influence these decisions. I could give you a million reasons why somebody might want to leave in that situation. What else, what was I going to say. When- no- so basically, yeah, unfortunately, this is probably very normal.

    (Reading chat) "It's League of Legends!" (laughs) (In a joking voice) "It's the fault of League of Legends!"

    People say that you don't realize you were in, how do you say, the golden time, golden era, until it's over. People are kind of right now freaking out, and I understand, I understand. I want to freak out too. People are freaking out like it's the end of the world, and it's not the end of the world, at least I can say, it's maybe just the end of an era. And that's sad too, I want to go back and stay in the area (laughs at her ESL)- the era, the golden era. I want that too, but time goes by fast, and things change, and people's lives change, and people's wishes change. I wouldn't necessarily say the company changed. Honestly if anything the company changed so slowly and gradually, but also, predictably. So, because a lot of people are saying "Oh my god, the company changed so much. The girls can't- they don't like this direction." Neayahh- again, it's like more than that.

    [Thanking a superchat]

    (Reading chat) "Game perm issues." That's like the smallest issue, especially because, that was worse like two years ago or so. Now we have so many perms. You know, back in the day we couldn't even play Square Enix games. Now we can. So if anything that's getting better, I would say. Remember when I was so pissed, I was like "Oh my god, I just want to play Final Fantasy games." And then I played one and I was like, ohhh. But you just want the thing that they don't want to give you. But you know, we have, I think- it's annoying, perhaps, game perms, it's just one of the many things that could annoy you that could add up and stack up. But on its own it's not a big issue.

    What pisses me off more is music perms (laughs). Music perms are honestly really, how to say, gatekeeping- that's not the quite right word- but it's something that's stopping me in my tracks, because I feel like I could make a lot of viral- somewhat viral- YouTube dance shorts, if I was allowed to use Kpop. Or at least test the waters, I'm not even allowed to test the waters. (Mumbles something in German) fucking- I can't, so don't even, ugh!

    (Note: the remaining part is basically Kiara winding down the talk to her members, much less info and more just talking things out.)

    And also, you know, I- I'm sad because Fauna and me, we clicked rather recently, and I wanted to do more with her, and also I'm worried about the community, and I'm also worried about HoloEN, and all that. But again, it's like, a normal thing to occur, especially after this amount of time that everybody's spent here. I think generally Japanese members will always, because of their work ethic, always stay longer. But yeah, when I was still an active idol fan for Hello Project!, they also- it was always like, some girls stay extremely long. Holy shit they are so, what is the word, tenacious. They're so tenacious. But some, aren't, and the always gave pretty vague reasons. The following reasons: Number one, a girl got fired, maybe for something. Now when somebody gets fired they go into a little more detail, but girls rarely get fired in Hello Project! these days. But back in the day they were a little more rebellious. In Morning Musume getting fired for smoking, or something like that. So that's like, getting fired, getting terminated, okay? They're going to make an announcement where "This member has been terminated, goodbye." They're not going to say much. And then the other reason, graduation reasons, they're either be "This girl is leaving the group and company because she wants to focus on school-studies," because usually they're pretty young, they're like teenagers and they want to finish school. Or "she wants to pursue different paths in her life," just generally, and that would usually be something like acting or whatever. Or, the other vague reason, would be health issues. And I guess this is still like a little bit more, a little bit more detailed, but yeah. It still always felt very vague. And as a fan I was always like "Man, I've been so invested in this idol group and in this idol, and now you're leaving me. Man, I was so into this and now she's disappearing, uhhh, what am I going to do. And you're just going to give me this vague reason, fuck you! I wanted to know more! I need this to have conclusion in my head." (Reading from chat) The closure, yeah. I totally get that. I always felt that way. Yeah, as a fan, you feel like you should know more. I personally also feel like you should know more, at least if the talent wants to share more. If they don't want then of course, whatever, but you've got to stay professional and can't really say too much. But it's normal. That whole process of you getting invested into something and then eventually, out of the blue, seemingly out of the blue, a person is just gone.

    But I feel like with Hello Project! idols, the difference was most graduations and terminations always resulted in the fan really never being able to see what that idol was up to anymore. For the most part. Some maybe go into solo careers, like Suzuki Airi (sings Daddy Daddy Do). Who ended up being really successful with that. I guess I'm a bit lucky because my favorite, she became a mommy and started a mommy Instagram account, and it's just mothering, literally. At least I can still somewhat see what she's up to but then there's others like the absolute legend that was Tsugunaga Momoko, aka Momochi, aka the girl that Pekora really liked. And she's just gone, wiped from the earth not to be seen or found for years. No information where she is. And I can imagine if she was your oshi, you're like, "Damn, I'd at least like to know that she is doing well." And in that regards I think, at least, we have it quite good here. If you know what I mean.

    (Read a chat message suggesting HoloEN should all graduate.) People would jump down bridges perhaps if we all graduated at the same time! You crazy lad. No, no no no. People would lose it. You can't take everybody away at once. But first of all, there's always like "I want to stay. You want to go, but I want to stay." But that's- nah, you can't do that (laughs). I mean, of course it sucks, when somebody leaves and the rest are looking incomplete or whatever. Yeah, that sucks, but would you really rather have everybody gone? Really? Come on, think about it.

    So what do you think, KFP? Were my comments good? The things I just explained, does it make sense? Yeah? Okay, good. Okay.

