"Hakos! You are shining girl! You are shining girl foah me!"Oozora Subaru

Vidya Games Thread

Ransomed.vc group claims hack on ‘all of Sony systems’ New


Dang it
Ward Security
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Santa's Little Diversity Hire
Joined:  Jul 25, 2023
For anchoring to work, people have to remain on the platform though. It doesn't benefit their business if everyone just packs up and leaves, as most of them are including mihoyo (big one).
They're also relying on the sunk cost of their own labor, hoping that games that are on are either too small to get hit, or too big to steer the ship. That's why they were also targeting games that already released, because the effort in removing them, and re-porting to another engine would be immense compared to paying the ransom.

However, I think this is going to result in heavy investment into the Godot engine by multiple groups, possibly even the Chinese, because who cares if you have nice unity analytics for spying if you can't afford to keep them running, or with a cheap enough install cost to spread to as many people as possible?
Looks like Sony might have been hacked -
Japanese companies move extremely slow, and are extremely hierarchical. This is to their detriment in cybersecurity, where it's still just a question of "when", not "if", so it's not really anyone's fault automatically. Instead, they're probably finding the entry point so they can have parties responsible, and the cyber team, commit seppaku.

God's Strongest Dragoon

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Looks like Sony might have been hacked -
Again? I guess they didn't learn after the PSN hack that took down their network for over a month or the Sony Pictures hack that showed how every executive at Sony is a literal retard and never be allowed near the creative process of a project ever again.

Todd's Strongest Howard

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Oblivion hardly even makes sense imo, it's in a perfectly fine position as is without the hype behind it like you said. Accessible to anyone who wants it and entirely functional on PC.
Now Morrowind on the other hand? Give that game a graphical update, get it on modern systems for modern players, and paper over some of the more archaic design that makes zoomers bounce off it? There's a headline product. Bundle it together with Oblivion if they have to, I just really want to see it.
A remastered Fallout is kind of in the same place for me. I'd be more interested in a stable New Vegas than replaying 3 but bundling them together could be a good product to salvage some of the IP's abused reputation and rebuild goodwill before they start work on 5.

In other news: Payday 3 has released early for those who pre-ordered. I've got it downloading now. Going in mostly blind since this is one I've been looking forward to, but I have seem some claims it's kind of unstable that has me worried.

I'm sure they'll rework Morrowind eventually, then they can revel in the fact that their Creation Engine 2 still contains legacy code from the original Morrowind so they don't have to add anything new, beyond jamming in direct access to their Creation Club bullshit.

It's like Microsoft and Sony are in a war to out-retard each other while Nintendo just sits in their corner going "bing bang wahoo" and prints money.

This is why Microsoft wants to buy Nintendo. They don't understand their strange nip magic, only that it transmutes italians into money, and all they want is the money. They don't realize if they buy Nintendo, it'll stop printing money because Microsoft can't run shit.

Maybe this will make Catalyst get off it's lazy ass and fix shadowrun or at least release the hopefully less broken new edition we know they have.

Never happening.

  • Throwables Build [S-tier]: I expected this to be a tough build to play or it would at least be primarily stealth focused but they are very generous with hit detection with throwables and the damage is really high. Very little perk points were spent on the damage of the build, which leaves you to dump it in Reflex for dash/air-dash mobility, Body for durability, or Technical for some more Cyberware to build it whatever way you want. Very flexible build with perks, very surprised how strong it was. The only major shitty part is that you're putting attribute points into the Cool tree to build your damage perks. Meanwhile the other S-tier builds like Shotgun/Katana/Gorilla Arms are all putting their points into Body or Reflex, so they already invested their attribute points into the tree with either mobility or durability while Cool doesn't have much for combat utility perks.

My PC save wasn't super far into the game so I didn't have a lot to change or respec, but I was running a throwing build and the changes alone I can already tell make it so much more speed. I can't even remember what skills I had prior so I had to put most of my points into tech (which was at 11, so uh, I don't remember why. Engineering cheese maybe?)

