"In a call between my manager and their manager, I was told of my New Years suspension, and that DMing a manager was one of the reasons I was being suspended"Zaion LanZa
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aqua has an announcement soon.
it says it an Unfortunate announcement, so either graduation/hiatus, could be something else though.
some members are re-scheduling their streams to some time after the announcement so it must be really important.
this was posted on vt, don't know if it's real but still, they also included a link but it says it was deleted or doesn't exist. probably fake as a lot of people have pointed out seems to be all over the place with how many things are wrong.
Suisei: The direction that the company takes doesn't have anything to do with me. I do what I want in the way I want. Their direction doesn't matter. I changed the greeting at my discretion.
Looking at the news, she was like it's not that big of news. Also, it's not like she's quitting being a VTuber. Finally, she asks us to please believe in the direction Aqua is going.
I hate saying "It can't be helped." But...it can't be helped. If you are told, "Difference in direction," what can you even do?
Suisei: Well, the company's growth is good. Because the company grew, we can do things like have that expo in Makuhari every year. But they are solidifying the rules, and it's harder to do things outside the box. And if you try to do something new, they will first take time to research and try to protect you and make rules before you can do it.
Before, I would lightly say, I'd like to try this, and before they'd be like, "That's interesting. Try it, let's see what happens." Now, they're like either "Well, that's against the rules" or, "There's no rules for this. We need to discuss this. Can we get back to you on it?" And sometimes Suisei is like "Goddamn this is taking forever." But it's all to protect you from messing up.
Suisei: doesn't want us to take this as her complaining or criticizing the management.
Suisei: is still considering. The company for the talents, or the talents for the company? She's not sure that it's good that a company just bends over for every single thing a talent wants to do. But to stifle talents, well, VTubing is an industry where you need the talents.
Also post from a Hololive clipper about something Botan said on her stream from 2 hours ago. Seems like Aqutan has a decent chance to show back up as an indie. Archive
The last post in her fanbox is from March 2024(before that August 2023)
I finally got an iPhone 15Pro ahhh !!!!!
I've been using 13 for a long time and finally got the new model~!
(13 has passed away ・・・・・)
I heard that the camera quality of the Pro model is amazing,
I'm really looking forward to taking pictures!
To all of you who are in my fan box.
I'm really sorry it's been a while since I've posted anything.
I've been so busy that I haven't been able to update,
Thank you all for waiting for me...!
I've had a lot of hard times in the past year,
I've had a lot of opportunities to look back and reflect on myself.
I'm updating the Fan Box now.
I have always had a hard time fitting in with society,
I have always had a hard time fitting in with society, not being able to do what is normal,
I have always had a hard time fitting in with society,
I often struggle in a suffocating environment.
Even now, there are times when I am extremely troubled by this,
I sometimes don't know what to do,
But as long as everyone is rooting for me,
As long as everyone is supporting me, I know that I am okay no matter where I am.
I wish you all the best in your daily life and work,
I'm sure you all go through many things in your daily life and work,
I will do my best while struggling desperately,
I will do my best while struggling desperately, so let's all do our best together, even if it takes us a little longer.
I know I'm getting a little serious here, but I'd like to share my thoughts with you at !!!!
I'm just a fan box, so it's okay, right?
And I'll do my best from tomorrow while convincing myself that it's a good thing! (つ﹏<...)
Today's low pressure is so bad that I have too much headache, so I'm going to sleep now!
See you again at !!!!!!!!!!
Good night~((ヾ)ω))
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Translated clips of Botan, Suisei, and Marine's comments
There was also a reply they made but they might have deleted it for some reason. Only got reddit as a source.
Also, according to another reddit comment, apparently Polka doesn't get what was the "difference in directions" that caused Aqua to leave, in case you are afraid that it might be related to B2 and others might be following suit.
The new Aquarium. game announced in March has ceased production due to the recent announcement that Virtual YouTuber Minato Aqua will graduate from hololive on August 28, developer Entergram announ…
Aqua was doing a free chat stream earlier today. She talked about quite a lot, including a bit about the creative differences that eventually got her to make her decision. She banned any clips of that part specifically because she didn't want anything out of context (good thing considering what just happened with Lamy.)
I should say, take this with a grain of salt, maybe wait till a better translator than my basic ass puts something out. This is basically what I could follow + stuff from the Aqua discord. It's a little out of order chronologically but more cohesive topic-wise.