    I guess people are just really sad and worried, and so they want to blame someone. And obviously they're going to blame management for it. And I'm not a big fan of them either, often! But it's really, five dimensional. Or six or seven. Eight nine ten dimensional.

    Yeah, it's totally understandable too. Also if I was a fan I would react the same way. I would be like, "What the fuck? What the fuck?! Is going on? What are you doing management!?"

    I also hope, would hope, that many graduations would at least lead to conditions being better, becoming better, but I don't think so. It doesn't seem like it. Which doesn't mean that everything is bad, and again, it's very individual. Certainly there are many members who are perfectly happy, and they're chilling, and don't have many issues. So, I don't know, I have my issues, but I think for me, I still am holding on to hope. (Reading chat) "The pros outweigh the cons." I guess. I guess. But I do think at some point, even the pros in theory still outweigh the cons, at some point the cons can still not be tolerated.

    Oh yeah, the one thing I want to say is, the streaming job itself is perhaps easy, although you need charisma and skill to be constantly entertaining. That itself is easy, I will give you that. But what comes to that, is when you stream to an audience of this size, to a level of this exposure, constantly being watched and judged. It's different from streaming to 20 people or so. Streaming to thousands of people every year and having debuts that are being watched by a hundred thousand people live, that weighs on you mentally, and that can do shit to you mentally that people seem to constantly forget. You need to be so mentally strong, to endure shit like what Nenechi endured, or what I endured if you remember about why I moved several times in secret, while trying to uphold an image of me living in the same place, because it would have been dangerous for me and I was paranoid as fuck. Remember that? There's a shit ton of that stuff going on behind the scenes too, not just for me, so- I mean for me, I can gladly say that it has been calm for a while- I hope so, but there's still some paranoia there in the back of my mind, constantly following me, and definitely making me act differently than I would without the paranoia and the fear. So, that can also very well be playing into somebody's reason why they want to leave. Like if I ever leave, I'll be glad to say "at least I don't have to deal with that anymore". And that's what makes this job hard. And combine that with this not being only a streaming job. We have- again, if you really wanted to you could probably turn down most of it- but we still have concerts and stuff, and dance lessons, and we have to record a lot of vocals, and we have these sponsorships, and we have other projects we want to work hard for, so that we have interesting streams like something in between all the normal game streams to offer, etc. And then at the same time we still have to handle our IRL. While there's fans out there who expect us to stream like, minimum five, if not eight or nine or ten hours per day. Any less than that and you're a "lazy bitch". So, how do you balance all of that? While behind the scenes still doing some work. And then also trying to live your life, like, go meet your friends, go meet your family. I rarely meet my friends and family, and I'm also really struggling with mental health. That's my argument to why do people want to leave this easy-ass job that gives you so much money.

    But yeah, streaming itself is fun, and you guys- usually when I stream, I feel better than when I don't stream, because you guys take my mind off of things. You guys take my mind off of things and my mood generally increases. It's just nice to look at the community I have built with my hard work, and I'm proud of the things I leave behind every day. I love KFP! And I still- mmm- can I say that? I still love Hololive. I guess so, it's like saying I love you to my brother. Feels a bit awkward but (laughs). I still want Hololive to be a happy place for you guys, and I want Hololive to still succeed, and I still want the staff who are working hard behind the scenes, because there is plenty-

    (Kiara is interrupted by a doorbell.)

    Others have summarized but here are some choice quotes:
    • Everybody has their own individual, unique problems and cases, and things that they're fighting for behind the scenes. Maybe there's some overlap in wishes, here and there, but I'm pretty sure that all these cases recently, they're all different stuff.
    • It's not like one big bad thing that happened in the past months, that Cover's doing so wrong, that we can blame. Like, that would be nice, to have something to pinpoint so easily, but there's no such thing.
    • even though there's like one day between Chloe and Fauna announcing it, doesn't mean that they started this process at the same timeframe.
    • People even ask me, people even wrote to me on Twitter and they're like, "Kiara, you have to do something! Everybody's leaving for something that management fucked up!" But I can't do anything, first of all. I can't, I don't have such power, and there's nothing in particular that, even if I had more power, there's nothing in particular I could fix.
    • It's not so simple as in "Oh, the company is now public for a while now and they're doing so much focus on performing, they're overworking the girls." It's not that simple, really.
    • And also if it really was that, girls always have the choice to take a break from certain projects. They don't have to participate in every project. And they don't have to do a 3D concert like my recent one, you know, the YouTube ones. That's a lot of work, but they don't have to do that. Nobody is forced to do that. They can turn down sponsorships and they could turn down- pretty sure they could even turn down participation in Fes, if they wanted to.
    • I wouldn't necessarily say the company changed. Honestly if anything the company changed so slowly and gradually, but also, predictably. So, because a lot of people are saying "Oh my god, the company changed so much. The girls can't- they don't like this direction." Neayahh- again, it's more than that.
    • (Reading chat) "Game perm issues." That's like the smallest issue, especially because, that was worse like two years ago or so. Now we have so many perms.
    • What pisses me off more is music perms (laughs). Music perms are honestly really, how to say, gatekeeping- that's not the quite right word- but it's something that's stopping me in my tracks, because I feel like I could make a lot of viral- somewhat viral- YouTube dance shorts, if I was allowed to use Kpop. Or at least test the waters, I'm not even allowed to test the waters.