What I have noticed though, xp gains for the relevant groups is much easier, faster, and there seems to be much increased density of ambient gangers to murder. I capped out levels on PS4 around release time and completed almost all the open world shit before ever even really starting the story and I recall most of my leveling coming from just running to the next gig, completing it and fucking off. Now I've been playing 20 minutes and come across 2 random gigs and maybe 5 clusters of dudes fucking around catching neurotoxin knives between bouts of having their eyeballs burnt out of their heads.

It's definitely gone from a 6/10 to a tentative 8/10, it feels much better to play.

I'd bought Cyberpunk at launch and hadn't touched it purely based on how the police used to ask. That's the kind of system that would ruin my enjoyment of a game like this. I'm genuinely excited to try this game out for the first time, and got a bit I to the tutorial last night and I'm already having a good time.

From my short time with it as well I'd say it feels much better and more actually alive than it did before. I would say it's too bad you haven't played it much because the comparison between what it was and what it feels like now is broad enough that for as much time I've sunk into the game, this is actually giving me a rush of "This is the game I wanted it to be". We'll see how I feel after another 56 hours of this. :BijouBijou:

Something interesting to note is that this theoretical remake of Oblivion is slated to be released around the same time as Skyblivion (late 2024). Maybe BGS decided to make the mod an official paid release?

The only time I'll pay for anything related to BGS is TES6 no matter how much I swear they're never getting another dime from me.
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Lee Crabb

Resident Liacon
Joined:  Dec 26, 2022
Something interesting to note is that this theoretical remake of Oblivion is slated to be released around the same time as Skyblivion (late 2024). Maybe BGS decided to make the mod an official paid release?


Santa's Little Diversity Hire
Joined:  Jul 25, 2023
Something interesting to note is that this theoretical remake of Oblivion is slated to be released around the same time as Skyblivion (late 2024). Maybe BGS decided to make the mod an official paid release?
That's the only way we're getting anything good anymore from Bethesda is remastering the better games they've already made. Another sign of the times I guess.
  • Body into Reflex build (Shotgun)[S-tier]: That was mainly shotgun and the only things I picked up in Reflex was the dashes/air dashes. Unlike the base game where the shotguns fall off, this shit is disgusting. Was able to take down MaxTac with this shit. You're pretty much zipping around and cover a lot of distance with those air dashes. Picked up a Militech "Apogee" Sandevistan (slows time by 85% for 8sec, 25sec cd, getting kills during it extends duration by 20%) and had a Kerenzikov that slowed time briefly whenever I dashed. The amount of Armor Penetration they baked into build makes it very powerful. It honestly feels like that first row of Body with those painkiller/health regen perks is stupidly OP for any build you can throw it in. The Quick Melee Attack (QMA) perks honestly don't feel that strong because even if they supposedly do a lot of damage, the delay for QMA is way too long. Felt like Doom Eternal with all the dashes+air dashes and shotgun bullshit I was doing.
If you like build autism and dashing across the map before blasting someone, try Shadow Warrior 2 on one of the two higher difficulties. Instead of it just multiplying enemy health and damage (it still does a little), it also makes the rare elemental resistances common. But as an upside, their weaknesses are more common too. Fully speccing out your weapons with massive buffs and triple air jumping into the enemies face to blast them with both barrels is a great time, and there's no perk (that I recall) that governs air dashing. It's just free.

Disappointing though that in current year they had to recast Lo Wang as an asian guy and remove all the funny jokes for the 3rd game.
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Banana Hammock

Born to Sneed
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I'm glad that I bought Subnautica while it was on sale, because I can not play this fucking game. Does anyone else get incredibly nervous when they try to play it?


Drink Milk
Joined:  Feb 24, 2023
I'm glad that I bought Subnautica while it was on sale, because I can not play this fucking game. Does anyone else get incredibly nervous when they try to play it?
Nah huge open areas in games freak me the fuck out.Though Subnautica is not one of the games that do this. just force yourself through it honestly nothing is as dangerous as it seems.

also lul scared of dying in a video game.

The last game that freaked me out was Strike Suit Infinity.

