"I never really leave you guys. I'm always sitting there. Right there. Right below your ribcage"Dizzy Dokuro

Rage Pig Ho Down - Ralph Discovers vTubers to Spite GAYTOR

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

God's Strongest Smartass
Dizzy's Husband
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I want to state, for the record, all 4 moderators are unified on our position on this. So enjoy the consequences when they come.
I thought Johnny Jambalaya was dead



Punished Autism Extraordinaire
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Fucking Riggers
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We puppeteered his corpse.
read his custom title, I'm actually him.
as for this thread, I don't know why people are going out of their way to defend the dumb bitch, or why proctor is replying with shit tier memes but I'm here to see how this devolves :BibooPopcorn:


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
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You guys need to chill, all of you, and what's a better way to chill than to join the new minecraft server ? made by yours truly.
Playing Minecraft to get away from paedophilia is like going to Amsterdam to get away from whores.


The Pontiff of PonWolf
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Fucking YTs

I just want to annoy people in peace.
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Joined:  Sep 11, 2022
This Kiki shit is fucking disgusting and so are the users defending it. The schism that is happening is eye opening and very sad.

John Vtuber👁️

Sentient Eyeball, Primarch of Hag Pride Worldwide
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I want to state, for the record, all 4 moderators are unified on our position on this. So enjoy the consequences when they come.

it's the easiest dub in the world, effortless, even:

"don't write essays downplaying the actions, or otherwise defend them"

...we're never going to get back to talking about Ralph again, are we?


Joined:  Feb 23, 2023

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

God's Strongest Smartass
Dizzy's Husband
Joined:  Apr 4, 2023
it's the easiest dub in the world, effortless, even:

"don't write essays downplaying the actions, or otherwise defend them"

...we're never going to get back to talking about Ralph again, are we?
Ralph needs to stop being lazy and discover Froot or one of numerous other Kikis (no not Ember plz) to shit on before we get off of this ride


Avalon's Most Wanted
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
...we're never going to get back to talking about Ralph again, are we?
Do you actually want to talk about him? I guess I can entertain you.

Ethan Ralph should mix more xanax in his maker's mark, amirite fellow Kiwis?

Superduper Samurai

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Ralph needs to stop being lazy and discover Froot or one of numerous other Kikis (no not Ember plz) to shit on before we get off of this ride
blackjack was searching for ways of sending him Froot or Ironmouse, we might get that arc if we're lucky!


No faith in Humanity
Dizzy's Wife
Joined:  Oct 30, 2022
I want to state, for the record, all 4 moderators are unified on our position on this. So enjoy the consequences when they come.
Vagueposting about mass bans because part of the community disagreed with you is incredibly reddit of you


Resident Sad Girl Enjoyer
Joined:  Jan 5, 2023
Sure, but I'd like hard evidence before I grab the pitchfork. Right now, to me, she just looks like a mentally fucked up grooming victim.

I think you, as well as others, need to go through the evidence again and see why the others believe this. I like sad menhera women, too, but try and walk this shit through with your brain and not your heart. What has been shown here is a clear pattern of behavior. It's not just one thing in isolation. It's all of the evidence pointing in one direction that makes it daming, so you're arguing against Occam's razor at this point.

Genuinely, everyone who feels like this should just log off for today and get some air, then come back and read the evidence. I understand it's hard to watch those you recognize turn out to be monsters, but I think you're making a mistake with how you're seeing this, and I believe you're just in denial. I feel the biggest issue hitting the tread right now is denial, and I think this is going to turn into a learning lesson as everything plays out and more comes to light as I doubt this is the last piece of evidence to be dropped.

Egg the Boiled

Joined:  Nov 2, 2022
Doesn't matter if she's offending or not, a pedo should not be putting herself in positions near children or in positions with some 'power', like teaching and to an extent, streaming. They should be as far away from children as they can possibly get if they want to attempt to be rehabilitated (which I don't know is even possible)

She isn't trying to do that. Get away from children. Get therapy.

That being said, making big rants isn't worthwhile. It's the internet. Don't get so mad.

Edit: The people defending her are idiots, but making vague statements saying that you'll ban all of them like they personally diddled children themselves is retarded.

AO Cody

Go read Cloudscratcher
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Just a quick aside on the teaching thing; it is extremely concerning, but the issue is the waters are so muddied here because all we have to go on is a cast of extremely unreliable narrators. Is this before or after she supposedly got better? Did she actually full on lust after IRL children or is this her menhera way of talking about her Loli fetish fantasies? Was she consuming CP or did she recognize what was happening to her as a result of being abused and do something about it? If so, was this before or after she was a teacher? Was she even a teacher at all, or making it all up?