    Sounds to me like Kiara thinks it's individual disagreements with management, plus problems dealing with a Japanese business, coming to roost over years. In her opinion, it doesn't sound like Cover's going to crash and burn, but rather will start bleeding several graduations a year and turnover will become the new normal. I don't think anyone is saying that's good, but it's not a single issue crisis, if you trust Kiara like I do anyway.
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    Kronii's comments
  • BlueSharkTV

    Fucking Riggers
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    here's what Kronii said on her stream.
    1. she doesn't think the company is going on a negative direction.
    2. she only brought up her issues with management because they were minor complains, if they would have been more serious she wouldn't have said anything publicly and would have left too.
    3. she will stay longer and still wants to do things in the company like a 3D live and an EP.
    4. she knows the other girls have different expectations of the company.
    5. she's not getting pushed by the company to do PR for them.
    Subaru's comments (member stream)
  • Shuba

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    Gods Strongest Subatomo
    Joined:  Oct 22, 2022
    Notes from Subaru's 12/1 members-only stream (was split into 2 parts because the first stream was having buffering issues):

    (TLDR at the bottom)​
    • She herself is doing great but she saw how anxious everyone was and wanted to chat.​
    • She really hasn't done much work this year and instead, has focused on taking it easy and doing what she wants to do.
      • Around the start of the year, she told her manager that she wants to prioritize and cherish her own activities. This is the reason why she was able to play SF6 and Yugioh as much as she did this year.
      • She appreciated her manager because she took that request very seriously. Her manager has basically been a bodyguard for her, protecting her from any sponsor deals and extra work that she doesn't want to do.
      • She's been rejecting nearly all sponsor work and requests for guest appearances in stuff like 3D lives. (I can confirm this myself, Subaru has appeared in literally zero 3D lives this year besides her own and 5th Fes.)
      • Like her manager was surprised when Subaru accepted the GTA Police Chief offer because she had no idea about it. (Likely cause Suisei/Miko asked Subaru directly instead of going to her manager).​
      • She accepted some some sponsor stuff like a Seven Deadly Sins gacha game, FFXIV and Metaphor Re:Fantazio but those were all games she was interested in and wanted to play with everyone.​
      • She told Okayu about her work and how she felt like she hasn't been working at all, but Okayu told her she's basically doing a normal level of work now.
      • So overall, while she does have the usual singing/dance lessons and the rare sponsor stuff, this year has been so much lighter for her and she's very happy for it.
    • This is very different from 2-3 years ago, where she felt like her mental was breaking.
      • She kept accepting request after request and pushing herself way too much. Her manager at the time was helpful and did her best, but Subaru could still feel herself reach a breaking point.
    • Talked about HoloGTA and how it was really difficult.​
      • But she accepted it because 1. she wanted to make sure that the cops were having fun and 2. After watching clips for research, she felt that being chief was one of the most difficult roles overall.​
      • if she could do this, she'd end up a stronger streamer overall, which has always been one of her goals. Any issues would stem not from the outside, but from her own management skills, which was an experience that helped her a ton.​
      • Doing HoloGTA helped her realize how much she learned interacting with different members. She thought that she'd be okay just focusing on gaming and game commentary, but these interactions have helped her see where she can improve herself.​
      • Despite the stress, stuff like GTA and ARK felt more like a school culture festival than a job so they were really fun.​
      • Like she was able to get closer to Suisei, who told her about the nose doctor and is the reason Subaru's nose is finally doing much better. And Miko also gave her some very good advice. She feels that Holo is a close, tight-knit group and that the talents truly do have respect for each other.
      • She has gone through many part-time jobs but in terms of the working environment with fellow members, Hololive has been #1 for her. Every passing year, she feels like she can take care of herself better.
    • Now that she's in her 7th year of doing this, she understands that it's better to be on good terms with management.
      • During her first few years, she was essentially doing her own "Hololive Resistance" and considered herself a management-anti. She got into fights with them very frequently and it happened so much, Subaru outright hated management for a very long time.
      • But after talking to them more, she realized that there are good people in management as well. Each person has their own different viewpoint and way of thinking. Kinda like an RPG, each person has their own justice (She was thinking about Persona 5 again). So dealing with your own manager really comes down to compatibility.
      • When seeing someone in management whose "justice" was bad to her, Subaru would think "What's wrong with them?" But her own manager has been so kind and helpful to her, it made her think about "What is justice exactly?"​
      • "Justice" to her is time with her fellow Hololive members and her fans. That is what's most precious to her so she has to take on the responsibility of protecting it. So while Subaru will definitely still argue and get angry with management, she now wants to work things out till the end. Simply being angry and hating them doesn't really help anything at all. Though she will talk to her Ishiyowa doll in her head when angry.
      • Interacting with similar-minded Holo talents, who have gotten into their own fights with management but still did their best, is what really helped her grow as a person this year. Being able to be next to people like that was a big deal for her.
      • A lot has happened for her to get to this point but this is the answer she's reached. She understands that other people have a different mindset and not everyone would reach the same conclusion but ultimately, she just wants to enjoy these precious moments she has with everyone. She is happy when she's having fun with her fellow members and her fans.
    • So overall, she's doing just fine. We don't see what goes on in the background and she knows that can be worrying, so she wanted to reassure us herself.​
      • Recently, she has been more assertive with what she wants. She used to wait a lot and wonder if things worked out but now, she'll go to management and put some pressure on them. She'll continually check on projects and ask stuff like "How are things going with this and that?" If they say that it hasn't happened or there hasn't been progress, she'll say "Alright but please, I'm counting on you!"​
      • Admits there are times where she's the one that's late on submissions but she's been working on that as well.​
      • But overall, she does feel like the talents and management are one team.​
    • Someone in chat asked why so many people are leaving. She said she doesn't really know too but felt that human relationships just go that way sometimes. Remembered her clubs in school where she thought the other members would stay with her forever but ended up leaving very suddenly.​
    • The anniversary live will be next year around the same time (February). While she hasn't heard anything on the solo live, she feels that things have been going smoothly in that regard and has been taking her own steps towards pushing for it.​
