I will say something about phase that will probably get me attacked by the phasekek gangs in this forum but, I do not think phase is comparable to Holo or even upholding anything Holo was or is, good or bad. I do not think phase is a worthy successor or even a remotely similar company to Holo.
To me phase has always been a watered down version of an early Holo, spawned after the boom like Tsunderia, Prism, Kawaii and others. All of these Small corpos were never like Holo, they were what a western guy who was a new fan of Holo in 2020 thought Holo was, aka all of the raunchy memes and clips that get reposted in social media of marine saying "I'm horny" or the "hag" meme or talents saying nigga. A lot of western vtubing is based on a mix of trying to copy their favorite aspects of Holo in the boom (the memes and clips) and Vshojo whoredom.
You basically took Holo, flanderized it and made it an agency, that's phase imo. Now the flanderization of that standard vtubing experience that people came to know in 2020 (or earlier if you are old) has been further removed and mutilated to the point that we get fleshposting and vtuber vs irl and other shit, to the point where there's no more v in vtuber and you're just left with the ol' "streamers with a gimmick" standby because there's A MENHERA FEMALE BEHIND THE AVATAR AND SHE PAYS ATTENTION TO ME AND ONLY ME. But if that's what EOPs want, then I guess that's what EOPs will get.
Edit: Keen observers will notice that I never stated any of this makes phase or other agencies BAD, just not the same or in my eyes a replacement should Holo become irreversibly pozzed or go down the shitter tomorrow.