"OK guys this stream is gonna have a lot of typos coming from my mouth"Kaela Kovalskia

Rage Pig Ho Down - Ralph Discovers vTubers to Spite GAYTOR


#1 Hexa Fan
Joined:  Feb 26, 2023
I usually wouldn't want to put someone in an awkward position like this, but given her seemingly close association with Kiki I feel like @midori should comment on these findings sooner rather than later, since an outsider seeing her being chummy with someone who has this much dirt on them would understandably assume the worst. Has Kiki talked about this privately? Has she owned up to anything, disputed anything, provided missing context etc.? @naganon @John Vtuber👁️ One of you should give her a nudge if you can, since turning a blind eye to this and hoping it dies down would be career suicide at this point.
I'm not going to push her to. If Hexa wants to comment on it she will.


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
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I'm not going to push her to. If Hexa wants to comment on it she will.
Okay, but both you and her need to understand there are consequences for keeping quiet while having someone like Kiki in your close inner circle. This isn't the usual shit where you say a gamer word and Twitter gets mad, there is actual genuine concern here.


#1 Hexa Fan
Joined:  Feb 26, 2023
Okay, but both you and her need to understand there are consequences for keeping quiet while having someone like Kiki in your close inner circle. This isn't the usual shit where you say a gamer word and Twitter gets mad, there is actual genuine concern here.
You're making an assumption that Kiki is in her "inner circle." Whatever that means.

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

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Okay, but both you and her need to understand there are consequences for keeping quiet while having someone like Kiki in your close inner circle. This isn't the usual shit where you say a gamer word and Twitter gets mad, there is actual genuine concern here.
From what I've seen they are just acquaintances, her reaction to the info was that of genuine surprise


Shared joy is double joy
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Glad to see my gut feeling about this dumb bitch was correct.


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
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From what I've seen they are just acquaintances, her reaction to the info was that of genuine surprise
If she has given a reaction I missed it, in which case I apologise. I've seen them collaborate and interact on multiple occasions so I assumed they were close, if Hexa was caught unaware and has distanced herself accordingly then I respect that.

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

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If she has given a reaction I missed it, in which case I apologise. I've seen them collaborate and interact on multiple occasions so I assumed they were close, if Hexa was caught unaware and has distanced herself accordingly then I respect that.
Not really public I suppose



Dread Father
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Wait so y'all are telling me the degen lolibait streamer who marketed herself exclusively to the type of 4chinz users too gross to make it into the boo bros, is in fact a neurotic trainwreck of a mentally ill (and likely abused) woman?

Whoaaaaaaa :iryswhat:

Superduper Samurai

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Wait so y'all are telling me the degen lolibait streamer who marketed herself exclusively to the type of 4chinz users too gross to make it into the boo bros, is in fact a neurotic trainwreck of a mentally ill (and likely abused) woman?

Whoaaaaaaa :iryswhat:
Was never 100% confirmed or exposed until now, she always had rumors and it was only by the bad luck of gator talking to her and getting the attention of people who orbit and who are in da sektur

regardless i only take issue at the fact that some people seem to think she was a mainstay of the community or the thread when at best she was looked down upon rightfully for being a retarded 4chan panderer who had a really deep menhera streak


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Right, she bought the fursuit and went to those furry conventions and posted on those furry hookup sites, but she had no idea it was a sexual fetish or that adults might be involved.
You are genuinely fucking delusional and have no semblance of an idea of what you are even talking about. Go back to /vt/, you'd fit there better.

The Proctor

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Right, she bought the fursuit and went to those furry conventions and posted on those furry hookup sites, but she had no idea it was a sexual fetish or that adults might be involved.

You of course have proof of this you can share with the class, don't you?


Shared joy is double joy
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I feel the unashamed need to once again point out that Pippa is essentially just like her, she just did the pedobaiting at furry cons instead of on 4chan.
And also may or may not still be with her groomer.

Right, she bought the fursuit and went to those furry conventions and posted on those furry hookup sites, but she had no idea it was a sexual fetish or that adults might be involved.
You cant just drop accusations like that without some evidence, big guy


Dread Father
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Was never 100% confirmed or exposed until now, she always had rumors and it was only by the bad luck of gator talking to her and getting the attention of people who orbit and who are in da sektur

regardless i only take issue at the fact that some people seem to think she was a mainstay of the community or the thread when at best she was looked down upon rightfully for being a retarded 4chan panderer who had a really deep menhera streak
I remember there being some drama around late 2022 or early 2023 iirc where she was in a spat with another 4chinz grooming target and there were some messages that got leaked where she talked about some of her weird fetishes. But this is the first I've seen of her outright saying she has lolicon tendencies IRL.


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Sucks that Kiki's a menhara getting off to her own abuse, but on the other hand, "I'm innocent because that underage whore baited me into it" is the oldest lie in the book - literally the premise of Lolita.
Sorry, but after reading this, I just couldn't stop thinking about this classic from yanderedev.