      • She's been rather particular about what she does on-stream and off-stream, kinda like building up trust points. Submitting stuff on time, replying to messages quickly, trying to make a ton of original songs and coming up with a schedule for them. Basically showing people that she is very interested in singing.​
      • She wants to aim higher and get even more popular. Doesn't want to just be content with what she has.​
      • If we see something in the future that could be a hint at her working towards the solo live, she really wants us to buy it. She doesn't usually ask us to buy goods for her but this one time, she's really hoping we do.​
    • If she had to be honest, she doesn't want to be an "artist." She is satisfied when she gets to have fun with us.
      • But planning stuff like lives and original songs allows her to reflect on herself. She has to think about stuff like what songs does she want to sing vs what songs does the audience want to hear.​
      • It's difficult making something based on her own senses but it's also really fun. And she feels incredibly happy when she sees the results. It's something she hasn't really done before so it's very interesting.​
      • If she had to say, she doesn't want to do a traditional "artist" live but something that feels more like an attraction that will get the audience really excited. Maybe like an idol concert but with some extra elements added to it. She wants this concert to reflect how she is as a person.​
      • Since a lot of the talents show off their singing skills, she thinks it's okay if there's someone like her in the company. But while she may not be an "artist," she has no doubt that she is an idol. This is something she can confidently say after 7 years so she feels that she'll be fine.
    • She feels that a lot of people in Hololive are monsters and she means this in a good way.
      • When you're in the company, you inevitably end up thinking "I need to improve and get better too!"
      • What Hololive wants from a talent is quite a lot. There are a lot of skills needed to be in the company and it can be tough. It's not enough to just be good at streaming or singing.
      • In order to keep up, you definitely lose something in the process. So to take care of yourself, you have to find a good route to become said monster. And in that process, some talents might end up deciding to stop.
      • Streaming is something that you do on your own but being in Hololive, you inevitably form relationships here. On top of that, you have to interact with management, a lot of whom are regular working members of society. This winds up being the most difficult part.
      • As a streamer, most talents are sorta special and different from an average societal worker. So what talent sees vs what management sees will be different as well. And if your view end up too much like that average societal worker, then things will stop being interesting.
      • Subaru herself feels like she's already gotten past this hurdle though, which is why she's doing fine where she is. The talents get closer to each other every year and when she spends time with them, she knows she can just go wild and they'll be okay with it. So we don't have to worry about her.
    • After this, she talked about a bunch of miscalleanous stuff so I'll just put the rest here:​
      • Was having some trouble with her washing machine so asked chat how to fix it. Chat told her to read the manual.​
      • Wants to hang out with someone for Christmas cause otherwise she'll be lonely. Hoping someone sets up a Christmas party that she can go to like what Polka did last year.​
      • Will be doing a New Years Party with Mio. (Mio confirmed on her own stream that it'll be 6 people total.)​
      • She'll be busy for most of December as she'll be moving into her new place but after New Years, she should be more free. She plans to visit her parents after New Years as well.​
      • Talked to Chihaya about wanting to get a ride with her, though she admitted she falls asleep easily in cars. Chihaya was completely fine with it though and wants to do a driving date.​
      • Gonna switch from a soundproof room to sound-absorbing padding instead.​
      • Someone in chat asked why her voice is so loud. When she was 3 years old, she realized that the adults would get troubled when she cried. She would use this to her advantage multiple times.​
      • After having done work on TV, she realized how crazy streaming is. With TV, you get told when to speak there's a script for you, so you only need to add a bit of your own commentary. With livestreaming, you're basically talking forever which is much more difficult. A person from a TV studio would likely look at a streamer and wonder if they're insane.​
      • Wants to write down her goals for next year on the next members' stream. Miko recommended it, as writing down your goals helps with your motivation make them come true.​
    Summary for the most relevant parts concerning her experiences and management:
    • Subaru's 2024 has been very light in terms of work and she's been happy about it. She told her manager that she wanted to focus on her own activities and doing what she wants to do. Her manager has been very diligent in this, rejecting any extra work that Subaru doesn't want to do like sponsor work and guest appearances in 3D lives. She still has frequent recordings, singing/dance lessons and will accept the sponsor work that she wants to do.
    • 2-3 years ago was the opposite. Subaru was doing too much work and accepting almost any request. Her manager at the time did her best but she still nearly reached a mental breaking point.
    • Back during the earlier days, she would fight with management so frequently, she straight up hated them.​
    • But as she is now, Subaru understands that it's better to be on good terms with management. What matters most to her is the time with her friends and her fans.​
    • She understands that management has their own unique perspective on things and those differences will cause issues. After working with her own manager, she knows that there are good people with good intentions in management. While she'll still argue and get angry with them, she learned how to work things out better and wants to do so till the end.​
    • Talking to other Holos who have had their own issues with management and reached a similar conclusion is what really helped her grow as a person this year. But she knows that not everyone would have the same mindset and would reach their own conclusion.​
    • She believes that dealing with your own manager comes down to compatibility, so experiences will absolutely vary. (The matter of compatibility is something Mio goes into as well).​
    • She has been more assertive with her projects recently. Frequently going to management, asking for updates, putting some pressure on them when they haven't made any progress.​
    • She doesn't want to be an artist and thinks that's fine. Since there are so many talents great at singing, it's fine for someone like her to be in the company.​
    • Being in Holo is tough. It's not enough to be good at streaming or singing, you need a lot of other skills for it. You have to find your own way to keep up with that and improve yourself. In that process, some will decide that it's better to just stop.​
    • Because management has a lot of regular office worker types, it can really feel difficult to interact with them, especially when you're used to being a streamer who does stuff on your own.​
    • Subaru herself has already gotten past this hurdle though, which is why she feels fine. Because the talents are close to each other, they can give each other advice, be a shoulder to lean on and a place to just go wild when you need to. So we don't have to worry about her.​