Thomas Talus

Εκ λόγου άλλος εκβαίνει λόγος
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I'm glad that I bought Subnautica while it was on sale, because I can not play this fucking game. Does anyone else get incredibly nervous when they try to play it?
The yawning void stretching out below you does tend to give me a feeling in the pit of my stomach, yes. But once you get a sub you can follow the terrain without much trouble so you can see ground almost all the time.


Drink Milk
Joined:  Feb 24, 2023
I wanted to highlight a shooter game since it came to mind in the general thread

Hotdogs Horseshoes and Handgrenades

Now I could sperg about it to no one in particular but why do work when I can get someone else to do it for me.

This is Tehsnakerer a game Reviewer who I have a bit of respect for and participates in H3VR tourneys sometimes.

Forgive him hes british but i trust his work and is entertaining and highlights much of the game.Can also recommend most of his work from covering all of the Yakuza series to Eurojank games like Brigand.


basic ass man who loves the british funny woman
Joined:  Jun 7, 2023
I'm glad that I bought Subnautica while it was on sale, because I can not play this fucking game. Does anyone else get incredibly nervous when they try to play it?
The fucking sea is scarier than say an abandoned building or a fucking foggy forest because we don't know what the actual fuck is in the depths of it

Have you ever seen the animals that come out of that area that's got to keep someone awake the whole fucking night

Punished Anime Discusser

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The fucking sea is scarier than say an abandoned building or a fucking foggy forest because we don't know what the actual fuck is in the depths of it

Have you ever seen the animals that come out of that area that's got to keep someone awake the whole fucking night
As a professional not-afraid-of-the-oceaner, anything spooky that lives in the depths can't come up and fuck you up without turning to jelly. You can't dive far enough down to get fucked up by it without turning to jelly. Anything smaller than a shark or dolphin you can just punch, I guess a scorpionfish would fuck you up if you tried to punch it, but those sea demons aren't aggressive unless you go at them first. Fuck jellyfish though, all my homies hate jellyfish.


basic ass man who loves the british funny woman
Joined:  Jun 7, 2023
As a professional not-afraid-of-the-oceaner, anything spooky that lives in the depths can't come up and fuck you up without turning to jelly. You can't dive far enough down to get fucked up by it without turning to jelly. Anything smaller than a shark or dolphin you can just punch, I guess a scorpionfish would fuck you up if you tried to punch it, but those sea demons aren't aggressive unless you go at them first. Fuck jellyfish though, all my homies hate jellyfish.
Can confirm have been into multiple pain sessions because of those transparent fucks

Fucking jello looking ass


bird molecule
Joined:  Sep 24, 2023
I'm glad that I bought Subnautica while it was on sale, because I can not play this fucking game. Does anyone else get incredibly nervous when they try to play it?
I watched a streamer play it and it already gave me mad anxiety, it looks kinda fun but NOPE.


Soldier of Godrick
Joined:  Feb 22, 2023
I watched a streamer play it and it already gave me mad anxiety, it looks kinda fun but NOPE.

That reminds me of when Pekora streamed it, and people were mocking her lewd thumbnail.


Drink Milk
Joined:  Feb 24, 2023
As a professional not-afraid-of-the-oceaner, anything spooky that lives in the depths can't come up and fuck you up without turning to jelly. You can't dive far enough down to get fucked up by it without turning to jelly. Anything smaller than a shark or dolphin you can just punch, I guess a scorpionfish would fuck you up if you tried to punch it, but those sea demons aren't aggressive unless you go at them first. Fuck jellyfish though, all my homies hate jellyfish.
you can punch sharks no matter how big they are most have senors on their nose and will fuck off if you directly hit them. just make sure your not serving them an arm lunch.


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Lee Crabb

Resident Liacon
Joined:  Dec 26, 2022
I'm glad that I bought Subnautica while it was on sale, because I can not play this fucking game. Does anyone else get incredibly nervous when they try to play it?
I am both utterly terrified and enamored with giant sea monsters, so playing Subnautica is both torture and a joy.

