"BLÅHAJ is more than just a shark to some people (all of them). BLÅHAJ is a way of life. BLÅHAJ is beloved by people of all walks of life. Young, old, Rin, British people, other people, Rin, my dad laughs at me but he doesn't count, Rin, the president (Rin), and BLÅHAJ love BLÅHAJ. In this way, it could be said that something that provides light and comfort for so many people across all of Society is a necessity, in the same way that food and transportation are. You wouldn't let Rin starve, would you?"Rin Penrose
40K is perfect for them, because it has messed up lore for Lumi to explain, and Pippa responds with some fucked up irl thing, and then they both try desperately to suppress their power levels while giggling.
"what kind of media do you like?"
"uuuuUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" lay semi transparent images of incest, rape, feminine men, furry shit and abuse over pippas face
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