    I was originally going to include Mio's writeup in the same post along with my thoughts, but the past few days have been absolutely exhausting between a bad health scare and work nonsense. I'll try to get her stuff out in the next day or two though.​
    Holo comment clips
  • Willemshaven

    Outlasted the Chinese Community Sinicization Group
    True & Honest Holofan
    Joined:  Sep 23, 2023
    Gigi's comments (member stream)
  • TheGigiTard

    Active member
    Joined:  Nov 8, 2024
    Gigi had a membership stream yesterday, and said she's fine to share what she said on it:
    • Clarifies she's too new to really have a say on the recent happenings, makes a joke about it sounding like she's being stopped from speaking
    • Doesn't doubt that people are having negative experiences, because, being in a creative/creator position, they will inevitably butt heads at some points, and can get rough if they have someone to answer to
    • From her own experience up until now, she hasn't had negative experiences YET, is having a good time and enjoying herself and could be attributed to her new Holomember status
    • Hopes to stay for a long time, wants to do a lot of things for the following years, she joined because she wanted to create memories with the talents at Hololive and the communities
    • Says that things could be improved, they can be better
    • "I feel as if management can be improved, and people are individually satisfied and happy, these two things can coexist in the same sentence"
    • There are things she knows she couldn't do without Hololive's support, and wants to accomplish a lot more goals within Hololive, says that people are not gonna get rid of her that easily, likes her support group and structure
    • Says she's easy going, but she has OPINIONS, and underneath all the cringe, she has a brain, if she's being abused/taken advantage of, she will know, and will respond accordingly, tells grems to not worry about her, she can't be that stupid to not take care of herself
    • Feels as if life is fleeting and time moves like an arrow, wants to make sure she left a positive mark on everyone
    • Wishes Fauna a happy farewell, wants to complete the world tree so she will spam minecraft the following weeks, hopes to keep contact with her after she leaves
    On my personal note, im finding it increasingly funny how when people saw other members complain about management before this, they would instantly believe it, but now that they're saying that things are fine, suddenly, all the members are lying and there's no way they are being honest.
    Mio's comments (member stream)
  • Shuba

    Early Adopter
    Gods Strongest Subatomo
    Joined:  Oct 22, 2022
    Notes from Mio's 12/1 members-only stream. Slightly out of order but more coherent topic-wise.

