"Well, I used to have a smurf account on Epic called Anders Breivik, but enough people reported me so I changed it to a communist terrorist instead"Kirschey
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"(Bettel2) met Magni on the moving arc"
Bettel actually acknowledged seeing Magni recently. (currently streaming so I can't link the time but it's around 3h-3h40 in)
Cover: "you have two choices Tell us vespers plan or we let the magmites have it."
Mangi Sobbing knowing he has no choice but to sell out his best friend fade to black
I want to believe but Vespers the one we all think is in actual trouble not Magni who most of us think just caught up in it.
This is the second time I have noticed this recently, and it just makes me surprised that Magni himself never did it on purpose and turned it into 'Mangina' (as a replacement for 'bussy'). But I guess that'd be a bit much for Holostars.
Don't lose hope yet man just saying that mentioning magni is sadly not a sign of being out of the clear yet.
Vesper fled to Canada to track down Nina and form a Ninjisanji rebellion he took Magni along because he needs someone to help carry all the moose hes gonna hunt.
Gramps will be back any day now. Piloting a Hiyaku Shiki mobile suit made of gold TY Play Buttons recovered from the yacht he just torpedoed, with Talent Freedom in one hand (represented by a pair of panties stripped off of Kson) and Haruhi Suzumiya Season 3 in the other hand. He will lead Mankind into a bright future amongst the stars. BELEEB!
Would have to be a gold plated mobile suit. As I was surprised to see they only have seven livers over the one million mark, three of them being Luxium.
Side note, it was interesting looking at the general sub numbers of all the nijisanji livers on Holodex, Same with Council, EN sub numbers have really stagnated since the golden era.
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