"When I was a very young girl, I used to visit my grandma a lot. I was hoping she'd show me magical girl stuff, she said she'd show me something kid-friendly, it turned out to be Cutie Honey. In Cutie Honey, she would get undressed and tied up all the time, and that's how my sexual fetishes were awoken. Do you know Hutch the Honeybee? I thought it was cute how people fell into despair. Cutie Honey and Hutch planted the seeds, and my sexual fetishes began to distort, and then I became friends with a hardcore fujoshi. The things she recommended me turned me into a bigger freak than before. When I was a young kid, I couldn't understand dirty jokes, so my grandma would explain them to me, step by step. 'You know, the boys have this... but the girls have that' lol."Sakamata Chloe
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Pippa giving the exact same amount of attention to 2USD supas and ~300USD supas will never cease to amuse me. I've said this before and I'll keep saying it: give money to your streamers to support them, not to get your dumb shit read.
Pippa giving the exact same amount of attention to 2USD supas and ~300USD supas will never cease to amuse me. I've said this before and I'll keep saying it: give money to your streamers to support them, not to get your dumb shit read.
I was listening to some music earlier today and it's a shame AI stuff isn't as good for rap songs yet. I was thinking how hilarious a Pippa/Jim cover of Macklemore's Thrift Shop would be.
It could happen. Someone just needs to explain that going to church, giving confession, and getting blessed is like a weekly buff that resets every Sunday.
There is a not-insignificant group of people in The South that think anything besides the King James Version of the Bible is a ticket straight to Hell with a capital 'H.' They are really fun to mess with. I suspect this is the group of people Sister Rabbit is talking about.
This tangent kinda fits with all the extremely gay sectarianism in chat. I know she's probably not going to go to my specific denomination to be blessed, but I still believe that she's going to benefit from any blessing and community, because they'll at least be there to help her with the issues she's going through. Also the Westboros are feds.
Fair, I wasn't thinking of financial incentive. I just notice sometimes she reads some superchats and just doesn't engage at all with them. And that's fine for especially low quality superchats like the happy birthday ones, or the degenerate shit. But she could have answered the snoot game one or other likes it.
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