"For I am Dizzy Dokuro, slayer of Dragons and Bussy!"Dizzy Dokuro

The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread


Drink Milk
Joined:  Feb 24, 2023
Okay, here’s a simple question. Do you guys think it’s possible for me to be treated unfairly?
the saying is not life is fair. how is this even a question.

its not about treating you fairly it's no one is treated fairly you are not special take your lumps


opsec doko
(He's Nolan Crush)
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
the saying is not life is fair. how is this even a question.
I guess my thought was that some of you would excuse anything bad that happens to me. So instead of assuming, I asked.

God's Strongest Mozumite

Mega Mozu Milkers.
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Okay, here’s a simple question. Do you guys think it’s possible for me to be treated unfairly?
Who would buy that? All you do is go into these random ass discords and shit up the place and then act surprised when you get banned. Even with the gayest reason you got banned possible, like the PL rules, that's entirely on you. Whether you agree with these servers' attitudes towards them not, it's their server and their rules. No one is forcing you to be in there putting up with their bullshit, if you wanted to doxpost your heart away you'd stick to here. But no, you willingly enter these spaces to, idk, livepost about NijiEN liver #3,495-B, without actually taking the time to read the rules. You deliberately disregard the rules, attitudes, and cultures of any of these places you enter. I am 100% confident that you are the instigator in every single situation that ends up with some obese discord mod taking a big fat steamy shit all over you. The boy can only cry wolf so many times before people stop caring.


opsec doko
(He's Nolan Crush)
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
Who would buy that? All you do is go into these random ass discords and shit up the place and then act surprised when you get banned. Even with the gayest reason you got banned possible, like the PL rules, that's entirely on you. Whether you agree with these servers' attitudes towards them not, it's their server and their rules. No one is forcing you to be in there putting up with their bullshit, if you wanted to doxpost your heart away you'd stick to here. But no, you willingly enter these spaces to, idk, livepost about NijiEN liver #3,495-B, without actually taking the time to read the rules. You deliberately disregard the rules, attitudes, and cultures of any of these places you enter. I am 100% confident that you are the instigator in every single situation that ends up with some obese discord mod taking a big fat steamy shit all over you. The boy can only cry wolf so many times before people stop caring.
Wasn’t limiting this to Discord btw, I meant in general

This was about if you’d justify anything bad that happens to me as “fair”. Not if you think the bans were fair.


God is dead. You aren't. Keep running.
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Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
Okay, here’s a simple question. Do you guys think it’s possible for me to be treated unfairly?
Literally anyone can be treated unfairly.
The issue being that the stuff being brought up isn't even off topic for the thread. Hell none of it is even hinting any of that "unfairness" for a large majority of it.

Whether or not you can justify FEELING like it was a bullshit reason or not the simple truth is: This is a vtuber forum, where posts are being posted of you getting on vtuber discords which inherently have sets of rules to be followed. (Regardless of whether some of them are gay as fuck or not.) Those rules are set and enforced by the people in charge, regardless of how you or anyone else feels about them though. And repeatedly on these discords you are being seen making anything from passive aggressive to outright hostile comments or replies. And in at least one case toward a vtuber themselves. Irrelevant of if you think these comments are instigating, these people clearly do. And they're the ones in charge so guess whose thought on it matters more.
This isn't even limited to discord, we've seen similar shit on twitter but it's just not nearly as numerous or obvious. Or as funny frankly. It's pretty absurd this has happened on so many discords lets be real.

When you first showed up on the farms everyone was confused how the fuck you even got there. Your autistic optimism was just so fucking weird and left field that it was pretty endearing tbh. Time went on though and things just rolled downhill.

Someone (Spoiler, me. I was one of them. Still do btw) called Kyo a raging flaggot for telling Enna that something she said was bad, so she apologized. An apology that continues to have been pointless, and completely irrelevant because A: It was over a joke and B: Changed virtually nothing with her content in the first fucking place. Nothing she does reflects having learned "racism bad" except one specific instance. She still shits on everyone else except that one group now because they're the sacred cow.
And suddenly insulting a person you like wasn't just a sticker and move on, it became an argument about how someone is a crazy schizo for disliking said streamer or /vt/ level posting. It became demanding proof for the dishonor someone wanted to sling at your entertainer even if they're basically shit posting. And it got worse and worse because by this point it was obvious fucking with you got replies and giggles.
THEN people realized you did this shit everywhere else too, at which point it became a side show and just eventually escalated to where we are.

