"Hahaha, Aki-copter go! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"Aki Rosenthal

General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

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Hololive ARK Server (2024) - Day 4


Outlasted the Chinese Community Sinicization Group
True & Honest Holofan
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hololive ARK Server (2024) - Day 4
Previous day - Next day

The base finally has some kind of structure to defend. After the tough experience of the previous day's raid, everyone has been working hard to prepare for what's coming. Will the hard work pay off?
Pekora's news recapping the day:

Rules (mostly taken from this clip):
  • The map used is Valguero.
  • Mods used:
  • The event lasts from July 23rd to July 31st.
    • There will be downtime from 3AM to 7PM JST due to difficulties in providing technical support during that time.
    • The server runtime can be extended by 30 minutes to finish pending processes.
  • Everyone will be living in a single base.
    • The base will have to be made from scratch, as the starting hub isn't the base.
  • You can tame up to three creatures at a time.
    • Tamed creatures will be stored in cryopods if the owner goes offline.
    • Trap taming is forbidden.
    • If a tamed creature dies, it cannot be revived.
    • You can't intentionally kill your tamed creature.
    • You may access the inventory of other players' tames.
    • You may give instructions to other players' tames by whistling.
    • You may ride other players' tames but only if they get in the way.
  • Dinosaur raids will be at 10PM JST.
    • Spontaneous raids can happen as well.
  • There are daily missions.
  • From Day 4 and onwards there will be events to win prizes, including stuff that's not normally obtainable.
    • Examples:
      • Cavalry Battle
        • Use a tamed creature to grab an opponent and drop them in a cage.
      • Taming Competition
        • Be the fastest to tame a specified creature.
  • Participants have to write a diary entry for what they've done each day. Penalties will be given if it's not done.

Daily mission:
  • Gather polymer and stimulant.

Overview on Twitter.
  • Pekora:
    • Argentavis ""Star Fallen Bird Star Quasar"
    • Pteranodon
    • Shadowmane
  • Marine:
    • Triceratops "Yoshida Pochi Hanako T Special Generation Narco (Narcoberry Slave)"
    • Doedicurus
    • Daeodon
  • Choco:
    • Brontosaurus
    • Shadowmane
    • Pteranodon
  • Sora:
    • Doedicurus "Blueberry Nuun"
    • Pteranodon "Soda-chan"
  • Luna:
    • Pteranodon "El the Scarlet Winged Absolute Ruler"
  • Aqua:
    • Argentavis "Aqutantavis"
    • Argentavis "Aqutantavis Kai"
    • Shadowmane "Aquatanmane"
  • Lui:
    • Pteranodon
    • Shadowmane "Sirius Black"
  • Miko:
    • Pteranodon
    • Deinonychus
    • T-Rex
    • Deinonychus
    • Maewing "Harochi"
  • Aki:
    • Pteranodon "Mukidon"
    • Pteranodon "Mukidon 2"
    • Pteranodon "Mukidon 3"
    • Pteranodon "Mukidon 4"
    • Shadowmane
    • Pteranodon "Mukidon 5"
    • Pteranodon "Mukidon 6"
    • Pteranodon "Mukidon 7"
  • Ao:
    • Ankylosaurus
    • Daeodon
  • Flare:
    • Ankylosaurus
    • Shadowmane "Flare Shadow"
  • Iroha:
    • Stegosaurus
    • Snow Owl
  • Polka:
    • Deinonychus
    • Woolly Rhino
    • Maewing
    • Woolly Rhino
  • Koyori:
    • Argentavis
  • Hajime:
    • Pteranodon "Bunbun-butenchiyo"
    • Argentavis
  • Kanata:
    • Stegosaurus
    • Argentavis
  • Fubuki:
    • Raptor "Yuta-Sama"
    • Yutyrannus
    • Raptor
    • Argentavis "Foxstar Bird"
    • Deinonychus
  • Lamy:
    • Triceratops
  • Noel:
    • Argentavis "Lucky Taro"
    • Argentavis
    • Argentavis
    • Carcharodontosaurus
  • Kanade:
    • Mammoth
  • Bae:
    • Pteranodon "PPDON"
    • Tek Raptor "MECHAPP"
    • Pteranodon "ppdon v2"
    • Tek Stegosaurus "I LOVE AQUA"
  • Ririka:
    • Argentavis
    • Argentavis
  • Suisei:
    • Argentavis "BiBiDeBaViSu"
    • Deinonychus
  • Towa:
    • Shadowmane
    • Snow Owl
  • Subaru:
    • Mammoth "Oozora Muki Muki Heaven Elite"
  • Okayu:
    • Argentavis
  • AZKi:
    • Pteranodon
  • Mio:
    • Argentavis
  • Roboco:
    • Daeodon

