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I strongly disagree. This was public information, posted publicly for consumption by anyone who has access to the link. You cannot gatekeep information or dictate who decides to read it.
Imagine if all of this was a reaction to a post on TVA. Imagine if Spectra had deleted that stream right as someone here was summarizing it for us to stop them from doing so (I know that's mechanically implausible due to the nature of the mediums, but that's besides the point), how would any of us react? We'd mock her and laugh at her for how stupid it was. Don't let your hatred of 'dramafags' blind you to the fact we do the exact same thing, we just don't get money for doing it.
All this back and forth regarding dramafags and "literal whos?", and I just can't bring myself to give a damn.
I agree that posting something publicly on the Internet and expecting people to not talk or react to it is beyond retarded and is the reason why so many lolcows exist. If you can't take things you post publicly on the Internet being talked about, then don't fucking post it.
I also think it's hilarious to see a bunch of "journalists" and dramafags get pissy from someone saying "hanging and quartering drama tourists". I suppose you can say it's not very professional for a corpo vtuber to say something like this, but I think it's funny.
Im confused. Them taking the public announcement video down because a "Dramatuber" was watching it for context and then, the talent making basically what equates to a "Fuck you, you wont get to watch my video on your stream" post confirming it is what made this blow up. So yes. Streissand Effect.
Retarded Vtubers doing retarded things for some retarded corpo? Reminder that some of the people involved in this are not a part of the people that are leaving so they would have a reason to push back against 3rd parties talking bad about what's happening in the company.
V&U and their talents are retards however, the best way to deal with a dramafag is to never acknowledge them and strike them when they try to make shit up to destroy their credibility.
What of a bunch of angloid homosexuality, react content is cringe a lot of the time, but acting like a drama queen because someone is reacting and commenting to content, information you posted to the public is just not understanding how the internet, or even mass media in general, works.
Jesus Christ Spectra, you could have just waited for Rima to say something actually wrong and destroy her with that, instead of going full monkey at the act itself of commenting on your graduation like it was some private affair. Menhera women always forget optics.
That reminds me. Has Liora Walkyria said anything retarded since this kicked off? I used to watch her a decent amount and found her rather cute and sweet, definitely one of the better talents. I hope she does decently wherever she goes.
Is this like the fourth or fifth time now she's bitched about dramatubers? She really should just take the hint and not talk about them at all if they bother her so much.
Is this like the fourth or fifth time now she's bitched about dramatubers? She really should just take the hint and not talk about them at all if they bother her so much.
speaking of which how the fuck is twisty still in nijisanji. Literally a walking NDA risk (already broke a bunch of them) and nuclear menhera.
Of all the people to support why would you stand behind her Harry.
Dont tell me Harry is one of her simps.
speaking of which how the fuck is twisty still in nijisanji. Literally a walking NDA risk (already broke a bunch of them) and nuclear menhera.
Of all the people to support why would you stand behind her Harry.
Dont tell me Harry is one of her simps.
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