Oh no. I wonder what happened to Selen?
Did nobody suggest them in the dead pool? It's only January and already one corpo is down the toilet.
RealCorp is also dead by the end of the month. Another tiny corpo that did nothing to promote themselves or their talents.
Couldn't have happened to a worse guy. He made Froot seem like a faithful saint. All those times he tried to cancel others and then he gets eaten by his own. My favorite part is the
replies to those callout posts. You have a bunch of vultures stepping over his digital corpse to promote their own channels. Another bunch of gullible idiots who ignored the red flags and thought he was a cool guy. And the phony messages of support "uWu I hope you're okay from that terrible abuse! sending love!

" And the fact that this mentally ill bitch wrote a 100 page doc over a breakup. It's a perfect encapsulation of what makes the looneytroon vtweeter scene so repulsive and pathetic.
Seems like normal woke behavior. Usually the ones that screech the most and act all high and mighty are the ones with the most skeletons in their closet.
If they dont have talents, what merch are they going to sell?
You don't need talents to sell merch. Look at UWU Market. Maybe they will focus on the whole logistics and creating the merch for others and not directly support the vtubers themselves.
As expected, a few days before the event she gets pulled.
Place your bets how long before it's announced she is graduating. I assume they will wait until after Pomu has left.
If they are smart they will keep this under wraps for atleast a month after the Pomu graduation. If you hit the Nijisisters with a 2nd graduation a few days or weeks after the 1st you will kill the morale and public trust and perception in that company will go to shit (on EN side because this somehow never seems to affect JP side).
Out of curiosity, I checked the archives and found some interesting posts. As always, it's /vt/, so take with a grain of salt.
All I get from this is that hardcore fans are the worst and they need to touch grass. Also, didn't Yuko say that Gura was her oshi? Maybe she is following in her steps.
All jokes aside, the whole donothon thing is pretty shit. Is there any indication that she works or that she goes to college? Maybe she just has stress over that shit and doesn't feel motivated to stream. That said, she should use some of the donation money she earned to hire people to help her do all the shit she promised if she wants to stay in the good graces of her community. Doesnt matter how shitty and annoying they are, donothon goals are a type of contract/promise you make and not delivering on it is pretty scummy.
I know everyone keeps saying it cause of the Riro Ron incident but could the Brave group collab, and likely eventual buyout be what really has them running for the hills?
Unless Idol lied about the Riro Ron suspension and the talents didn't buy the bullshit, I would also agree that the Brave thing is more of an issue to cause concern, especially from the talent's side. "What if we get sold to some chinese company?" Will the terms of our contract get fucked over because China Company wantsa bigger cut? Will advertising and support slow down? Shit like that will make you question how stable your current job is and activating PL accounts is possibly a smart move. Both to tell management to not fuck around and as a way to still have a presence online in case shit goes south.
But the posting of channels where people advertise themselves to support one another and the people who write these messages of support, how genuine are those anymore when the guy they just outed claimed to be an ally themselves?
Trust has been shaken in my eyes and I would not trust another person in that community for a while if I was still VTubing. It's absurd how gullible these people are, I cannot trust 90% of those accounts I'm seeing. Why is everyone so fucking stupid to realize that?
Going to assume that those "support" messages mainly come from a place of clout farming and "im going to do this because it will give me brownie points with the community". People who often call themselves "allies" are the biggest snakes.
Anyone who's a regular Nano supporter got any guesses what's happening here?
Going to assume one of the following:
1. sponsorship
2. merch
3. big collab
4. starting a group with other girls