During the time leading up to her announcement stream and a bit afterwards, her thoughts were kind of a mess. Things have also been busy with getting ready for the live, all the collabs, etc. She wanted to collect herself before talking about it like this.
She also wanted to talk a little more about it to ease her own mind and stop any rumors from going out of hand.
There are things that have to be done within a company as well as stuff that can't be done on your own time. Deadlines etc. This sort of thing is natural but it got really tough for her to keep doing.
Streaming was really fun for her, as well as doing all kinds of events and stuff. At the end of the day though, it is still work and there are things that have to get done.
She already said it before but it's not cause Holo did anything wrong or is a bad company. We're all human so of course there were disagreements. It'd be blissfully ignorant to pretend there were no issues. There are certain things she cherishes after all so it just couldn't be helped.
Ultimately, it came down to differences in direction and thought process. She was worried by how heavy the choice was. She gave it a ton of thought, talked it over with a bunch of people and reconsidered the situation a bunch of times.
If she wanted to get more popular, make more money and do even more events and stuff like that, then she fully believes Holo would be the best environment to do it in. The support system in there is great enough that she could still do things like that 6 years into her career.
With this environment though, there was stuff that was just really hard for her. So she made the decision to graduate, in order to live her own life.
It was not for something like game perms or Cover becoming more of an idol company. Even back when Cover had more freedom and wasn't really an idol company, her dream was always to be an idol. That has never changed in all these years.
She knows it's tough maintaining that image but she's done her best to keep it all this time and she feels proud of that. She wants to be remembered as an idol even after she's gone.
Again, she has no bad feelings or resentment for Hololive. It was an important place that allowed her to grow so much, she wanted to emphasize this so there are no misunderstandings.
A lot of people discovered her and she was able to have so many experiences that wouldn't have been possible without Hololive. We might not have been able to meet her otherwise, so the fact that it happened made her happy enough to cry.
She's also been able to meet so many friends in the Holo members. There are already plans for them to hang out post-graduation. It kinda made her feel like she was able to make friends for life here and that made her even more grateful for everything.
Overall, she's just glad to have had this time in the company. These past 6 years have been a truly valuable experience for her. Even though there were really painful parts, she's confident that she can hold her head high and say she lived her life to the fullest.
Mentioned that chuuni statement she made a while ago about fighting a "big power" for her justice and stuff (there should be a clip of it in the thread iirc), but that had nothing to do with the graduation at all. Of course, people would make that connection but it was just bad timing on her part. She apologized for getting us worried with that misunderstanding. That's why she wanted no clips for this part.
Talked a bit about how easy it is for streamers to get misunderstood. She's also admittedly bad at using her words and saying what she means. Even her mom told her as such (I think it was her actual mom but considering the context, it could have been Marine too).
Management will make the announcement about her VOD archives
She wants to read superchats but won't for various reasons. Like there are way too many of them and she also doesn't want to read any of the weird ones accidentally.
The stuff she can't say won't cause her trouble, but would cause trouble for other people.
She made this decision believing it wouldn't be a betrayal to her fans. She had nightmares of people saying that to her and it caused some worry, but she wants to keep going on this path with confidence in herself as an idol.
Most important of all, don't forget her. She'd be happy if you thought of her at random times. Like when you see pink/blue colors, a maid in media or while you're playing a visual novel.
She believes people don't truly die unless they're forgotten, so please remember her as the years go by.
A cover coming out tomorrow, there may be 1 more as well.
2 more chatting streams planned, one will be members-only.
Rehearsal for her live as well as 2 collabs tomorrow, one with Polka and then another with Sora, Anya, Watame
The schedule has been a bit tough for both her and us but wants to do as much as she can this summer. Even wondered if she could redo August cause there's not enough time.
There was some other stuff, like how she almost said some important company stuff during the hot mic moment with Shion, the stream ideas Pekora put out for her, how funny it was for the 44.5 clip to get so big and how we should be excited for the graduation live.
It was a pretty fun time. A lot of reminiscing and talking about funny moments with Mea and stuff. But eventually, Norio couldn't hold back and started crying.
She felt guilty for not talking to Aqua more over the past 2 years. Back when they were all much smaller, Norio and Mea were 2 of the only people Aqua could vent to about her issues, as she was a lot worse with interacting during those days. Whenever they felt like quitting before, they would chat until the morning or go out for food and work it out. But as Holo got bigger and Aqua got better with people, they would talk less. Norio watched her grow into a star and figured she was doing fine with her friend circle expanding, management getting bigger and the support system being much better than it used to be.
