Nolan is Anti-American. He foundationally doesn't like the 1st amendment, he believes if Germany had curtailed speech harder Hitler wouldn't have risen to power. This sort of alternative history speculation is for midwits to shill to the profoundly retarded masses (read: Nolan). We can't know what'd happen if the Nazis were censured harder than they already were in Weimar Germany, and it's pointless to speculate because it's not real; those proffering curtailing speech in Europe and the US do so not prevent an atrocity, but to amass power. No amount of libtard doublespeak can change that. The American retort to such an idea comes up a lot in our early founding, one that is minorly tangential but still relatable that I can think of off rip is:
“Liberty is to faction, what air is to fire, an aliment, without which it instantly expires. But it could not be a less folly to abolish liberty, which is essential to political life, because it nourish faction, than it would be to wish the annihilation of air, which is essential to animal life, because it imparts to fire its destructive agency.”
From the Federalist Papers #10 pg 42.
To snuff out liberty, in our case speech (part of liberty), to get what you want can only end badly. Mis-, dis-, and mal-information when shared by the common man is mere opinion. It can't be a crime, it shouldn't be shuttered out and away from the common square. The way you defeat bad opinions is with good opinions. If your only solution is to end the sharing of information you categorize as bad, you don't convince anyone, you just water the hatred that will bloom greater than if you'd have just left it alone. As well, it's short sighted, what do you do when your enemies gain power and seek to utilize the precedent you've placed in earnest? Doesn't end well.
But Nolan is a cuck that wants Good Boy Points from libtards and European tyrants. He will now champion censorship. It's so terribly juvenile to ascribe free speech as the embryo that Nazism grew out of. It denies the historical reality/conditions of Germany in that era. Weimar sucked, WW1 was a humiliation for Germany, etc etc etc. "Bu-buh-but Hitler was allowed to speak in public, THINK OF THE JEWS! Jews rock, don't spread misinformation about them!" He needs to log off, he's making his ancestors cry.
PS Nolan plz google "how to get a job abroad" followed by "how to renounce citizenship." There's guides out there.