And now for the recap. Information has been sourced from this post and the hololive fan Discord.
  • Koyori's plans are to get a specific dino and strengthen the base, but she won't stream for it.
  • The missions rewards are Scuba gears and one random pet. The Pet dinos are small and come with a random hat.
  • Aqua is making good use of the scuba gear that was provided as she explores underwater with her Shadowmane. She came across a couple of electric eels but was able to get away from them
  • Mio, Suisei, and Okayu hunted with their Deinonychuses to help them gain EXP.
  • Raora had joined the server.
  • Fubuki lost her Yutyrannus. She died and then her dino died while it was fighting an alpha dino with Towa and Aqua. Fubuki is going to find a new Yutyrannus
  • with Towa and Koyori.
    • They found a new Yutyrannus and were able to tame it. Fubuki named it "Holoshogun Number 2".
  • A large group is on the hunt for a Gigantosaurus. Bae, Noel, Roboco, Aqua, Lui, Haachama, and Pekora are part of it. During their travel they came across a Rock Elemental and Bae and Haachama died. They were able to get back and get their items.
    • Some of the group went back to the base, while others are staying to help tame the Gigantosaurus. They eventually went back to base to prepare for the raid.
  • Aki managed to steal a level 165 Lightning Wyvern egg.
  • Miko and Subaru dealt with a Tek Stegosaurus that wandered into the base. It's different from Bae's Stegosaurus who is just chilling. Miko managed to knock it down with Subaru's help and they went to work on taming it. Subaru got Calli to come by and help tame the Stegosaurus.
    • Subaru gave the Tek Stegosaurus to Raora. Raora was able to tame the Stegosaurus and named it "Robertino". She learned how to use the Stegosaurus. Subaru and Iroha tell Raora to keep the Tek Stegosaurus on the Hardened Plate (the orange).
    • Since both Bae and Raora have Tek Stegosaurusses, Bae is telling Raora how they'll use their Stegosaurussus in the raid. They will tank and they'll use shotguns.
  • AZKi got to tame a Snowy Owl.
  • A Wvyern got into the base, but it was quickly dealt with. Raora is happy she was able to deal some damage to it.
  • A new foundry was built at the base increasing their metal production.
  • Iroha has been showing the members her Snowy Owl. She says she's a doctor to Raora.
  • Fubuki helped to move all the dinos to get them healed up and so they're not in the way as Towa works to build walls and good defense for the raid.
  • The raid:
    • This time around, everyone was split into different voice chat groups by role to better coordinate with each other. Bigger opponents included two Alpha Raptors, Reapers and Rock Golems. The boss was a Magmasaurus.
    • The raid was defeated. It went better than the previous day, though there was some damage to the base and Polka lost all her tames (Deinonychus and Woolly Rhino). Suisei's Deinonychus died as well.
  • Fubuki learned to put glasses on her Argentavis.
  • Miko is showing her Maewing at the base (mainly Calli, Bae, and Raora) and how it produces milk. Fubuki was there and also showed them Chloe who is sleeping (offline) inbetween the rocks.
  • Calli, Bae, and Raora went off on an adventure to find a dinosaur to tame for Calli.
    • While travelling they came across Kanade who was dehydrated. Raora dropped a waterskin from Kanade, but it was empty and Kanade died from thirst. Her body was spazzing out making the group laugh. Kanade was able to return to her body and get her items.