Norio herself got busy with tons of stuff and didn't collab much with Holo until more recently, so she always believed that any issues would work themselves out. When the graduation was announced, she couldn't understand why it was happening nor what were the positives of graduation, since Holo felt like such a safe place to be. She looked back on their entire DM history and felt regret that she didn't talk to Aqua as much as she used to. While she knew it likely wouldn't have happened, she thought that if she had reached out more, maybe she could have changed Aqua's mind. There was more and maybe Yura or someone else will clip it, but it was a hard watch to go through.
But it did end on a high note thankfully. Afterwards, Norio said this is something to congratulate and that while she'll be lonely, she'll also be happy for Aqua. They'll definitely hang out post-graduation and she'll be carrying today's VOD with her into the future as her channel goes on. She also drew this for her as a gift. It's titled "I Won't Forget You. An Aqua-Colored Promise."
Aqua was a fan of Norio's art way before Hololive so it made her really happy. She was also glad Norio spoke her thoughts honestly and said that she shouldn't beat herself up over anything. She was happy for the collab today and is looking forward to getting some crab with Norio sometime in the future.
It was expected but during her cooking stream yesterday, Aqua confirmed that her channel will NOT get deleted. Her membership-only streams will get privated, but her membership-only covers were made public today:
Shion also released an AquShio cover today:
And there's gonna be a Startend one with Suisei and Towa tomorrow:
She also had her last members stream a bit ago. I haven't had a chance to go through the whole thing yet, but she talked about how tired she was recording for so many covers and the live. She basically didn't refuse any offer cause she knew she wouldn't have another chance. It's kinda insane to put out this much stuff while also streaming every day. She meant it when she said she wanted to go out blazing.
holoyume - ホロ夢 said:
In Japanese, "watashi" means I/me; then "atashi" is the feminine version of it, then "ateshi/atishi" (both ways are as near as it gets to the Japanese あてぃし) is an even cuter version of "atashi" (it's made up, not standard Japanese so someone that isn't in the rabbit hole wouldn't understand it) that Aqua uses a lot when talking, it's her cute way of referring to herself; though turns out it wasn't made by her.For me this is more interesting than funny, knowing the origin of this expression that Aqua uses so much. Well, it's more of a way of speaking/cute accent than a expression by itself. But maybe you can say Suisei's imitation is funny lol
I later searched for 'aqua shiina atishi' and found this clip from 2020 that uses 'Atishi', which was the oldest video I could find that uses any form of it.
(The clip is Aqua explaining that she picked up 'Atishi' from Shiina, and in turn Shion picking it up from Aqua.)
I headed to the Hololive Fan Server on Discord, which has a translator chat where I saw lyger (still) hanging out. There must've been some debate of translating it the "right" way.
I first found this post with a screenshot from MV of PANIGHT by NEGI☆U (Aqua, Nene, and Subaru) where 'あてぃし' is romanized as 'Atishi', though the acutal translation changes it to just 'Aqua'.
Despite all that, Ateshi won and is preferred in general. Search results for 'Ateshi' outnumbers 'Atishi' by 10 to 1. Even the emotes and stickers use it.
That leaves me with the question on why 'Ateshi' became the default "translation" of あてぃし. I tried putting 'あてぃし' into Google Translate, Bing Translator, and DeepL, but they don't produce 'ateshi'. Only Bing Translate got close to it.
Miko's pronunciation of あてぃし does sound like 'ateshi', compared to how Aqua pronunciation sounds like 'atishi'. But then I saw this compilation of Aqua saying it a bunch of times and there's many instances where she sounds like she's saying 'ateshi'.
No wonder that attempts to translate an untranslatable term (that the official translators didn't even bother with) just boiled down to writing down in English what's being pronounced. The end result being somewhat akin to a 'Yanny or Laurel' thing.
I decided to look up 'あてぃし' and 'あてし' in /jp/ and /vt/ archives. Those seem to be the only places left to have at least someone make a big deal about it.
Searching through the /vt/ archives did lead me to this thread from 2023 where the OP noticed the 'Ateshi' instead of 'Atishi' thing in translated clips. This one post pointed out that putting in 'あてぃし' in Bing Translator would have it translated as 'ateshi', at the time.
