Honestly it's so funny how people seem to completely memoryhole past situations and socially accepted realities simply because now everyone thinks another way. Let me remind everyone of the time before Zaion Lanza's termination, when Nijinigs were smugger than ever and Hololive was industry enemy #1.
After the boom, Niji was widely held as a cooler and less restrictive version of Hololive, in EN they became the hipster vtuber company, only for TRUE and DEDICATED vtuber fans that went beyond normie trash like Holo but were still superior to plebs who watched indies (small corpos were irrelevant). So yeah I clearly remember how many times Holo's 3D was ridiculed as totally inferior, how many times Holostars was used in bad faith arguments to compare the two and uphold Niji egalitarian superiority, how many times NijiEN was called BETTER, FRIENDLIER WITH EACHOTHER AND FREE TO DO WHATEVER THEY WANTED. I remember when the "all out war" leak came out, a lot of people in this very forum... AGREED WITH IT AND DEFENDED IT.
So yeah a lot of these grifters like Koe, Nousagi, Ducky, Nux, the trash taste fags and others held Niji up as a better Holo because it represented what they liked about vtubing. No rules, model only as a gimmick, raunchy humor and NO IDOL SHIT.
But OOOHHHHH NOOOOOOO, now EVERYONE sees how bad Niji always was! Now everyone is on the Niji hate bandwagon because it's cool and socially acceptable! You know what they say about rats being the first to jump out of a sinking ship? I somehow have more respect for the sisters than the filth like Nousagi who fellated Niji with gusto and is now TOTALLY AGAINST THEM GUYS IM ONE OF YOU!
Now it seems like the too cool for school thing is indies, vshojo and small corpos, because just like ol' Niji they are FREER, NO RULES, AND NO IDOL CULTURE, and just like Nijinigers before them, their proponents are as smug as ever and heading down the same goddamn road.