"Yuri is the purest form of love" has been an /a/-adjacent meme for years. The reality is that Pippa is gay as fuck, and this is another of her copes.
The worst offenders (Krampus etc.) keep popping up and making a spectacle of themselves, so they become regular topics of conversation since nobody here fucking likes them. If you want to interpret that as virtue signalling one way or another I can't stop you, but I've seen enough troll shielding over the years to not care for attempts to control the narrative like this.
If these people want to thirst over whatever pregnant piss-fetish shit they're into on their own easily-avoidable accounts and group chats then I have no reason to care, but when they constantly bring it into communal spaces people use for non-sexual interactions, like stream chat or public discussion threads, they become a nuisance at best and instigators of sexual harassment at worst. It's normal to aggressively make them unwelcome, to minimise the impact they have.
"Moving on" instead allows them to thrive, and I don't want that.