Arguably and contrary to popular belief or what things feel like, I'm pretty sure MOST people here don't even dislike you. There's a couple who think it's hilarious and like prodding, but ignoring them would basically deny them that. Just kind of how the internet works. But without actually working out your issues shit's not going to change.

AUTISM! Took so fucking long this showed up:
I guess my thought was that some of you would excuse anything bad that happens to me. So instead of assuming, I asked.
There's a big difference between "This guy picked fights with discord mods over dumb shit" and "This guy had some fucked up shit happen irl to him."
If silly ass word slap fights on the internet is "bad things happening" to you, it's possible your internet experience is a bit too much "cereal bizness."
Unless someone is actively doing shit like swatting or otherwise harassing you irl, they're just fuckin words my guy. You don't have to fight the power on discord, and as you've seen numerous times it just gets you banned. Sometimes you have to deal with whatever dumb shit the rules are.

@God's Strongest Sanalite basically TLDR'd my tism rant of this in all the time I spent wording shit :SelenHAHAhere:
Edit: I'll forgive you though for good taste.


opsec doko
(He's Nolan Crush)
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
Literally anyone can be treated unfairly.
this makes me conclude, I was too harsh in my assumption and believed some were worse then they were
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Last Of The Mohicans

shopping cart not included
Joined:  Sep 20, 2022
Okay, here’s a simple question. Do you guys think it’s possible for me to be treated unfairly?
Possible? Yes. Anything's possible.

Have you shown it? No.
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God is dead. You aren't. Keep running.
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
okay. that’s the important part to me

The part that makes me conclude, I was too harsh in my assumption and believed some were worse then they were
That's not the real or best take away from the post, because it's going to let the thought process slide in that "Well if that's true, then almost anything that happens might not or can't be my fault." Even if you think it won't, the brain does weird shit.

To put it bluntly most people are throwing shit at you to try and get virtually anything to stick about what you keep doing and why it needs to change. Sure, there's a few that are doing it for the lulz, but in general most people are saying things harshly to try and drill it into your thick skull. For lack of nicer terminology.

Which doesn't mean that people are suddenly going to stop finding examples if you keep providing them. And the more you argue about them the more tiresome it will be to keep hearing "It wasn't my fault" which is how we've gotten to the point where there's a discussion of what to tolerate from or even do regarding you.


Chief Commissar of Holochistan
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Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
This is so fucking gay and retarded.

Dude the solution to your problems is just delete all of your accounts with the same fucking name, make alts with random names and disappear. If you can't change your way of posting then just stop posting and lurk, lurk for like a year if that's what it takes for you to be forgotten about.
The more you post, the more you interact, the more you stand out, the more you will get fucked with.

The problem with you is that you don't give a shit,
you moan and bitch and complain about how much the world hates you but you will NEVER. STOP. GETTING. INTO. TROUBLE. Anyone who fucking white knights you is a fággot and a total retard because this has never been about "The evil internet trolls harassing the poor autistic", YOU came here, YOU make all of your accounts have the same name, YOU get into retarded slapfights, YOU bring your old hangups into every discord you join.

Let me say that I consider everyone trying to explain all of this to you a fucking retard and that includes myself, talking with you is fucking pointless and you will never learn until it comes out of yourself to change, nobody else can change you but yourself. One day you will fuck up big time and that day you will realize that you had plenty of fucking chances to turn back and learn from any of your actions.

Life isn't about luck, or intelligence or working hard or any of that bullshit, It's about making good decisions when they matter and you make all of the worst fucking decisions possible. I hate the fact that people here including myself feel the need to go out of their way just to try and point out what you're doing wrong, we shouldn't need to, it's your life not ours and our only response to anything you do should be pointing and laughing.

Thinking that we only want to bully you is the most vexing fucking conclusion anyone could ever make about this. Maybe the only solution is to ban you because you can't seem to fix your own problems, as I said before, you're only a danger to yourself.


Dang it
Ward Security
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Wasn’t limiting this to Discord btw, I meant in general

This was about if you’d justify anything bad that happens to me as “fair”. Not if you think the bans were fair.
Please sirs, may I have a crumb of sympathy.