    (TLDR at the bottom)​

    • This was originally going to be her monthly ASMR stream but she forgot that her mic recently broke. It became a chill talk instead that eventually turned into a QnA with her taking random questions from chat. Both her cats were in the room with her and making cute noises until one of them attacked her. She had to open the door to let them out afterwards.​
    • She figured everyone was worried about Fauna and Chloe leaving due to "differences in direction." Of course people would be worried, especially after Chloe said she felt like she was doing too much work.​
      • It is natural for fans to be concerned but Mio wanted people to keep the antis in mind. Because Holo is much bigger than it was 7 years ago, antis will be the first to attack the company during times like this. Whether with rumors or speculation, they'll pretend to be fans while throwing hateful comments all around.​
      • We don't really know what the environment was like for Chloe and Fauna, nor what their situations were like that eventually led to this happening. But Mio could tell that ever since Aqua's graduation, there's been a lot of distrust and suspicion towards Cover, which is very reasonable.​
      • What she can say is that both sides aren't really at fault. She's not saying Cover is free of blame. There's no such thing as a company that's without flaws. There are many times where she feels unhappy with something in Holo, but she feels that she has been able to go beyond that.​
      • At the end of the day, there are 2 graduations in a row. Of course the company wouldn't want them to go but something didn't work out and that's the result of that.​
    • Overall, she feels that Cover is too big and has too many employees, so it's tough to say there's one singular goal/focus in mind. But while these "differences in direction" are leading to graduations, she wanted us to be assured that she hasn't thought about graduating at all.
      • She did think about graduating in the past though. About 4 years ago, things really weren't working out with her old manager. Like they got so bad, Mio almost graduated cause of it.
      • Your manager is the person that mediates between you and the company, so you need that sense of compatibility to be there. If there's no compatibility, then it can be miserable. She apologized for being quite blunt here (a sentiment she repeats a few times), but that's how much it matters.
      • Again, Mio's compatibility with her old manager was so bad, she thought about graduating. But that was 4 years ago and things are far more stable now.
    • So again, she can't really feel like it's anyone's fault. But what she can say is that she has never felt like she's been pressured or forced to follow the direction of the company.
      • In the first place, as far as Mio knows, the talents have never actually been told what Cover's objective/direction is. Nor have they ever been told stuff like "you have to focus on streaming" or "you have to focus on idol activities" or "it's better to play this game" or "do this or that" etc etc.
      • And because she has no idea what Cover's direction is, she doesn't understand this "difference in direction" that they've been saying. But what she thinks is that this phrase "difference in direction" is basically just a phrase of convenience. There's so much more that goes into a person deciding to graduate and each person has their own individual reasons for making that decision.
      • That's how it is though because what else is management supposed to say? "Sorry, it's not true that we separated amicably. They went against the rules, we had a big argument over it and now they have to go."
      • Saying that wouldn't do anything at all for anyone. This is why she appreciates that the company will say goodbye to the girls by staying silent and not slandering them.
    • But after watching the graduation announcements herself, she realized that we as fans don't really have a choice but to accept that phrase, even though it can mean so many things.​
      • Mio can't say she entirely understands the company, which puts her in a weirdly weak position during these times. The remaining members like her can give out the tiny bits of info they have, but if they say something incorrect for the one graduating then it just feels bad. It's a difficult situation for sure.​
    • This may feel like she's siding with the company but Mio feels that she's been treated well with Cover.
      • This especially mattered during her hospitalization. If you remember, Mio fully intended to participate in the Gamers event even after her pancreas exploded and she had to get hospitalized.
      • Cover was the one that stopped her and told her to prioritize her health. Management told her they wanted her to be healthy and active for a long time so she shouldn't push herself here.
      • So she wanted to reassure people that she isn't being forced to push herself and she feels like they do care about her.
      • (There was an article or viral tweet going around that falsely said Mio was hospitalized because of being overworked, so she clarified that here).
    • She also wondered how the environment for Chloe and Fauna were different from hers. She doesn't think the graduating members are wrong but she wanted us to know that there's no way all the talents have that sort of "forced overwork" environment.​
      • However, if there are talents that are in that environment, then they should definitely do what's best for them and improve it by any means. Cover should also absolutely do something about it as a company.​
      • She wonders if maybe it was just too much for their limits. For her, she feels that over the years, she's been able to understand her own limits and understand management better.​
      • At first, you don't really know your own limits so you simply go at full speed for a while. This was really bad for Mio during summer 2-3 years ago. She had so much she wanted to do and almost no days off cause she was pushing herself way too much.​
    • But as she is now, she's fully aware of her limits and makes sure that her manager is too. Surprisingly (to her), Mio is the type to outright deny a bunch of work requests. She's very careful in not going past her own limits.
      • She spoke about a past situation where a sales person really wanted her to do a certain sponsor job. She got in a call with that person and her manager, and the sales person made an entire presentation on why Mio should accept and why it has to be her. Mio still said nope and completely denied them.
      • Ever since then, Mio's manager knows that when she says no, she means no. But Mio understands that there are some talents who struggle to say no.
      • Like if she says no and they still try to insist on it, that's incredibly rude and it's obvious that she wouldn't enjoy doing whatever was asked. But she thinks there's likely a big difference between the people who can say no and the people who can't.
    • There are of course times where a talent will push themselves to complete a task, as that particular task is included in their contract. If they refused, there's a chance they could end up getting fired.
      • There isn't a lot that's truly mandatory for the talents to do, so when they come up, the feeling is usually "Yeah, may as well get it done." Being a talent in Hololive is a huge job in many ways after all, so it makes sense for Cover to cover (heh) their bases.
      • With something like FES, since everyone is participating, it makes sense to do the same. You can refuse but it would feel weird if one person was just missing like that.
      • In that sense, that awkward pressure does kinda make it feel like it's forced. Mio think this is something that's a negative about Japanese people and their work culture as a whole.
      • But as was the case with Haachama during last year's summer and New Years, there's no problem if someone cannot show up due to health reasons.
    • Chat asked if she herself has felt tired. She said she feels very motivated currently. There's a lot of things she wants to do and she feels happy every time she gets to accomplish one of those things. She feels very healthy and wants to keep having fun with everyone.
      • They also asked how busy she gets with stuff other than streaming. There are times in the year where she's really busy but if she's not feeling well, she'll talk to management and they'll reschedule whatever needs to get done. It's completely fine to reschedule stuff but it's better to let management know sooner so they can adjust properly.
      • She truly feels that the people and environment around her are very supportive and comfortable now. But she reiterated that every talent's environment is likely different so she can only speak for herself. In general, it's difficult to see what work the other talents are doing.
      • This makes it tough to line up schedules with some members so they can meet at the studio or get something to eat. Besides that though, talents also have their own private stuff to deal with which adds to the difficulty of knowing how much work they do.​
    • Was asked if the Holos are allowed to talk to terminated talents. Mio said it should be fine on her end as they have never told her "You're not allowed to meet/talk with this person." But who knows if the terminated talent doesn't have some sort of NDA that would stop them. She has no idea though and this is only theorizing on her part.​
    • Was asked if the other Holo employees are busy. She doesn't really know as the main one she talks to is her manager. She feels that it's the same for other talents.​
    • Was asked why there aren't more 3D streams despite having the new studio. (This one kinda confused me tbh) but basically, before the new studio was made, Cover had an external studio that they would use in addition to the main one. Ever since the new one was built, all 3D stuff has been done only using it, so it's not like the studio has become more open to the talents. It's still just as busy as ever. (Chat also brought up the staff issues.)​
