It's been talked about in the other thread a bit. In my opinion it's at or below market value for what the talents are getting flat out, and it's "fair" in a sense if everyone is paying the same price and there's no weird bullshit like what went on in the death throes of EIEN, but on the other hand, the value of that IP is $0 to a dead company, so I don't see the harm in at least halving the price so more of the talents can afford it. One poster pointed out that there may be some fiduciary duty bullshit to recoup money to pay back creditors or some shit, but even then three talents paying $10k doesn't get you as much money as seven or eight talents paying $5k. I don't know, maybe they've already run the numbers on their side and this is the best they can do to keep creditors happy, but still it leaves an unpleasant taste in my mouth.
As others have said, $10k for a model is top-of-the-line pricing (and the PixelLink deal includes other elements too such as IP rights, social media accounts, etc).. There are various free and inexpensive pre-made models on Booth and the like, some of which have enough customizability that it's unlikely someone else will look like you even if they're using the same model. If you really want your own model, find relatively unknown artists in riggers in developing countries and you can get decent enough quality for a much lower price - if I recall correctly the rigging and art for my model was somewhere around $900 altogether, and while the end result is not mind-blowing, it does the job and I've been pretty happy with it. You can get into vtubing very inexpensively if you don't insist on starting out with top-of-the-line stuff.