Heard from multiple 3views that "TVA is the vtuber KF" which made it really hard to hold my laugh when they said it to my face.
That assessment is absurd for similar reasons that I feel the 'don't touch the poo' rule isn't valid for this community.
On KF, there's no such thing as a genuine lolcow fan. Okay, maybe in some incredibly limited circumstances somebody might sincerely view a lolcow in the same light as a normal entertainer, but they're almost certainly not going to be talking about them on KF if that's the case. KF is a satirical site, one whose
primary purpose is mockery and schadenfreude.
While it's likely the average KF user would, in some general sense, prefer if lolcows didn't exist, this is probably only the vague context of a near-universal human desire for things to be better than they currently are. Most users don't care about the fates of even their favourite lolcows, and I'd even argue that in recent years, Josh has allowed malicious people who genuinely wish lolcows ill to come to dominate the discourse in many parts of the site. The fact that the majority don't act on that desire doesn't prevent them from expressing it.
Meanwhile, I don't think even the person who recently made two giant effort-posts dunking on Elia actually wishes her
harm. I can't say for sure, but I guess that if she reverted her model tomorrow and put out an earnest apology for all the nonsense she's been involved with recently, he'd be cautiously optimistic at worst, delighted at best.
My point is that virtually nobody here ever wishes that vtubers would 'get worse' or suffer in any significant capacity, either because they feel said vtuber deserves it, or because they would derive callous pleasure from said suffering. In other words, we'd rather be talking about vtubers doing nice things than talk about vtubers making fools of themselves. Sometimes it's amusing to watch them make fools of themselves, but there's a reason nobody on TVA has ever seriously proposed a 'vtuber lolcow' board or anything of the sort.
What does this have to do with the 'don't touch the poo' comment, though?
KF users generally have nothing to do with lolcows. They aren't part of their communities, and those who come to KF with insider info on said communities are usually ex-members who have since cut all ties to them. Contrast this with TVA, where the overwhelming majority of users are actively part of their favourite vtuber's community. Or, at bare minimum, most would see nothing wrong with joining the community of a vtuber in order to try and discover more about them.
I would guesstimate that 80-90% of all the info we get on vtuber drama here comes from people who are active fans or have connections with the active fans of the vtubers in question. On top of that, massive optics issues aside, there is no fundamental reason why a vtuber can't or shouldn't post here. At least a few definitely have accounts here, they just don't draw attention to them or self-promote; which is fine.
What I'm getting at here is that the kind of person who might reach out and interact with a vtuber over something to do with TVA in relation to them is overwhelmingly likely to be a fan, with their best interests at heart (potentially skewed their estimates of what said interests might be notwithstanding). Even when people like
@Azehara tease vtubers for doing stupid things, they likely are not doing so out of a desire to provoke and antagonize; they're doing so out of an exasperated desire to see them
do better.
I'm not saying this justifies reaching out to a vtuber as a TVA member; I don't want people to do that. But what I am saying is that the intrinsic basis for that rule simply doesn't apply here, due to how different the dynamics of our community are to those present on KF.