Am I the only one in the world who noticed every single translation clipper incorrectly writes ãã¦ãã as ateshi instead of atishi? Am I missing some kind of meme here or what, because every single one does it so it can't be a coincidence. I feel like I'm on crazy pills.
In conclusion, 'Atishi' is the accurate romanization of 'あてぃし'. But 'Ateshi' won out due to a saturation of usage in popular clips and by the big clippers, with support from Bing Translator producing 'ateshi' when translating 'あてぃし', as well as how the pronunciation of of 'あてぃし' could sound to people.
This has been my 445th post on this forum, so it just had to be an effortpost dedicated to Aqua. This was quite a fun process to dig into my curiosity. I welcome any input on this. Especially from those more knowledgeable than me. [Link]
I had a chance to watch before the purge. Here's some notes from Aqua's last members stream:
(Had a lot of help from the Aqua discord, especially longtime Aqua translator Just Sam):
Figured it'd be the first members stream for a lot of people. She said these were always for more casual talks and she treated them like relaxing at her parents' home with family.
Kinda sad that this vod would only be available for 4 days so she hopes everyone takes a chance to watch
Was still setting up for her "Minato Aqua Knowledge King" stream and doing rehearsals, but she had a chance to hang out with some friends from both Holo and Niji
Was still working on her shorts as well
Hadn't gotten started on the signatures from her graduation merch yet. The cards for them hadn't come in yet but she asked staff to make sure they get to her asap
In order to get all these covers out, she had to work on a super fast-paced schedule over the past 3 months. The Holos found out about the graduation about 3 months ago and they sent their requests to her all at once. It piled up quick and was insanely tough on her. She actually talked about it in a previous members stream, but didn't go into details so we assumed it was about a birthday live or an album.
She wanted to accept these invitations though since she'll be gone soon and there won't be another chance.
Her schedule was completely maxed out and she might have died if there was any more added to it.
Almost everything has already been posted, but she talked about how she would be releasing multiple videos per day cause there's not enough time to space them out.
She spent a long time discussing her decision with management and during those discussions, her mental was seriously struggling. It really set in for her when she finalized her decision. At the time, only some of management knew.
She started her daily streaming streak because she made up her mind by then. So she made the decision to graduate around April 27th. (And likely told the other girls around a few days later at the start of May.)
As fun as it was to stream every day, it was incredibly hard on her mental and she almost broke a few times. There were a few times where she was basically streaming half-asleep, but she still wanted to keep going.
Everything got even more hectic around July, so she didn't have the time to think about it all. She just kept going and going.
It feels weird that it's all coming to an end soon. While she was still kinda hesitant, she said that our lives and her life will keep going on. Her determination is strong and she thinks this won't be a sad goodbye.
Talked a bit about how termination feels so sudden and awful. It made her glad that she can properly say goodbye, spend time with us and talk everything through with the other Holo girls. And since the channel will be remaining, people can always go back and discover who she was. That's part of why this is a happy farewell, even though it's still kinda sad. She wants us to let people know how legendary she was.
Talked about how she had a one-on-one interview with Yagoo after her audition. She was grateful to him and Holo as they're the only reason she could come this far. The fact that she could be here is a miracle.
Two things made her hesitate and second-guess herself the most:
1. She didn't want to be away from the Holo girls, as she loves them and considers them close friends. Having to part with them hurts a lot.
2. The fans. All of the comments, the love, the support, the rooms filled with merch, all of it carried her through the years. It kinda felt like a betrayal, though that's a pretty strong word. She didn't want to separate from them as they both grew to support and rely on each other so much over the years.
She thought about this heavily for more than a year, but she made her choice in the end.
Already has plans to hang out with Holos post-graduation and that made her happy. It made her feel like she made lifelong friends here, which she never really had before Holo.
While there were some things she didn't get to do, she has no regrets.
Doing these member streams saved her, especially during past few months maintaining the streak. When she felt especially exhausted or stressed, doing a chill chat helped her pushed through. She didn't have to be worried of getting clipped out of context or anything like that.
She was about to cry but held it in because she decided to save any tears for the last day. (Thanks Pekora)
"We are all a family and always will be."
"Let's meet again in 100 years. I'm heading off now. Bye bye! See you tomorrow!"
She released one just a few hours ago, but she has one last original song coming out.
...And the graduation live, 2 hours after that.
Man.... it's such a minor and retarded thing, but posting the link fucking hit me. Like seeing that thumbnail just emphasizes that this is really happening. There's only 11 hours left.
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