What gets me is the Old School runescape isn't even the even older runescape I played

I remember you had a quest to kill this dragon in a room , and you could watch people fighting it from outside and die and drop a pile of stuff. You can only go inside the room to fight it for the quest, but I found that if I went in the room when somebody was fighting it and they died before they killed it, I could grab all the stuff and finish it off and they would get credit for killing it, but not me, so I could keep going back into the room and doing it. People were getting mad and confused because they would come back and not be able to go in because the game marks them as finished the quest. And people were getting confused why I could keep coming back and going in room and grabbing piles of stuff a killing off the dragon. It was so fun. Then one day I guess I took to much of the dragons HP and the game credited me as killing it and I couldn't go back in the room anymore.

I know, but this time the story is pretty cool, bro.