    • If she could, she would stream more. But she understands her limits and knows that if she did too much, health complications could arise.​
      • When she first got into Hololive, it was actually pretty difficult for Mio to stream. Her throat would struggle cause she talked too much and it made her wonder if her body could handle it. This is why she's much more careful now and doesn't do anything extra like reading superchats.​
    • Was asked if there's anything like a stream quota but Mio said she's never heard of it. She knows that if you don't stream for too long, you'll lose monetization so that's always something to consider.
      • She's someone that streams consistently so it makes sense why they've never told her about a quota. But maybe the members that stream less might get told "Maybe it's time to stream soon." But again, this is only speculation on her part and she has no idea. She can only say that it's never happened to her. (Likely no such thing considering Ayame and Gura lol)​
    • Reiterated that everyone's situations and the way they handle things are different, but she believes that Cover doesn't want talents to graduate. The matter of compatability is always a huge factor though.​
      • She's only sorry that she doesn't know more as she wasn't close to either Chloe or Fauna. She wondered if maybe she could have changed something by talking to them and felt bad she couldnt do more.​
      • She went out for some mystery game stuff together with Chloe but their chats never really went deep. And she talked with Fauna during the Minecraft Sports Festival but that was kinda it. She wished her English was better as she only really talks to Bae and FuwaMoco in EN.​
    • There are a lot of online comments like "The talents feel like they're trapped in cages and they're suffocating. Set them free!" But Mio disagreed as she feels very free, only held back by her own limits.
      • Someone in chat brought up how talents have talked about doing a lot of recordings. Mio said that "recording" is a broad and convenient word, kinda like "difference in direction." We as fans often think of it as going to the studio to record stuff like ads, music, sponsors etc, but it's not all like that.
      • It could be lessons, location filming, voice training etc. In those instances, going into too much detail would be bad so the word "recording" just gets used. It basically can mean any work in general that requires going out.
      • Chat also brought up how many times the talents have talked about late night meetings. Mio said most of the talents are night owls so they're usually asleep during the day. At that point, management will adjust the schedule around them so the meetings will usually happen at night.​
      • Mio herself usually does her meetings during the day but sometimes, emergency meetings will happen at night.​
      • Members will of course do meetings with each other at whatever time works. Those are less like actual "business" meetings and more just discussions about certain projects. Like when Pekora was planning her collab week a bit ago, her and Mio had a talk about it that happened at night.​
    • Someone asked if the managers get frequent breaks. Mio said that hers does. If there's an emergency and she's not available, there's another person Mio can contact. Basically a sub-manager for her manager. So she doesn't really think that this is a black company.​
      • But she does feel that being a talent manager is incredibly tough. There's a ton of responsibility that comes with it and a lot of people have never really been managers before. She reiterated that they are the ones in the middle between the talent and the company so she appreciates how hard her manager works for her and the others that do their best for their talents.​
      • Mio usually goes to her manager right away with any questions or concerns. She thinks it's better to be honest and discuss your feelings right away, rather than letting them build up.​
    • Someone asked if management has ever told her to go collab/associate with a certain person, as it would be good for her. Or has she heard another member having to do the same.
      • Mio straight up said hell no. What would even be the point of that? Said again that they've never been told "We want you to focus on this or do that etc." Cover does not interfere in her private life.
      • But there's always a lot to consider, especially with what's happening in the world. Saying the wrong thing could cause massive controversy and get you flamed. Naturally, management will do their research on that sorta stuff and keep the talents aware of it. Essentially a form of risk management. (At this point, chat said the big 3 are politics, religion and fucking baseball. Thanks Gundou lmao).
      • But basically, stuff like what to say on stream or who to talk to, that doesn't happen.
    • Someone asked if there are penalties for not being able to do a job due to health issues.
      • Mio said that as far as she knows, there isn't. She feels that management is kind when it comes to that but she only knows her own contract so she can't say for sure.
      • When she got hospitalized, she continued getting paid like normal because she was doing stuff like posting and advertising on Twitter. This helped out a ton with getting her medical bills paid.
    • She doesn't know if there will be more graduations upcoming but it's inevitable that more of them will happen. Well even if she did know, it's not like she could say anything. But that's just how it goes when everyone has their own circumstances to consider.​
      • This time though, she had no idea with Fauna and Chloe so it surprised her as much as everyone else.​
      • Of course, it's sad when someone decides to leave and the remaining members don't want it to happen. But they're not really in a position to say something like "Don't leave." Though Mio will still say it to someone that she really doesn't want to leave (like with Coco).​
      • Everyone will worry when these graduations happen and seeing her fans anxious makes her anxious as well. She thinks the other talents feel the same way which is why they've talked about their feelings. With all the rumors and stuff going around, she thought she would do this chat today to take away some of that anxiety.
      • There may be some people that truly believe all the stuff saying that the talents are being forced to work like slaves and that Cover needs to change everything about how it works, but that's just not true.
      • If something crazy were to happen though, like all of 1st Gen, 2nd Gen and Gamers deciding to graduate then yeah, that would be absolutely terrifying and very much a cause for concern.
    • Someone said that while management doesn't have to go into detail for each case, he wishes they could make a statement on why there have been 4 graduations in 6 months.
      • Mio said that she honestly thinks management has no intention to do that. Ultimately, they just want a clean separation with the talent so that they both can go their own way. Distrust and unease towards management has increased for sure as a result, but she thinks they will likely maintain this stance of silence.
    • Mio was curious about the difference between graduation and affilliate and if the affilliates have some sort of leftover contract to follow. She thought that status is likely for any remaining merch that couldn't make it in time for graduation, but felt like she was being too blunt again and stopped herself.​
    • Someone was kinda sad that Aqua didn't become an affilliate. Mio said that she thinks Aqua would have chose graduation either way as there were things she wanted to do no matter what. They haven't talked since her graduation but added each other on LINE and Mio plans to hit her up soon about a store that she went to(?)​
    • Apologized again for being too blunt/straightforward throughout the stream but there's a lot of confusing speculation and info going around, so she wanted to make sure her words were clear. She plans to leave the archive up but if it gets deleted then we know why lmao.​
      • (It's still up as of the time this post. I'm pretty certain management understands it would be a terrible idea to delete the stream especially when the point of it was to ease the fans' concerns.)​
    • Miscalleanous stuff:​
      • She's not working on any big projects currently, but she is helping someone else with theirs.​
      • But her 6th anniversary is coming up! She'll be doing a rare call-in stream. She's also a guest host for Marine's live which is on the same day so she'll have to prepare for that.​
      • FES preprations should be starting soon.​
      • There is no Christmas Karaoke Relay this year, but DEV_IS might be doing one with both REGLOSS and FLOW GLOW​
      • The most expensive thing she bought recently is a laptop as she's been doing more work on the go.​
      • Was asked if she's given advice to other Holos before. She said yes but laughed cause it was more like complaining than anything "This thing is a pain in the ass but there is a solution."​
      • She actually had a chance to talk to FLOW GLOW right before their debut as they were in the studio together. It was a good chat but she wants them to do their own thing for a while, so she'll talk to them again a bit later.​
      • There's an AyaFubuMi cover song coming out soon! The video is done and there's a few more adjustments remaining. Mio also has to talk to Ayame and Fubuki about when to release it, but it should be soon.​
      • Her goal is still to do her own Solo Live one day! She was very happy when Youtube marked her channel as an Artist Channel.​
      • Singing is something very dear to her and she can never get enough of it, so she wants to continue doing her best going forward.​

