But you must realise by now that she won't.I watch Airi because I hope to someday hear she's leaving her underpaid black company job, and her 2-3 hour commute, and the burning hellhole that is Los Angeles,
Because as a matter of history if you look back at Kizuna Ai that's exactly what it is?Why are you acting like not using or showing anywhere their legal name and face is something that vtubing corporations invented for the sole purpose of being able to exploit their employees?
Some people get some benefit from using a stage name and/or hiding their faces, sure, and I've got nothing against them doing that if they want (though I still think they should be credited under a stage name that the talent controls, there's literally no excuse for not doing that). But the fact remains that it literally is something that corporations invented so that they would have more power and the talents would have less.
Some people manage to leverage their experience despite not being credited, sure, especially if they're changing jobs within the vtuber industry. Doesn't mean it doesn't make things harder. And plenty of extremely talented vtubers from defunct companies do struggle to find employment.We know for a fact that bigger companies will hire you from a smaller company despite not being officially credited, which means your entire point about exploitation is completely invalid. It's not unheard of for a vtuber to change multiple companies, sometimes going from a defunct one, meaning there is no official way to confirm you are who you are and yet they don't struggle to find employment.