    • After a bit, the group decided to head back to base to get more tranq. arrows. On the way back the group found a male Patchy and decide to tame it for Calli. Calli was able to tame the dino.
    • Subaru came by and told the EN girls that there's no raid for next day but a minigame instead.
  • Fubuki, Miko, Koyori, Hajime, Ao went off to find a Velonasaur to tame. They were able to get a Velonasaur and it was tamed by Koyori.
  • Back at the base the different groups are showing their newly acquired dinos. Haachama showed off her new Giganosaurus, and Koyori showed her new Velonasaur. There's also a new baby Shadowmane born.
  • Earlier Kanata tamed a Tek Stegosaurus and named it "The Hero That Was Too Late".
    • She was too late to participate in the raid.
  • Aqua and Pekora were helping each other to tame a Carcharodontosaurus. They found one but there weren't many creatures around for it to eat to complete the taming process.
    • They found another Carcharodontosaurus and kill it to use as food. The tamed Carcharodontosaurus went to Pekora. Aqua went back exploring the waters.
  • Miko and Fubuki helped Roboco to catch a Gasbag for taming. Roboco was able to tame it and named it "Pero Pero Robo".
  • Haachama went and showed some folks at the base her Giganosaurus with the saddle. But when she got off her dino she fell to the ground and died (she was up very high since her dino is very large).
  • Raora met with Okayu and Okayu used her Pocket talk to converse with Raora. Okayu used her Argentavis to help carry Raora down the mountain.
  • AZKi and Suisei went around to announce the release of The Last Frontier 5th fes Version with cheers from everyone. They also promoted it to Raora afterwards in English.
  • Aki, Fubuki, Miko, Subaru, and Towa went to find Wyvern eggs to collect and hatch.
    • The group later changed to of Fubuki, Polka, Aki, and Subaru. They went off to find Wyvern eggs and work on getting the stuff to raise Wyverns. Vaby Wyverns need Wyvern milk which is only obtained from either an Alpha Wyvern or a female Wyvern.
    • During their attempts, Aki grabbed a Magmasaur egg and got to hatch it. It was claimed by Towa who named it "Eren".
    • They found some honey and made some hives for the base.
  • Surprise! Another raid. It consisted of Alpha Crabs.
    • The raid was repelled. A shorter raid, however it did damage the greenhouse and destroyed the honey hives that were just made.
  • A few members have been working on repairing the base. Roboco and Towa are two. When Roboco was removing the canvases that were on a metal wall, she accidentally destroyed part of the metal wall. Apologies were made to Towa. Towa has been busy making sure the base is neat and organized, not an easy feat.
  • Other new tames and deaths of tames:
    • Polka got a Deinonychus named "POLnonics" and a Ice Wyvern. She went through four Pteranodons.
    • Fubuki's Deinonychus died. She also went through two Pteranodons but kept another one alive.
    • Suisei got another Deinonychus.
    • Haachama got a Gasbag.
    • Subaru got a Pteranodon but had to replace it with another one. She named the new one "Subaru 2".
    • Aki got a Quetzal.
    • Choco got a Magmasaur.
    • Okayu got a Deinonychus "Waiting to be Brestfed Man" and a green Doedicurus "Do-M Melon", with the M standing for "Masohisto" (masochist). The full name would be something like "Super Masochistic Watermelon".
    • Deinonychus "Waiting to be Brestfed Man"
    • Doedicurus
    • Kanata got a Pteranodon. Her Argentavis died.
    • Iroha got a Velonasaur.
    • Bae's ppdon v2 died.
    • Lui got a Griffon. Her Pteranodon died.
    • Hajime got a Shadowmane.
    • Calli got a Pachycephalosaurus named "Patches".