AO Cody

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Null is that you?
This, but unironically. I genuinely believe Proctor is lost in the sauce right now, and sees an opportunity to have his own Null moment. Despite the fact TVA isn't supposed to be a lolcow hunting ground, we're seeing that you can take the man out of the Farms, but not the Farms out of the man. A quick glance at half this thread is proof of that.

This is gonna be a long one. Consider this me getting out my definitive stance on the matter so that all cards are on the table. Agree, disagree, give me whatever stickers you want. Hopefully this sums up a lot of the issues it seems that people are overlooking because a lot of people are on that MamaMax kick right now (MamaMaxxing, if you will).

The fact of the matter is Kiki is a child sexual abuse victim, and is clearly traumatized by it. "When they tell you what they are, believe them"? Hard to do that when the person telling you what they are is a jumbled mess themselves. Going through those logs, Kiki very clearly did not get over what happened to her and is struggling to cope. Looking at all these logs she predominantly wants to be the child, which, while fucked up on its own, isn't a danger to anyone. I know we love focusing on one screenshot out of a metric truckload of them, but she is a confused grooming victim trying to cope with what was done to her. She says she used to feel this way, but not anymore. Yes, I know the statistics on pedophiles, I also know people who have been traumatized say and think some insane shit in their attempts to rationalize what happened to them.

And yes, make no mistake; Kiki was groomed. I know people focus more on "you're so mature for your age" when they think of grooming, but what happened to Kiki was absolutely grooming. She escapes a bad home life through the internet, only to end up on 4chan. She's somewhere she thinks she belongs, where everyone is as weird as her. On 4chan she's getting attention, continuous positive reinforcement, and during a point in her development when she's just starting to be interested in the opposite sex, she's getting men fawning over her and making her feel desirable. She acted out for attention, and these grown men encouraged her worst behaviors in the hopes of victimizing her, which one of them eventually ended up doing. It's Pleasure Island type grooming.

CSA victims go through a lot of mental gymnastics to cope or rationalize what happened to them. This is why you see so many girls who were molested by male family members become butch, man-hating lesbians. They become deliberately unattractive as a defense mechanism (believing that being attractive is what put them in danger), and hate men because they see all men as the male family member that abused them. People who were abused as a child rarely function well in society without help. They'll go through all manner of rationalizations. Kiki saying "I used to feel this way, but don't anymore" does track, because it's not only possible, but likely she went through a phase of mentally normalizing what happened to her, before pulling herself out of that. Judging by all these logs put together, she's associated being young and desired by all those r9k scuzzbuckets as some kind of peak.

There's a difference between chastising someone and condemning them. Kiki is worthy of being chastised for her behavior, but condemning someone who was basically raped and is now as a result of which is going through a mental meltdown just seems vile, to me. She hasn't hurt anyone, she's clearly trying to get better, but is also very clearly failing at it. She's like the molestation victim that self-medicates with drugs or booze, except she's self-medicating with internet parasociality. The very same thing that got her into this mess when she was 14. This isn't about men vs. women culture war shit, men who were abused as children go through the same shit Kiki is going through. I am, of course, not counting the ones that continue the cycle. Kiki just made the mistake of telling internet strangers what other victims keep between them and their therapists/case workers.

The biggest sign she's not properly coping is the "I actually feel like Kiki IRL and not my real self" spiel. I think people wanted to zero in on this as a sign she's some predator honeypot character, but in reality this is the most textbook proxy suicide you can find. It's the same as the wave of depressed men becoming transgender we've seen crop up in recent years. Kill the old you, become a new you that's already guaranteed by what looks to you as a societal contract to start out with a level of affection and adoration you're entitled to. It's the reason you get such an emotional reaction to "deadnaming" someone; they're desperate to wipe away that old self that they hate, and you're reminding them of said self. Kiki is clearly trying to use the Kiki character for the same reason. Kiki is a cute little anime rabbit girl that people adore, she's much better than those "used goods" that got herself played by internet perverts.

Even if you said you ain't reading all that and skimmed it, this is the important part:

Kiki is very clearly on a knife's edge right now. She's self-medicating her trauma in all the wrong ways. Dogpiling her and trying to brute force her into being some kind of horrorcow is only going to exacerbate her problems. The only thing making her feel desperate and cornered in the state she's in is going to accomplish is pushing her to do something far worse. Potentially undoing any actual progress she's made and making a self-fulfilling prophecy out of her, if she doesn't just "an hero" instead.

That said, it's also on Kiki to get better, and if people should be pushing her to do anything, it's that. This?

I’ve known about Kiki since that really early single collab she did with Pippa, and I’d say a red flag that revealed how fucked she was, was a time where was so parasocial towards her chat that she was going to buy a super expensive wedding ring FOR THE ENTIRE PURPOSE OF MARRYING HER CHAT, AND THEY NEEDED ACTUALLY TARD WRANGLE HER OUT OF IT. Only to then still buy a ring anyway but it was apparently only 70$ or something? I am paraphrasing and could be wrong about few details since it’s been a long time but the main details of this story have always stuck with me concerning Kiki.
This tracks with what we saw in those logs. She's self-medicating through a parasocial connection with her chat. She doesn't realize what she thinks is healing her is just the same shit she did all those years ago that got her hurt. She's once again surrounded herself with degenerate men encouraging her worst habits in an attempt to seek gratification from her.

