"I've lost count of the amount of times I had to sit and listen to the people in charge at my old job [vReverie] talk shit and gossip about my friends like it was high school and then tell me I was the 'easiest to deal with' because I stopped fighting for my passions like 6 months in"Nyanami Ruru

Amelia Watson Ceases Activity From Hololive

Spooked But Lobotomized

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Punished Anime Discusser

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Very kind of Kson to drop a zinger to make my man NotMagni look like slightly less of an asshurt whiner, you love to see it.


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Meanwhile ayame, ame, gura, shion, mumei, choco fell into the "why aren't they gone yet" category.
I realize I'm coming at this from the perspective of a Promise stan, but why do so many people seem to think that Mumei is perpetually two weeks from graduation?

Apart from a minor beef with management over choreo for "It's Not A Phase" at Breaking Dimensions, I can't think of a time where she's seemed unhappy with her position. Quite the opposite, she said earlier in the year that she's really grateful to work for a place that will just let her ghost for months on end for personal and/or medical reasons if she needs to. And when she streams, she pretty much always seems to be super into it.

Yeah. It's a way for corpos and talents to kinda... sorta... nudge the whole graduation concept aside a bit but still not completely overturn it, which could be very dangerous but it could also just be a nothingburger. I can think of many CEOs who are watching Cover like hawks atm just to figure out what this means for the industry, probably downing whole jugs of coffee because the industry juggernaut is toying around recklessly again.
Interesting times to be sure. This year's got me occasionally feeling pretty Doomer so a radical change that makes it easier for talents to step back but also come back to the fore has me feeling a lot more calm & hopeful.

As I understand, talents in Hololive kind of follow either of these contracts

-Standard Contract: Stream a certain amount of times a month, attend all major events, attend voice packs when requested
-Gura/LazyGen2 Contract: Stream quota for the quarter, opening for long hiatus that cross over quarters to even a chunk of the year, still expected for the most major events
-Suisei's Contract: Always was unique given the fact that she created the character so it's unknown how much of the IP of Suisei she actually is allowed to keep, but the main new thing is she is officially not a streamer and will now only stream to tie into a major event or as a life update. Her career is mostly focused on music now.
-Ame's Contract: A more complete and de jure version nof the Gura/LazyGen2 and Suisei Contract. Effectively a soft graduation but with the talent not fully retired, only called in for major events, otherwise they are effectively treated as a graduated talent for most of the year
Unless there's been a major shift behind the scenes at Cover, there's never been any sort of streaming quota. Been confirmed by JP members for years. And even "big events" seem to be somewhat optional, or else you'd have Kiara and Fauna both forced to participate in GTA RP and Bae would've shown up for more than the first and last hour of EN Reco.

A couple of Holomems will out live Youtube, Cover and a good chunk of their audience.
On the JP side, I think Marine, Fubuki, Korone, and Mio will graduate when they either die of old age or the tax men forcibly remove them from the building.

On the EN side, Fauna will be the last one of the current gens to graduate after a successful 15-year career streaming games that survives both her getting married & having multiple children. Is this Sapling cope? Yes, 100%

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Someone brought up Ame, kson says "she respects her decision, if it is her decision".
This bitch really needs to log off for like a solid year. Get her head out of her pert pretty ass and get some hobbies other than having increasingly shitty takes on the industry.

I'll always maintain that Holo's worst year so far was 2020. Sure they were catapulted up by the boom but the fucking issues of that era make some graduations with seemingly no ill will and some honest mistakes like mel seem like peanuts.
That really was a rough time, it's true. I feel like I never got to follow Myth's early days because I was in the trenches, fighting Coco haters. I'd never thought of myself as racist... but then I discovered Chink Anti's on Twitter.
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Nigel Nigerman

Choo Choo Motherfuckers!
Joined:  Dec 22, 2022
That reminds me of what I should do today, following her twitter account.

Edit: Well shit. I can't find her twitter account. It looks like she deleted it. :pippasadl::ameraintear:
Edit again: Motherfucker! Thank you, The Rrat!
Welp, that was an emotional rollercoaster in three sentences.

I fully subscribe to the idea that Watson leaving was severely going to fuck up Cover's IP plans (especially with the new card game, anime project i.e. HoloWitches, HoloEarth and what now) and her soft graduating is just a means for Cover to keep the IP while she is free to go do as she pleases

Not sure how I think about this route in the near future (this kinda harkens to Niji's multiple year "breaks" and still selling Merch of characters while they are no longer active) but I also kind of feel like it solves the issue of VTuber character IP/Merch always having been dependent on whether or not the character is still in your employment

At the end of the day, if it benefits both parties (Cover keeps the IP for use in outside projects while the talent is able to come back for events) I wouldnt be mad but only time will tell
I trust Yagoo to do the right thing for his talents. Riku (Azehara) on the other hand can choke on some nuts (Vox's).

3 posts in the same fucking page
I really dont know what will happen if Kaela graduates
You will fill her thread with thousands of pages of your posts alone ?
Imagine Nolan-level posting but instead of "LOL", "LMAO" and "*cries, hugs?" it'll just be "Kaela doko?", "I miss Kaela UwU" and "Kaela isn't streaming right now, I miss her!!! WARBLGARBLBAGFSJAJSVAMBSJ!!!".

At least he would have some 2023 info
It has been more than 3 years since Coco Graduated in 2021 and she lives a happy life with a good amount of income while all of HoloCN(even the ones that did nothing wrong) has been vanished to Vtuber Inferno
What does she want at this point?


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I realize I'm coming at this from the perspective of a Promise stan, but why do so many people seem to think that Mumei is perpetually two weeks from graduation?

Apart from a minor beef with management over choreo for "It's Not A Phase" at Breaking Dimensions, I can't think of a time where she's seemed unhappy with her position. Quite the opposite, she said earlier in the year that she's really grateful to work for a place that will just let her ghost for months on end for personal and/or medical reasons if she needs to. And when she streams, she pretty much always seems to be super into it.
I just listed the people who doesn't stream much, mumei is just one of them.
And the actual reason she wasn't streaming is because she is studying, which she coined "civilization duty". And it isn't something like art or literature. It seems the "heavy" study kind.
She'd want to make use of that college degree sooner or later though? Else there would be no reason for her to study it so seriously.
And worse, she might even be studying for a PHD in an uni instead of just a bachelor's. It's more normal for people her age to study that than a bachelor's and she's just using hololive as a part-time gig to pay for it.

It's less than "having issues with hololive" and more of a "her heart is somewhere else" thing.
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Well now not-ame can finally finish a longer term project, right?! :smugmoona:


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Just wait until fucboy Lando tells us his opinion we didn't ask for.
I know IQs have plummeted drastically in the last 5 years so I'll repeat: someone on chat asked her "did you hear about Amelia?", which is why she commented.
Thank God. What would we do without knowing what Kson's opinion was?
You have 47 (and counting) posts on this thread, but you're gonna complain kson commented about Ame when she was asked to by her chat?



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Fubuki's Best Friendo
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A couple more from talents.

Also something to lighten the mood:

I have come to a realisation. I hate stars fans. I really do hate them. They are ruining hololive as a whole. God i wanna see them burn. For a bit of context, you can go to any comments from other holomems and the fans responses are either emote or the usual " we will miss her too" or " ame forever ". Now you go under the Altare post, most of the comments seems to make it more about him posting under her graduation post than her graduating. I even saw some " Based Leader" comments. Man they piss me off.


Joined:  Dec 30, 2022
>Announces semi-graduation at the end of September
>Will be returning for a project in October

The Ame Way.
Frankly, I hope this is how all "graduations" are handled from now on: ceasing activities but still able to come back on special occasions. Obviously, people like Rushia, who was terminated with prejudice don't count, but Cover can lead the (Ame)way in the market.

Punished Anime Discusser

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I have come to a realisation. I hate stars fans. I really do hate them. They are ruining hololive as a whole. God i wanna see them burn. For a bit of context, you can go to any comments from other holomems and the fans responses are either emote or the usual " we will miss her too" or " ame forever ". Now you go under the Altare post, most of the comments seems to make it more about him posting under her graduation post than her graduating. I even saw some " Based Leader" comments. Man they piss me off.

I don't even think the Stars guys are doing anything particularly to attract these fans. It's just the difference between majorly male and female fanbases I guess. To use Randon and Caspurr as an example again, Randon's fanbase is mostly dudes and a couple women and the chat is nothing but shitposting, Caspurr's fanbase seems to be exclusively women and the chat is incredibly unsettling to look at between all the concernfagging and babying.


Joined:  Dec 30, 2022
Hmmm Here's the stream, btw. It's still live and I went back 2 hours and 45 minutes to hear what she says.

I went to the 2h45 minute mark, but she talks about thicc arms and KsonXGuutara event. Do you have a specific timestamp for this?


