The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

Aquatic Novellite

Freshwater Shiorin
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In retrospect, it is weird that he didn't join the chinkcords earlier. For someone as CCV obsessed as him, being able to live react to a potential audience of 1.4 bn people must be heaven.

Punished Anime Discusser

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We throw jokes about fighting games because jokes are funny, dark humor is typically funny, and if you can't laugh at things the world's going to eat you.

I'm just saying that when you constantly somehow have stories of varied aggression even over small things you aren't going to get a good look regardless.
I'm gonna keep joking about him unleashing the satsui no hado on his family members, but even if he wasn't a vindictive sperg with a history of lying, I'd still think he's an irredeemable piece of shit. You just don't hit women. If your first instinct, as an ADULT, when mildly upset by a woman, a family member of yours at that, is to fucking swing at her, you're an inhuman monkey and should kill yourself immediately. If he's willing to cross that line without flinching, what's stopping him from trying to raging demon his mom after she tells him to get a job? The threat of his dad taking the runback and disassembling him? What if his dad isn't around? He can say that he feels bad about what he did to his sister, or that he regrets it all he wants. He might even mean it, but he can't undo what he did.

I do realize the irony of the Eastern European telling someone that beating women is bad, but then again, I've also never thrown a family member off the steel cage at the 1998 Wrestlemania Hell In A Cell match.


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Oh that's nothing. You should see what he says about ME on other places. :smugpipi: I'm keeping that one in my back pocket for now however.
My guess is the word 'evil' comes up a lot. :Pekora-EVILGRIN:

I know that he said he won't watch her but he also said he was going to leave here but never did.
Called him being upset about the Kirsche stuff. She may not have the most views but her knowing who Nolan is totally shifts her value to him.


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Fubuki's Best Friendo
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My guess is the word 'evil' comes up a lot. :Pekora-EVILGRIN:
Good ol times.
Nigga I'm married, have a kid, own a home, have two higher education degrees, been certified multiple times in many specialized tasks in my field, personally make more than the median household income in just my own career AND STILL find time to laugh at your retarded ass. Fucking christ THE COPE.

your wife has horrible taste


Chief Commissar of Holochistan
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Nene's Pet Latinx
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What the mexican said, pretty much word-for-word. Though why you would openly out yourself as a spic is beyond me

Scoots may deny it, and he may damn well believe it, but it's more than obvious that being Nolan's eternal shield has affected him in one way or another. Just take Proctor's stream, for example - when he called in, I was half expecting to hear Nolan coming out the other end, finally rising up to confront le evul bullies and give them what for... except the total opposite happened; Scoots came off as an average forum autist who was just happy to be there and whom I don't think anyone would object to having a chat with over some drinks. He didn't even allude to Nolan at all despite him being discussed earlier. Fast forward to Kirsche hoping into the call; scoots has long since left and only chats in the call in server(? group? I don't know. discord's confusing and gay) here and there. Then, the topic of Nolan comes up; Proctor gives his admittedly lacking summary and Kirsche offers her take, we move on. A while after they had already moved on from mentioning Nolan at all, Scoots, either prompted by the EVO champ himself or out of the misguided kindness of his heart, felt the burning need to tell Kirsche that Nolan's incident regarding his sister was just "normal sibling squabbling" and that he felt oh so bad about it (despite Nolan himself admitting to being a repeat offender. Though I'll give Scoots the benefit of the doubt and assume he hasn't seen the logs yet) . When she didn't acknowledge this, he pinged her. When that didn't work, he asked to be allowed on vc once again to defend Nolan's good name. When that too went ignored, he pinged Proctor, once again pleading to be let back in the call. No one else in the group other than superduper acknowledged it either. Once again, I must stress that they had moved on from the topic of Nolan at this point. It was, in all honesty, hard to watch. Thankfully he stopped after superduper's support got :mikothumbsl:'d twice, so autism didn't win that day. Praised be Allah.

Now, this is not meant to be an indictment of Scoots character or behavior - even if that little episode was hard to stomach - but an example of how he seems to blindly and willingly deprive his brain of any and all sources of oxygen whenever Nolan comes under fire (which, as we've discussed, is his own fault 99% of the time). It's fine if he considers him a friend and doesn't want people shitting on him, deservedness be damned - as scoots himself has admitted to being the case - But to put on such a display, on a stream no less... @Scoots , you're too nice for your own good. You're better than this. Nolan shat the bed and hung a neon sign over the pile. it's not your job to clean while everyone else just laughs at the retard who shat the bed. At that point, it's just as retarded to try to pretend it's okay that he shat himself as you desperately scrub the mound of tard filth.
Paragraph breaks... learn them for the love of god...

