I wonder if it's the frames that include graduated talents. Guessing management either never looked at the PV or just missed it?
backups of the PV:
I don't think showing graduated members would account for the cover getting poofed away also what are they, retarded? Don't the management have to check on everything before giving the okay to have it publicized or I'm just simply being too optimistic about what the background work there is like?
Don't do this to my bros manTbh as a pure Holobrony I do not want these Niji whores in my tribal effigy, the only acceptable ones are pomu and gen 2, everyone else is tainted by Niji dark sorcery, vshojo can have them.
>Inb4 kyo joins Holostars
I for one welcomed millie's panic retardation because it's like seeing a slowly seeping in karma from years back
Either way, this is something she could've said on a much more private place like discord dm so people would be less likely to pick on her. There's nothing her peers could do to lessen the damage because this is a problem Selen had with the management, if they wanted to "help" her that much just lay a direct complain to said management instead of empty replies like this