"she dislikes pickaxes and I take that seriously and personally #holoAdvent"Kaela Kovalskia

General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

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Bri's Balls thing is starting right now
Hololive ARK Server (2024) - Day 5


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hololive ARK Server (2024) - Day 5
Previous day - Next day

You probably already know about Subaru's pregnancy arc. But this recap also goes over everything else, such as the Cavalry Battle.
Pekora's news recapping the day:

Rules (mostly taken from this clip):
  • The map used is Valguero.
  • Mods used:
  • The event lasts from July 23rd to July 31st.
    • There will be downtime from 3AM to 7PM JST due to difficulties in providing technical support during that time.
    • The server runtime can be extended by 30 minutes to finish pending processes.
  • Everyone will be living in a single base.
    • The base will have to be made from scratch, as the starting hub isn't the base.
  • You can tame up to three creatures at a time.
    • Only the person who tamed the creature can use it. They will be stored in cryopods if the owner goes offline.
    • Trap taming is forbidden.
    • If a tamed creature dies, it cannot be revived.
    • You can't intentionally kill your tamed creature.
    • You may access the inventory of other players' tames.
    • You may give instructions to other players' tames by whistling.
    • You may ride other players' tames but only if they get in the way.
  • Dinosaur raids will be at 10PM JST.
    • The usual raid won't be on this day.
    • Spontaneous raids can happen as well.
  • There are daily missions.
  • From Day 4 and onwards there will be events to win prizes, including stuff that's not normally obtainable.
    • Examples:
      • Cavalry Battle
        • Use a Pteranodon to grab an opponent and drop them to death.
      • Taming Competition
        • Be the fastest to tame a specified creature.
  • Participants have to write a diary entry for what they've done each day. Penalties will be given if it's not done.

Event of the day:
  • Cavalry Battle
  • Starts at 8PM JST and lasts 10 minutes.
  • Use a Pteranodon to grab an opponent and drop them to death.
  • The killed riders can re-join if the're still Pteranodon available on the ground.
  • The winners are the survivors after the time is up.

Other changes as of this day:
  • There is a new event area on the map that members can fast travel to.
  • Aberration Area has been opened.

Daily mission rewards:
  • "Well made metal armor" (Flak Armor?)
  • Auto Turret

Overview on Twitter. (I noticed an error that Bae's three tames were all alive, only of them was actually alive by then.)
  • Sora:
    • Doedicurus "Blueberry Nuun"
    • Pteranodon "Soda-chan"
  • Roboco:
    • Daeodon
    • Gasbag "Pero Pero Robo"
  • Suisei:
    • Argentavis "BiBiDeBaViSu"
    • Deinonychus
    • Deinonychus
  • Miko:
    • Pteranodon
    • Deinonychus
    • T-Rex
    • Deinonychus
    • Maewing "Harochi"
    • Daeodon
  • AZKi
    • