Employed directors, contractors as staffs
From their listing in that page
Masaru Yamazaki - Brave Group CFO
Keito Noguchi - Brave Group CEO
Akihiro Ichimura - Head of European Business (Resigned Sep 2023)
Jun Funabashi - Brave Group COO
Yuji Watanabe - Brave Group Chief Human Resource
Takahiro Takazawa - Brave Group Eu Ltd. Managing Director
Kazutoshi Takayama - Brave EU Director
Kyoun Kim - Brave Group VP of IP Production
Masako Eguchi-Bacon - Brave EU Director
Tl;dr it's a bunch of sham filling, only 3 of them actually works for Brave EU, Takahiro the overwatch guy, Kazutoshi, freshly hired Bacon and a retired Akihiro.
The branch manager Takahjro and Kazutoshi likely works from Japan while Bacon is the only director living in UK and they certainly have contractors working ground employee positions. Idk how illegal having a company made up entirely of contractors working 9-5 is in UK but Brave still has gotten away with it.
Managers likely based in Japan like Hololive rather than living in the UK and employed (if actually employed and not a contractor) to Brave Group rather than Brave EU Ltd.