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Nene's Pet Latinx
Sep 16, 2022
YES, OF COURSE! Please tell everyone the confidential information you graduated a talent over SPECIFICALLY so it wouldn't get shared! GENIUS! Galaxy brain move!I'm not assuming anything. People are reading that English translation and saying it means/hints that Cover offered her a way to continue and she turned them down, and the original Japanese doesn't say that (which doesn't mean it's impossible, but there's nothing that implies it in that announcement).
For me, not until we hear what kind of information it was, particularly with her past history. If it was "I'm performing x" or "so-and-so got sponsored by y" then yeah, termination completely justified. If it was "they've hired that fucker's best friend after all he did to me", or something else related to getting harassed by management, then less so. Given that she talks about it being in a mentally bad time, I'm still thinking something like that is a possibility.