Kiki is not a predator. As stated previously, by all accounts she wants to be the victimized child again. As fucked up as ageplay is, it's not harming anyone. She's a tragedy playing out far more publicly than it should be.

What needs to happen is Kiki needs to take time off. Like a few months. I know every VTuber is mortified by the idea of doing so because they think they'll be instantly forgotten, but she won't. She needs to take time off, find a therapist, see if there's a CSA support group she can reach out to, and--this is the important part Kiki, if you're reading this--get away from your community. I know they've supported you, but you also have a lot of "UOOOH no-no square" faggots in there that are just going to reopen your wounds. Obviously not all of them are this way, but even one of them can be a problem.

Get away from all this for a bit and seek some help. Stay in touch with your fellow VTuber friends so you have a support system that won't enable you, and if you need to take medication, try it. When you come back, rebrand. You don't even need to completely eliminate Kiki, just change her around a bit. Specifically, drop the 4chan branding. 4chan got you into this mess in the first place, it's not your friend. Lose the clover, or if you wanna keep that because you just like clovers, at least tweak your last name a bit. Change it to Kiki Ponpon or Kiki Pyopon or something. Being Kiki is clearly your happy place, don't let it be tainted by making the same mistakes all over again.

And if she does do all that, and still has these problems, then it's probably better for her to just leave. Step out of the spotlight, retire as an internet figure of any kind, because it'll only do her harm.


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
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Right, she bought the fursuit and went to those furry conventions and posted on those furry hookup sites, but she had no idea it was a sexual fetish or that adults might be involved.
The "furry hookup site" you're talking about was her FurAffinity account, which is an art website like deviantArt. Yes, degenerate behaviour happens there because furries can't contain themselves, but acting like she was on there to get a grown man to fuck her rather than because she liked drawings of animals is incredibly disingenuous.

The Proctor

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Sorry, but after reading this, I just couldn't stop thinking about this classic from yanderedev.
Honestly it's an incredibly apt summation of the accusations.
I don't give an iota of a fuck about the sad testimony of a bunch of creeps who went looking for jailbait and found it - you're not convincing me that they genuinely thought she was legal when Kiki couldn't have been more than 16 at the most.
Is it irresponsible and fucky of Kiki to have been interested in older men at that age? Absolutely, but the underage are sexually irresponsible by definition. That's why it's illegal to have sex with them, because they're not developed enough to understand what's going on, and Kiki is ultimately no different no matter how much she said she wanted it. The impetus is on the adult not to fuck the kid.

That was years ago. Now certainly Kiki's fetishes and behaviour today are gross and concerning, and her content is little I could watch or engage with myself, but soapboxing about an imminent threat to children or getting MATI about how she's absolutely a paedophile is stretching the situation. The only kid to have actually been in danger or abused in this entire drama is Kiki herself.
The only smoking gun is her own self-confession in DMs about how she at some point had some issues being attracted to children for an unspecified amount of time, because of what happened to her. And she also claims to have since gotten over it in the same message. It's not much to go on and nothing to damn her with - you take that to the cops and they'll politely thank you for the tip before dumping it in a cabinet to be forgotten about, because they have much more active and threatening predators to be concerned with than an abused hikki girl who jills herself to the thought of being a loli.
Last edited:

AO Cody

Go read Cloudscratcher
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You will eat these words. That is all.
I'll take that bet if we have some kind of time frame where you'd have to admit you, too, were wrong.

Honestly it's an incredibly apt summation of the accusations.
I don't give an iota of a fuck about the sad testimony of a bunch of creeps who went looking for jailbait and found it - you're not convincing me that they genuinely thought she was legal when Kiki couldn't have been more than 16 at the most.
Is it irresponsible and fucky of Kiki to have been interested in older men at that age? Absolutely, but the underage are sexually irresponsible by definition. That's why it's illegal to have sex with them, because they're not developed enough to understand what's going on, and Kiki is ultimately no different no matter how much she said she wanted it. The impetus is on the adult not to fuck the kid.

That was years ago. Now certainly Kiki's fetishes and behaviour today are gross and concerning, and her content is little I could watch or engage with myself, but soapboxing about an imminent threat to children or getting MATI about how she's absolutely a paedophile is stretching the situation. The only kid to have actually been in danger or abused in this entire drama is Kiki herself.
The only smoking gun is her own self-confession in DMs about how she at some point had some issues being attracted to children for an unspecified amount of time, because of what happened to her. And she also claims to have since gotten over it in the same message. It's not much to go on and nothing to damn her with - you take that to the cops and they'll politely thank you for the tip before dumping it in a cabinet to be forgotten about, because they have much more active and threatening predators to be concerned with than a hikki girl who jills herself to the thought of being a loli.
I think this sums it up better than my long-ass post did.


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