He manifested out of nowhere with an already-set fanbase, with the media labeling him as the second coming of funny mustache man, you can't tell me his "rise to fame" wasn't manufactured by The Powers That Be to be used as a towering menace that they can "take down" and pat themselves on the back
It's just things like TikTok fame to being put on main stream news that they can shit on and go "oh look at the things influencing our kids" before he has a fall, if he gets more famous with him appearing more then that's even better because they can rag on him even more.
Googling "Andrew tate how to make your resume".... nothing? "Andrew tate how to do your taxes" hmmmm that's unfortunate
"Andrew tate prostate health".... lung cancer?
Yeah I don't think Andrew Tate can help men with anything of value
The left completely alienates, isolates, and refuses to talk to an entire generation of men and then they get surprised when they start following people like Tate.
Masculinity in general is demonised to the point where every young boy with typical masculine traits will face resistance in day-to-day life just for being themselves, doubly so with the lack of grown men actually being present in their lives to begin with. More kids are growing up with single mothers than ever before. Some primary schools don't have a single male teacher.
No shit they latch on to the first male figure they see who doesn't shame them for basic parts of their personalities.
If your kids need a role model save them a life of embarrassment and take advantage of your local Big Brothers Big Sisters program if possible, instead of them becoming invested in weird internet personalities that don't translate into the real world.
Yes, and what I'm getting at is the media treated him as someone that everyone - and I mean everyone everyone - already knew when they started reporting on him en-masse
Yes, and what I'm getting at is the media treated him as someone that everyone - and I mean everyone everyone - already knew when they started reporting on him en-masse
If Pippa had a molar pulled she should get a bridge or something because her jaw could be getting out of align meant and also making it hurt to chew and stuff
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