@Stunned But Dumb dont you see the fat pig on the background? 

yeah I kind of started ignoring it@Stunned But Dumb dont you see the fat pig on the background?![]()
Yes, there is an actual reason for the double standard. Victims of pedophilia are largely female, while perpetrators are overwhelmingly male(includes males of trans experience, natch).If this was a male vtuber, you would all have condemned him already and be calling for his head.
Kiki is provably, obviously, blatantly far worse than Marina - who, for all his vileness, never actually came out and said, unambiguously, 'I want to fuck kids'. Kiki has.
oh so that was a pig@Stunned But Dumb dont you see the fat pig on the background?![]()
I'd argue that the stats could be flawed because that mostly the only includes prosecuted perpetrators or caught perpetrators there are plenty of lightly prosecuted and straight up unprosecuted female teacher perpetrators that were caught at the very least. Adding in how guys are less likely to report that shit versus girls reporting, etc.Yes, there is an actual reason for the double standard. Victims of pedophilia are largely female, while perpetrators are overwhelmingly male(includes males of trans experience, natch).
You know what, you're the sound one. The wording (ESL debuff) and the age shows she really needs to fuck off, maybe forever (went to re-check the screenshots with 22/23 stuff in daylight brain and thrrang clips).I would also like to point out, as someone who thinks he is typically pretty reasonable about the Lolicon/Shotacon arguement, Kiki specifically said CHILDREN.
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Not Loli
Not Shota
Put everything else aside, if the posts in this thread were coming from /vt/ you bastards would be making furn of everyone there busting out their armchair psychology degrees as hard as you guys have.
I'm disappointed in the amount of people here who are essay-posting dissertations on how she's a poor uwubean who doesn't know what she's doing. The most she deserves is "Yup, that's fucked up. I hope she gets help."
Some of you need to be reminded of the important difference between EXPLANATION and EXCUSE. Everything posted so far EXPLAINS her behavior and why she ended up doing what she did, but it doesn't EXCUSE it. There are many instances of her using her agency to still do bad things. I refuse to believe unless she is a genuine psychopath that basic empathy and social norms wouldn't have told her those things were BAD.
Was she potentially dealt a poor hand in life? Sure. But again, that doesn't EXCUSE her.
She's supposedly 19-20 now, so if the tales of her starting this stuff around 2017 are to be believe she's potentially been doing this since she was 12-13. Based on the screenshots these occurred when she was 18ish? Admitting to acting like pedobait when she was 14/15?
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Either way, this stuff does not look good gents and I really don't understand the fullthroated defense some of you guys are giving.![]()
I also retract this statement, while I'm still doubting someone as young as her could teach children, the fact stands that for now, she did enter classrooms with them. She's probably as bad as Marina.And she will still lack the depravity to talk about her fetish with kids as a teacher and adopting an autistic child to satisfy her narcisism.
There's so many more girls that you need to check: the Hikikomoshi Girls, the aspies (at least half of them already dodges Kiki), unaware newcomers. I know she was getting along again with some people after the Hexa collab, maybe they saw it as a green flag.I'm just hoping parasi isn't wrapped up in her shit. Shit like this makes me want to get a shack in the woods like uncle Ted.![]()
Honestly I feel like this thread should be made public anyway, the news and commentary surrounding someone who claims to have been a teacher talking about being attracted to children is unambiguously in the public interest, there's no need to tuck it away behind a login wall.All I can say is there are a few people in here who best hope @Short doesn't go "lol, lmao" and stuff gets crossposted to KF.
Imagine being scared of a babyface like Josh
Randbot's typing like he wants to physically blow Josh for this but has to settle for only metaphorically doing so.
It's a clip.Randbot's typing
Im sorry, I listened to this whole thing and every time he said "e-whore" I just burst out laughing.
I see based on these reactions we have asylum civil war 2 electric boogaloo over something vastly more concerning I have a feeling those MATI reactors are not long for this siteQuick Edit: This rant is directed at those people who are blatantly ignoring the evidence right in front of their eyes. Some of you gave okay takes, I'm just not really in the mood to single them out right now. tl;dr; if a post doesn't look like it'd prompt this response and you don't jerk it to loli in your spare time, I'm probably not talking about you.
I go to bed and I wake up to cringe. Dear god, I wake up to so much cringe.
Let me be abundantly clear;
You cannot cure paedophilia.
'I was abused as a child' is not an excuse.
If this was a male vtuber, you would all have condemned him already and be calling for his head.
Kiki is provably, obviously, blatantly far worse than Marina - who, for all his vileness, never actually came out and said, unambiguously, 'I want to fuck kids'. Kiki has.
When these people tell you what they are, believe them.
You people seem to think there is some level of excuse for this activity. It disgusts me. I don't care what your reasoning is, you fucking retards are defending a self-admitted paedophile who has spent years doing this shit, has never once sought help, and deliberately, purposefully cultivates this image to this very day.
If you are in any way okay with this or are willing to excuse this, I don't want you in my community. GET OUT. Never post on my website ever again. You are painting an image of my site that makes the people on Kiwi Farms perfectly justified in their opinions that everyone who is involved with anime is a degenerate who deserves the flamethrower.
Even more shit is coming out about this behind the scenes. This is your last fucking chance to backpedal and pretend this never happened, or else you are all going to have to live with some very heavy PR millstones around your necks, which I will do nothing to shield you from the consequences of.
I am actually shaking with rage at the disgusting, pathetic cope you retards are spewing right now. This is not the kind of thing I will simply forget about once I calm down. If I have to purge my website of lolicons and take a 90% drop in activity levels, I will do so without the slightest hesitation and consider it a sacrifice worth performing.
I'm not responding to any further pings from this fucking thread. I do not want to be educated about how it's perfectly okay to fuck little girls if you have a cute bunny avatar and piss into cups. If you sincerely hold these views, there is only one way I want you to express them; through the plate glass window of an incinerator, with me on one side pulling the lever and you on the other. It is for your own safety that I do not engage in this retardation anymore.
Right, she engaged in furry shit, but she had no idea it was a sexual fetish or that adults might be involved.there is a difference between being a victim of grooming because you were young and naïve and they took advantage of that, vs. actively seeking out men who want to prey on minors and advertising the fact you are underage to them. Come the fuck on now.
No, she is not, you mongoloid mouthbreathing retard. Holy fucking shit I cannot believe this was actually just said unironically.I feel the unashamed need to once again point out that Pippa is essentially just like her
The Zax stuff still isn't concrete to the best of my knowledge, but even so, there is a difference between being a victim of grooming because you were young and naïve and they took advantage of that, vs. actively seeking out men who want to prey on minors and advertising the fact you are underage to them. Come the fuck on now.I feel the unashamed need to once again point out that Pippa is essentially just like her, she just did the pedobaiting at furry cons instead of on 4chan.
And also may or may not still be with her groomer.