    Summary for the most relevant parts concering her experiences and management:
    • It's understandable that people are worried and untrusting of Cover after everything that's happened. Mio feels that both parties aren't really at fault though. There have been many times when Mio herself has been unhappy with Cover but she's been able to go beyond those. She has no intention of graduating and feels both happy and cared for where she's at.
    • One of the only times she thought about graduating was about 4 years ago, due to huge issues happening with her manager at the time. She emphasized that compatibility with your manager is absolutely necessary as they're the person that connects you and the company. Without that element, the experience can be miserable.
    • She thinks that currently, Cover is too big and has too many employees. It's hard to judge whether there's a singular focus/objective in mind.
    • She hasn't ever felt like she's been pressured or forced to follow in whatever Cover's direction is. The talents have never been told what Cover's "direction/objective" is in the first place, nor have they been told stuff like "focus on streaming, focus on idol activities, play this or that game etc etc."
    • Because of the above, the phrase "difference in direction" that management and the graduated talents have been using just feels like a convenient phrase to her. There's so much that goes into deciding to graduate, so she believes that each person has their own individual reasons and that they gave it a ton of thought.
    • But she thinks that phrase is necessary because saying too much wouldn't do anything except slander the talent. She appreciates that Cover would want to end things amicably on good terms. But she feels bad for the fans because they don't have any choice but to accept that phrase.
    • She also doesn't think Cover will release a general statement about why there have been so many graduations lately. She thinks that in the end, they just want a clean, peaceful separation so that the company and the talent can go their own way.
    • Mio didn't want it to seem like she's siding with Cover but from her own experience, she felt like she has been treated well. This especially came into play during her hospitalization. Cover was the one that told her to focus on recovering after she wanted to push herself and perform in the Gamers live, despite her pancreas exploding. Cover even continued paying her as normal because she was occasionally using Twitter to post and advertise stuff. As far as she knows, there's no sorta penalty for missing out on the job due to health reasons.
    • She thinks that during your first few years, you don't really know your own limits so you'll do as much as you can. Mio learned about her limits after pushing herself too far during summer 2021-2022. Because of this, she has zero problems outright telling management no when asked for a bunch of work requests. But she understands that some talents might struggle with saying no.
    • There isn't much that's mandatory for the talents to do but those things will fall under contract if so. It makes sense for any company to cover their bases like that.
    • Stuff like FES can be refused but because everyone is participating, there's an awkward sort of pressure that kinda makes it feel forced. Mio thinks that in general, this is something bad about Japanese people and work culture.
    • Mio herself feels very healthy, happy and motivated at the moment. She feels that the environment and people around her are very supportive. But every talent has their own situation and environment, so she can only speak for herself.
    • Mio has never heard of any sort of streaming quota. But she consistently streams so maybe there's a chance that the ones who don't will get told about it. She has no idea though.
    • A lot of the online comments and hate towards Cover have said stuff like the talents are being forced to overwork like slaves. Mio just doesn't think this is true and she feels very free in her work so she doesn't want people to worry about her. If something crazy like 1st gen, 2nd gen and Gamers all graduating were to happen though, then that is a very valid cause for concern.
    • The word "recording" is as broad as "differences in direction" and can mean any sort of work that requires going out.
    • Management has never told her to "go collab with this person" or "go focus on doing this or that" or "go talk about this." While management will do research on controversial topics (politics, religion, baseball) and keep the talents informed, they do not interfere with their personal lives.

    Hope it's understandable why this took so long. I'm tired as all hell :depressedtako:

    But I think it's great to have this much insight from a talent. Especially one as smart, straightforward and hag as Mio.

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