"We don't know" is the theme here. What we do know, however, is it is a sign she desperately needs to seek help ASAP if it isn't too late. That situation was potentially a very close call.

I will say I did make some attempt to get my advice to Kiki herself. I don't know if she'll actually end up getting it, or if she'll follow it, but at least I tried.

God's Strongest Dragoon

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People who were abused as a child rarely function well in society without help. They'll go through all manner of rationalizations. Kiki saying "I used to feel this way, but don't anymore" does track, because it's not only possible, but likely she went through a phase of mentally normalizing what happened to her, before pulling herself out of that.
You're literally contradicting yourself in this part. You state that they don't function well in society and will try to delude themselves with all sorts of rationalizations. Have you considered that "I'm better now, I totally don't have those feelings!" is another delusional attempt to rationalize her fucked up thoughts? She's made no attempt to better herself and she still courts the same audience from the place where she was groomed.
This also applies to Kiki consuming actual CP. Or even attempting to groom someone underage. A child doesn't need to be raped, here. She's not even requesting twerking videos.

Josh is right in that clip, but this ain't it.

That's the problem, here. The one thing that'll prove which side is right is something we have no way whatsoever to verify, and all we have to go on is the word of mouth from parties that are all very, very mentally ill. So all we can go off is what they do, not what they say. Everything Kiki has done demonstrates that she manifests her degenerate behavior within. If she had been abused as a child, then started going on and on about how much she wants shotas or whatever then yes, that would be the reddest flag and I don't think anyone would be arguing with you. It's the fact that it only seems to be manifesting as her having an extreme ageplay fetish--meaning her desires are being pointed inward and not outward--and the fact that there's not even an a hint that she's made any attempt on anyone underage.

The crux of the matter is the only thing that can affirm either side of this argument is something we'll likely never know. If she doesn't have CP on her hard drive, there's still hope for her with some therapy and possible medication. If she does, she's crossed the rubicon.

This issue is being muddied by the fact that not only is this a contentious and emotional issue, but there are people here that are very clearly latching it on to larger culture war issues that are only fueling the fire.

Speaking of fueling the fire, I would caution anyone from trying to cross-pollinate with this forum and that KF thread. You're not gonna convince anyone on the farms of anything, and you're just more likely to bring trouble here.
My brother in Christ, she actively went out of her way to teach kids. Just listen to the words she's choosing in that clip. She was saying the whole concept of teacher/student stuff "a little uncomfortable" because she use to teach kids in primary school. The whole situation is completely fucked.

Johnny Jambalaya

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Dang it
Ward Security
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Vagueposting about mass bans because part of the community disagreed with you is incredibly reddit of you
Last I checked "defending the potential kid diddler" fit more in that column bud. :annoyedpippa:

Excuse me if I don't value your opinion there.

it's the easiest dub in the world, effortless, even:

"don't write essays downplaying the actions, or otherwise defend them"

AO Cody

Go read Cloudscratcher
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You're literally contradicting yourself in this part. You state that they don't function well in society and will try to delude themselves with all sorts of rationalizations. Have you considered that "I'm better now, I totally don't have those feelings!" is another delusional attempt to rationalize her fucked up thoughts? She's made no attempt to better herself and she still courts the same audience from the place where she was groomed.
"I used to have these thoughts" is also potentially a delusion; "oh it's okay for children to be sexual objects because I was one as a child so it has to be." She could have absolutely held this belief as a coping mechanism before realizing how wrong it is. We just don't know. Like I said, she's too damaged to take her at her word on anything.

I don't disagree on the last part there, And said so in my post.
My brother in Christ, she actively went out of her way to teach kids. Just listen to the words she's choosing in that clip. She was saying the whole concept of teacher/student stuff "a little uncomfortable" because she use to teach kids in primary school. The whole situation is completely fucked.
I addressed that in the post above you. The information we have is too messy and unreliable to make any concrete judgments beyond "this woman absolutely needs to get off the Internet and get help before she goes down a dark path."

The Proctor

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Vagueposting about mass bans because part of the community disagreed with you is incredibly reddit of you

I'm not vagueposting.

I meant what I said in the rules, which you of course read and understood when you signed up for this forum.

If I end up having to purge people who openly defend someone who says they want to rape children ahem, 'wish to engage in a nuanced and reasonable debate about the validity of supposed claims of a minor-attracted person', I will do so without hesitation or remorse.

I will not become known as 'Proctor Zakharov, the man who tolerates people effortposting about morally acceptable levels of paedophilia'. I have already given you an unbelievable level of clemency that I can confidently say no other web admin would ever give you. I don't think even Null would be this tolerant.

You are rapidly becoming an active brand risk, and I will not die on the hill you are trying to push me onto. But try and nudge me just a few more steps. Please.
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