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Do not fret Lord Proctor, the asylum engineer corps have already installed anti-fungal sprayers and air purifiers in this containment hall, decontamination is required for all inmates coming in and out, monthly checkups in the medical bay are required for inmates spending more than 30 consecutive minutes or on permanent stay in the area.
Furthermore, a trained squad of exterminators in on permanent 24-hour relay duty to come in and incinerate any level 4 or higher mold-based infections, along with any inmates contaminated by the spores.
Should all preventive measures fail, hellfire missiles are on standby in the hangar ready to be loaded into the asylum's private combat helicopter, this building and all facilities within will be razed to the ground on your command. The soil and rubble will then be incinerated in the asylum's industrial furnace.
Do not fret Lord Proctor, the asylum engineer corps have already installed anti-fungal sprayers and air purifiers in this containment hall, decontamination is required for all inmates coming in and out, monthly checkups in the medical bay are required for inmates spending more than 30 consecutive minutes or on permanent stay in the area.
Do not fret Lord Proctor, the asylum engineer corps have already installed anti-fungal sprayers and air purifiers in this containment hall, decontamination is required for all inmates coming in and out, monthly checkups in the medical bay are required for inmates spending more than 30 consecutive minutes or on permanent stay in the area.
Do not fret Lord Proctor, the asylum engineer corps have already installed anti-fungal sprayers and air purifiers in this containment hall, decontamination is required for all inmates coming in and out, monthly checkups in the medical bay are required for inmates spending more than 30 consecutive minutes or on permanent stay in the area.
This is like the start of one of those disaster movies, where they show off all the super high-tech containment procedures but you just KNOW containment will be broken in spectacular fashion by the start of the second act.
Sure, it won't be fixed by one cleaning but you can keep cleaning the place and make her bathe, and it will be almost like the problem isn't there 90% of the time. Astrology, crystals, and tarot is a never ending and consistently ongoing problem that gets worse with time.
This is like the start of one of those disaster movies, where they show off all the super high-tech containment procedures but you just KNOW containment will be broken in spectacular fashion by the start of the second act.
What would that be like in this case? Just suddenly merge all the pages generated in a month ITT and just throw it into the main thread? Except they'll all be posted at EXACTLY the same time, so we'll get thousands of "DID YOU KNOW THAT A NEW MESSAGE WAS POSTED!?" notifications on the main thread. Also it'll ruin anyone trying to catch up when they go on a touch grass weekend getaway, blissfully unaware of the containment breach, because they'll have to figure out where the mold began and where it ends.
This would be like trying to decipher the beginning and end of the Grand Canyon using a handheld magnifying glass
Crystals aren't a big deal. One, it's much more socially-acceptable and much less autistic than what most people on here would collect. Two, it makes gift-giving a lot easier, just find a decently-cut rock with the sort of symbology you want at whatever budget you have for the gift. Rose Quartz is the symbol for love, by the way, if you ever meet a girl who's into crystals, and you'll probably get bonus points if it's cut into something like a heart.
They aint gonna keep me out for long! With my first step outside i will contaminate everything in 50 metres radius with BLACK MOLD. People will grow bunny ears in my presence, the sun will turn pink and the waters with turn green with mountain dew. The very nature of the man will be changed by my twisted design! NEW AGE OF MAN WITH NO BORDERS! I WILL BUILD ENORMOUS BRIDGES WITH MOSS TO CONNECT CONTINENTS, PEOPLE. THERE WILL NEVER BE CONFLICTS, FAMINE, OR DEATH. THE WORLD WILL TURN GREEN AND SO WILL THE SPIRITS. NO DEMONS, NO ANGELS, NO GOD, ONLY THE MOLD!
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