For easy viewing, here's the two videos I was able to dig up -
First, this is Nolan raging about his dad trying to punish Nolan for once again breaking rules and never learning. He lays out the situation in typical Nolan fashion, and completely rationalizes away his shitty behavior. This is a GREAT primer for how Nolan's brain works.
This second video is Nolan lamenting his inability to even operate during a basic dishwashing job. Watched on it's own without any context, I'd probably feel bad for this guy who clearly just is lost and doesn't know how to act in the world. But couple it with his history, especially with the fact he was told multiple times to not listen to streams at work and constantly smuggled his phone and headset in in blatant well as ASSAULTING A LITERAL ELDERLY sympathy for him died a long time ago.
Both of these videos Nolan willingly posted in public forums as a means to 'vent' that was not a long typed out rambling post. He seems to show up in these places only to complain to any who would hear, either on main or in DMs, and almost never actually contribute to the website.
Nolan is seriously like the energy vampire from "What We Do In The Shadows"