Adding onto this, and I say this stuff from an actual place of caring, Scoots, man you really need to consider what the implications of shielding Nolan are, I don't think it's bad if you comfort the guy or if you make some place where he can sperg out in private or if you try to correct some info here from time to time, those things are good, specially the private place thing, that's a great idea and it actually helps Nolan somewhat.

But this crap, of going full helicopter mom on Nolan because of the stream, you know that shit only makes you look bad and it ties your character to Nolan's story, Idk if you've read many lolcow threads in the farms but YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE A CHARACTER IN A LOLCOW'S STORY, you should not try to tar yourself in the process of defending someone who does not care to do that for themselves, because if you keep this up, you already saw the strong response you got in this thread, well it's only going to get worse. People were kind and understanding this time (just like with Nolan), but if you keep this up you will become just as much of a cow as Nolan himself.

We all have gotten ourselves mixed up with Nolan in some way, he will probably hold a grudge for some of us for some time, but we can at least just cut ourselves off from the narrative by killing our personas and never involving ourselves again, you are wasting that lifeline and you are going to regret it. All for some autist who doesn't give a shit about you and only manipulates you by whining and acting the victim, and will probably either blow you off or turn on you the second you attempt to set some boundaries.
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Topo Chico

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Reeeeeeee I thought for sure Nolan wouldn’t lock down his Twitter as he’d not be able to shit up threads or reply guy to troons, so I didn’t follow him. :painpeko: :pikameepain:
Nolan’s Twitter is now private. My hubris has deprived me of my daily Nolans…
How will he argue with the AfD? How will he get Lilith to notice him? How will he let Ollie know he wants to fuck her? How will he let everyone know his love of Gura? How will he let the world know he’d take the magic pill that’d bring back his sister? Nolan WHY

Poyoyo & Jill

Joined:  Jul 9, 2023
I'm gonna keep joking about him unleashing the satsui no hado on his family members, but even if he wasn't a vindictive sperg with a history of lying, I'd still think he's an irredeemable piece of shit. You just don't hit women. If your first instinct, as an ADULT, when mildly upset by a woman, a family member of yours at that, is to fucking swing at her, you're an inhuman monkey and should kill yourself immediately. If he's willing to cross that line without flinching, what's stopping him from trying to raging demon his mom after she tells him to get a job? The threat of his dad taking the runback and disassembling him? What if his dad isn't around? He can say that he feels bad about what he did to his sister, or that he regrets it all he wants. He might even mean it, but he can't undo what he did.

I do realize the irony of the Eastern European telling someone that beating women is bad, but then again, I've also never thrown a family member off the steel cage at the 1998 Wrestlemania Hell In A Cell match.
Its a Shame his Sister was never a top tier character


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Fubuki's Best Friendo
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Reeeeeeee I thought for sure Nolan wouldn’t lock down his Twitter as he’d not be able to shit up threads or reply guy to troons, so I didn’t follow him. :painpeko: :pikameepain:
Nolan’s Twitter is now private. My hubris has deprived me of my daily Nolans…
how is he going to argue in translated german about politics that he has nothing to do with??? Wtf

Topo Chico

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how is he going to argue in translated german about politics that he has nothing to do with??? Wtf
I am suspicious that: he got spooked the drama tuber is making a documentary on him , or that he learned there’s going to be an actual OP made for his thread, OR scoots convinced him to shut that shit down because he’s lolcowing too hard in public.

Out side of one of those three or a combo of them, that he’s too much of an attention whore to shut it down of his own volition.

Today is an official day of mourning for the end of Twitter Nolans. F o7


God is dead. You aren't. Keep running.
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I'm gonna keep joking about him unleashing the satsui no hado on his family members, but even if he wasn't a vindictive sperg with a history of lying, I'd still think he's an irredeemable piece of shit. You just don't hit women. If your first instinct, as an ADULT, when mildly upset by a woman, a family member of yours at that, is to fucking swing at her, you're an inhuman monkey and should kill yourself immediately. If he's willing to cross that line without flinching, what's stopping him from trying to raging demon his mom after she tells him to get a job? The threat of his dad taking the runback and disassembling him? What if his dad isn't around? He can say that he feels bad about what he did to his sister, or that he regrets it all he wants. He might even mean it, but he can't undo what he did.