Harrow Prime

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Cyberpunk 2077's version 2.0 update launched today. Going to start up a new save and try to play through it to give a review.There's a bunch of stuff being changed like a massive update to graphics as this is supposedly the first game to have DLSS 3.5, I believe a SSD is required in general now. A general review of what's new in this update:
  • Vehicle combat with pistols and SMGs (katanas if you're riding a motorcycle) and some vehicles have mounted weapons. You can slash/shoot out vehicle tires now, there's also new perks that add things like activatable slow-mo while driving or jumping out of cars mid-air.
  • Vehicles have been completely overhauled in the physics department. They've retuned and rebalanced nearly all vehicles for braking, acceleration, and top speed. All vehicles now have torque curves.
  • Clothing no longer has stats like, only a few select items like actual body armor has some stats. Armor and all other stats are now tied to your Cyberware and can be directly upgraded. Clothing will no longer have mods either, it's purely a cosmetic function now so you're not looking like a clown while being a murder machine.
  • You have a capacity limit to your Cyberware, which increases with your stats and some perks (there's even one that let's you exceed your limit but lowers your health as a trade-off)
  • Prices for Cyberware has been rebalanced (generally reduced for lower tier Cyberware) so you don't have to dump a retarded amount of money for basic shit
  • Certain Cyberware slots are tied to specific stat attributes
  • Upgrading your Cyberware has a short cutscene play with you getting out of the chair whenever you're done upgrading instead of you just purely buying at a menu and fucking off
  • All sub-classes of perks (like Assault, Annihilation, and Street Brawler in the Body tree) have been merged into a single perk tree for that specific stat. This includes their skill bonuses from gaining experience using those items, as those have been merged into a single attribute experience bar.
  • Perks have been streamlined with more activate-ability perks
    Build Planner can be found here to see what the perks are and what they do:
  • Police are actually competent now and will give chase like GTA (MaxTac at level 5 wanted). Police are now out and about in the world more often, actually doing shit like patrolling or working crime scenes. You can now also quickhack Police.
  • Enemies and loot will scale to your level while weapons scale to their rarity
  • Loot has been streamlined and decluttered, so you don't have to look at like 4 pieces of garbage aesthetic loot when you're looting a body
  • Health items and Grenades are tied to a limited number of charges that recharge over time, so you can't just throw 20 billion grenades or keep spamming Health items like Skyrim
  • Stamina no longer drained outside of combat for movement (sprinting, sliding, jumping) but is now drained when firing guns and not just melee weapons. You can keep firing your gun when you're out of stamina, it just makes your accuracy worse and increases weapon sway.
  • Finishers added into the game (some are perks) that give bonuses for killing enemies
  • Outside of Cyberware, only iconic weapons can be upgraded so you don't end up running around with "Generic Shotgun+48 levels" that discourages you from using the iconic weapons. All iconic weapons will have a slot on the weapon wall in V's apartment stash, so you have a reason to get all that shit.
  • Apartments will now give small buffs (no clue on what this means, maybe sleeping at a specific apartment will do something?)
  • Enemy AI supposedly improved for things like reacting to grenades, will use their own Sandevistan to counter yours if they have it, and other things
  • Netrunner rebalanced with changes to RAM costs, damage, upload time, effects of some quickhacks, and perks to allow you to queue up multiple quickhacks on an enemy or "Overclock", allowing you to sacrifice health to makeup for insufficient RAM.
  • 3 new radio stations: 107.5 Dark Star (Electronic Music), Impulse 99.9 (songs remixed by Idris Elba), and 89.7 Growl FM (songs created by the community with DJ Ash, who is voiced by Sasha Grey)
EDIT: Just opened up the game and loaded up my lvl 47 (max level is 50) and fucked around for like 10mins. Holy fucking shit, the Cyberware stats is a lot to take in at once and I completely agree with reviewers recommending starting a new save to ease yourself into this shit. For reference, this "titanium bones" Cyberware was just increased carrying capacity before the patch.
I bought the game a few days ago, and it's been a pretty fun time. Still has some issues, but nothing that ruins the fun.



Dang it
Ward Security
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
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