I'm going to be busy over the next few days, so the next few recaps might be pushed back by a day.

Edit: More clips added. Added some tame names.
Edit 2: Raden wasn't in the server, just as a guest alongside Choco.
Edit 3: Re-formatted the post so that the updated rules are in the main rules, which are no longer spoilered.
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Spooked But Lobotomized

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Edit: The fact that Dizzy most certainly egosearches and absolutely knows what the Virtual Asylum is concerning, because there's a high chance she saw Proctor's post and now mines
Remember that vt post about her giving someone the saddest handjob with a sockpuppet dressed like Dizzy and she had a minor breakdown about that being memed for a while? Just like that I guess


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Remember that vt post about her giving someone the saddest handjob with a sockpuppet dressed like Dizzy and she had a minor breakdown about that being memed for a while? Just like that I guess
Any source? For research purpose? :dokiSmug:


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Dread Father
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You can dress up a sock puppet for playtime all you want but only one sadgirl has that nails on chalkboard voice that completes the experience

hi dizzy love ya

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

God's Strongest Smartass
Dizzy's Husband
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Looks like TVA is getting close to enacting Pippas pact



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I do wonder sometimes if Marine knows, that there is a big canadian vtuber agency, and it's owner is her huge simp who is trying to replicate her in every gen


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unity love, resident luxiem fangull
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God's Strongest Wardog

Wigger Daisenpai Stan
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I'm getting that collab one day.
Not if I get it first:annoyedpippa:
She's looking for a man.
That's what I'm banking on, that for once in my life having two different chromosomes gives me something other than pain and misery. :pippasadl:
Can't be worse than Mikeneko having a hallucination that you're cheating on her mid-sex and stabbing you.
Buddy, Mike wouldn't stab you, that's wishful thinking! She would bite your carotid out.


Murdered Lurker
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New Content Warning animation of Mococo and Biboo


haha it's unou
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Dizzy would absolutely be the kind of woman who decides to murder you when you get home that night after work, but gets nervous an hour before you reach the door and starts drinking. Then she flings herself at you bawling as you come through the door and initiates desperate make-up sex, but she hid the knife in her clothes and it accidentally stabs you in the gut as she's frantically riding you and screaming that she's been a bad girl. As you lie there rapidly bleeding out, she alternates between frantically mopping up the blood while apologizing, and twisting the knife while reciting all the reasons why you deserved it. Your last sensations as consciousness fades is the feeling of gasoline sloshing over your chest. The police find you both dead the next day, her having passed out from the fumes after wasting an entire box of matches that got drenched with your blood and won't strike, then asphyxiating on her own vomit.
This is just half plagiarized from this Yuri clip you can't fool me.



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I dunno why this popped in my recommended, but Happy Birthday I guess. :wawaspazzing:

Shuba Saber

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I know most of you niggas have a menhera fetish, but why doesn't anyone ever consider the idea of Dizzy getting into a loving relationship that slowly fixes her and makes her happy, rather than constantly wanting weird sadgirl depression sex?

oh okay

John Vtuber👁️

Sentient Eyeball, Primarch of Hag Pride Worldwide
Certified Manwhore
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Nako plays Fallout London

@John Vtuber👁️ You were asking?

I'm just glad at least one chuuba was able to untangle the mess that Bethesda left, so I'm watching

in unrelated news, I shall now proceed to increase my defenses to minimize the risk of being kidnapped by Dizzy


We have some serious streams to discuss 🔨
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I know most of you niggas have a menhera fetish, but why doesn't anyone ever consider the idea of Dizzy getting into a loving relationship that slowly fixes her and makes her happy, rather than constantly wanting weird sadgirl depression sex?

Won't happen. She's set up waiting for that young oil prince to scoop her up but the waiting line is too long.
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