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I went to the 2h45 minute mark, but she talks about thicc arms and KsonXGuutara event. Do you have a specific timestamp for this?
It's 28 minutes in.


Joined:  Dec 30, 2022
It's 28 minutes in.
Thanks. Okay, so she simply responded to a question posed by a comment. Frankly, I don't see any big issue with this. Yes, if it is her decision then great. I doubt she has been following all of Cover's machinations of late, she's been doing her own thing and travelling all over the place. I don't think she has a big hard-on about Cover at this point. She even bought some Hololive cards and got a big kick on getting the "best girl" Yagoo card. Anyway, that's my read on it. Feel free to rainbow me if you like, but whatevs.


Drink Milk
Joined:  Feb 24, 2023
I can only assume she's implying that cover is forcing her into being a test subject for this new venture. If you know nothing about Ame, have refused to read the official statements, and have not listened to anything she or the rest of myth has said, and the little hamster in your brain is too diabetic to jog on his wheel for 30 seconds, then maybe this could be a real 🤔:mitothink: moment, but she's just ascribing malice to cover and idiocy or helplessness to Ame for little to no reason. I won't pretend corporate vtubing is clean and shiny, especially not at the gigantic corpo levels of Holo. I'm sure there's tons of awful dirt that we don't and will never know about behind the scenes. Sure. I'll even buy that Coco's departure may have been worse than what we know behind the scenes. No need to act as if every drink you encounter is poisoned because of it.
your all salting about the vaguest post and I for one appreciate the laugh.

not even one of you taking a shot in the dark and assuming she meant Ame's family didin't she move back in with them recently ?

Not to defend KSon being stupid enough to say anything in the first place woman shut up. but it could mean anything from Ame is under evil mind control to Ame has been replaced with an less evil doppleganger.

Hate Kson for being vague posting in whore corpo.


Mori's pet cat
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Poyoyo & Jill

Joined:  Jul 9, 2023
The actual thing she said was basically "Big respect to Ame for making that decision (if it was her decision), cause it's something she's wanted to do for a long time." She was essentially congratulating Ame on taking a step in her life, while expressing a very brief worry (literally 5 words) about the possibility that it was something else. The tone of the comment was positive, and she was basically just answering the question of someone in chat. Honestly, considering she's friends with Mel, and undoubtedly knows way more about that whole situation than any of us idiots on this website, I'm inclined to give her the consideration of expressing like one second of worry on Ame's behalf.
The Rica Termination showed than nobody is giving her info of current Hololive so her opinion is important as the one of the members of this forum
Not to defend KSon being stupid enough to say anything in the first place woman shut up. but it could mean anything from Ame is under evil mind control to Ame has been replaced with an less evil doppleganger.
Hate Kson for being vague posting in whore corpo.
Ame already said it isnt for personal reasons so yeah people will take the other interpretation

Bob from accounting

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Joined:  Mar 14, 2023
Kson's 20 seconds about Ame was the most bog standard well wishing and generic hope her the best you can think of after being asked by her chat about the topic.
Genuinely if this bothers you, maybe /vt/ is more your speed, they too enjoy taking things out of context for the purposes of schitzo ratting. You can like or dislike Kson, but at least don't invent reasons in your head about her trying to take shots at her ex company or sticking her nose into something unprompted.

Halal Gaming

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Kson's 20 seconds about Ame was the most bog standard well wishing and generic hope her the best you can think of after being asked by her chat about the topic.
Genuinely if this bothers you, maybe /vt/ is more your speed, they too enjoy taking things out of context for the purposes of schitzo ratting. You can like or dislike Kson, but at least don't invent reasons in your head about her trying to take shots at her ex company or sticking her nose into something unprompted.
IDK anyone else but what it bothers me in different places thinking her opinion matters(in this particular case)
I would not be bothered if it was about any Gen4 or Calli (because they are really good friends now) but if not then her opinion its just as worth as mine

El Rrata

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I know IQs have plummeted drastically in the last 5 years so I'll repeat: someone on chat asked her "did you hear about Amelia?", which is why she commented.

You have 47 (and counting) posts on this thread, but you're gonna complain kson commented about Ame when she was asked to by her chat?

View attachment 78822
I know you are a cynical, bitter retard that gets buttmad over anything related to EN because you hate the branch, but the woman has a history of saying vague, retarded shit whenever ANYTHING happens without stopping to think about it first. The woman has a chip on her shoulder that is obvious to anyone who pays even a bit of attention. And if you really think me posting comments on a forum holds as much weight as a Kson stream, then she's even more irrelevant nowadays than I thought.


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