I do realize the irony of the Eastern European telling someone that beating women is bad, but then again, I've also never thrown a family member off the steel cage at the 1998 Wrestlemania Hell In A Cell match.
For sure. Like I don't blame people for feeling split and whatever about the guy. Some people will see his mental issues and feel bad. Others will feel like that's still not an excuse. People just think about and look at shit differently. I don't care about changing anyone's opinion either because it's not my job.
Which is part of why, bless his apparently saintly soul, I agree that Scoots just keeps dragging himself through the mud to do what he does.

Anyone around here can look at the evidence we have and decide for themselves. Which is also why I assume pretty much anyone who isn't A: new or B: skipping reps is already entrenched in their stance on it and often reinforced as shit keeps happening. Once there's a big summary OP or whatever sorted out there won't be much excuse for those being reasons either. But nothing here said is made up. It's entirely shit said by the guy himself all over the place gathered up in one area. IF some specific things are sticking out then it's because there's a pattern numerous people picked up.

But I don't think you're anywhere near wrong either for thinking that and agree. We've watched and shit on people for less in hollywood and especially on the farms in these situations because there's no argument for it being normal.


The Pontiff of PonWolf
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You guys are right this is doing nothing but making me look bad I'm done trying to convince people

I just worry that if people here think little of him what's gonna happen when cancel culture and the Twitter freaks get ahold of his dox this stream skyrockets that possibility
It was one thing when the documentation and opinions were secluded here
I just hope Kuri's stream doesn't ruin my friend's life

I respectfully ask never to be pinged about Nolan again
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Shared joy is double joy
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Did the retard finally find your twitter handle and removed you from his followers, or did you unfollow him yourself?


Punished Autism Extraordinaire
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Reeeeeeee I thought for sure Nolan wouldn’t lock down his Twitter as he’d not be able to shit up threads or reply guy to troons, so I didn’t follow him. :painpeko: :pikameepain:
Nolan’s Twitter is now private. My hubris has deprived me of my daily Nolans…
How will he argue with the AfD? How will he get Lilith to notice him? How will he let Ollie know he wants to fuck her? How will he let everyone know his love of Gura? How will he let the world know he’d take the magic pill that’d bring back his sister? Nolan WHY
I thought Nolan is for sex positive, free speech and open identity in the internet? Looks like he has no balls afterall when someone trying to do a video/documentary on him?

Geez Nolan, why you so scared? I guess you have too many skeletons hide in your closet

Even Chris-chan is more BADASS than you :smugselen:

Nolan, you should: :tenmakys:


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He did call Nyaru a cunt while arguing with Sleepy before knowing she was Nyaru, so this will be chuuba #3 that we know of whom he has personally ensured negative relations with

I want to see him call Gura a cunt by accident. I'll bet then he'll feel really silly.
I'm gonna keep joking about him unleashing the satsui no hado on his family members, but even if he wasn't a vindictive sperg with a history of lying, I'd still think he's an irredeemable piece of shit. You just don't hit women. If your first instinct, as an ADULT, when mildly upset by a woman, a family member of yours at that, is to fucking swing at her, you're an inhuman monkey and should kill yourself immediately.
This makes you sound like a white knight. I always hate when people act so self righteous on behalf of women.
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The Holiest Hole

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Nolan privating his twitter probably won't matter in the long run. Due to no self-restraint and no cognitive function he's got a very high chance to unprivate his twitter in reaction to the Kuri Rinji stream to tell the dude to kill himself and that he's a nazi sociopath. Or go into the DMs for the classic Nolan spam and block.

In other words: the Milk is a-coming boys. To nourish these desert lands devoid of LMAOS


Santa's Little Diversity Hire
Joined:  Jul 25, 2023
Also, for anyone who wants TVA cow content, Nolan may be on the downswing for now, but Chase is riding high on his kiwi (personal army) thread on Kuri Rinji, and Henri just threatened to kill himself as a response to Pippa saying suicide is cringe. There's always something going on.
e. Henri Post Archive

God's Strongest Dragoon

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Dang it
Ward Security
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Also, for anyone who wants TVA cow content, Nolan may be on the downswing for now, but Chase is riding high on his kiwi (personal army) thread on Kuri Rinji, and Henri just threatened to kill himself as a response to Pippa saying suicide is cringe. There's always something going on.
e. Henri Post Archive

One can only hope
Henry finally found something he can do to improve the Philippines for the rest of humanity.

Johnny Jambalaya

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Henry finally found something he can do to improve the Philippines for the rest of humanity.
killing myself to own the anime rabbit woman (real)
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