I played a bit of the Strinova beta today, it's actually quite good - or at least way better than I was expecting. The 2D movement gimmick is dumb but works well enough. I was mostly impressed by how solid the gunplay and abilities were. The biggest question is whether they will be able to maintain a player base in the West (I kind of doubt it... but I guess we'll see). Hopefully it doesn't end up 6ft under like Gundam Evo and Bloodhunt.
I've always wanted to get in to the X series for similar reasons but it seems like a huge time sink, I guess I'll just wait until someone makes GTA in space for impatient retards like myself.But god I want to fly around with like, an actual throttle and joystick and control panels and stuff in space. Say what you will but I think this is about the only game that has ever really tried to make that idea feasible on this scale.