Shared joy is double joy
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Joined:  Sep 26, 2022
proctor already made retards into a protected class and you still cry foul.


Well-known member
Joined:  Mar 27, 2023
Okay, here’s a simple question. Do you guys think it’s possible for me to be treated unfairly?
Yes, that goes for anyone. Have you been treated unfairly in the situations presented in this thread? No, you repeatedly touch the stove and then cry about getting burned.
While I don't necessarily agree with the rules of the communities you have been banned from and thus don't participate in them, you opted in to these rulesets and the outcomes you got were predictable.


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Gods Strongest Chiramigo
Nolan's Widow
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Rie's Publicist
Joined:  Nov 7, 2022
I feel like Nolan Crush could be a character architype in a reality TV show. Like imagine the comic relief character who wines and complains because people aren't treating him fairly and are being mean to him for no reason. Then a flash back happens where the Nolan archetype is talking to a old lady who's minding her own business as he pesters her. The old woman tells him to stop pestering her and to let her feed the birds in peace which causes him to yell in her face calling her a cunt which leads her to smacking him in the face with her purse. The flashback ends and it goes back to the room where the Nolan archetype says "Why does everyone treat me so unfairly?! I didn't do anything wrong!"

*(cue laugh track)


Drink Milk
Joined:  Feb 24, 2023
proctor already made retards into a protected class and you still cry foul.
Nolan has more rights/privileges then we do. Nolan is the upper class/rich. who we should be eating. (horse meat is good right?)

Aquatic Novellite

Freshwater Shiorin
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If this is what it takes to get a beautiful chocolate queen I am gonna make Adolf Hitler look like Martin Luther King Jr.
Enough financial security for a mail order bride usually suffices.

You, too, can have a Guatemalan Indigena.

Then you commission a brown L2D avatar for her and make her stream in uspantek.
But I actually like him. NOT as a sideshow, but as the optimistic hype man of the vtubers posted in the main thread I like THAT Nolan
The Nolan that can't stop arguing with assholes on the internet to the point he gets covered in shit is the one that usually stays off this site unless someone brings it here I don't like seeing that Nolan

If he leaves then he takes the good with him and I'll unironically miss it but if he just leaves the site the bad will stay and keep coming
But now we have La+ de Central Norte for pure, unironic positivity.

We have found a better Nolan. All of the positives, none of the sperging.

The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
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Lovebug Proctologist
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If people here were able to put as much effort into fixing their oshis as they're putting into trying to fix Nolan, vtubing would have single-handedly rendered the whole psychiatric institution irrelevant.

hololive ruined /jp/

Well-known member
Joined:  Oct 29, 2022
I feel like Nolan Crush could be a character architype in a reality TV show. Like imagine the comic relief character who wines and complains because people aren't treating him fairly and are being mean to him for no reason. Then a flash back happens where the Nolan archetype is talking to a old lady who's minding her own business as he pesters her. The old woman tells him to stop pestering her and to let her feed the birds in peace which causes him to yell in her face calling her a cunt which leads her to smacking him in the face with her purse. The flashback ends and it goes back to the room where the Nolan archetype says "Why does everyone treat me so unfairly?! I didn't do anything wrong!"

*(cue laugh track)
that's the neurotic jew which was popular in the 90s.

21st Century Pipkin Man

rabbit's foot, vomit drawer
Joined:  Jan 18, 2023
Now that you've said that, they are going to somehow turn out worse. As in rotpockets worse.
This has been my primary concern. Persons of autism are at an elevated risk.


Chief Commissar of Holochistan
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Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
I feel like Nolan Crush could be a character architype in a reality TV show. Like imagine the comic relief character who wines and complains because people aren't treating him fairly and are being mean to him for no reason. Then a flash back happens where the Nolan archetype is talking to a old lady who's minding her own business as he pesters her. The old woman tells him to stop pestering her and to let her feed the birds in peace which causes him to yell in her face calling her a cunt which leads her to smacking him in the face with her purse. The flashback ends and it goes back to the room where the Nolan archetype says "Why does everyone treat me so unfairly?! I didn't do anything wrong!"

*(cue laugh track)
We need a TVA version of the friends intro.
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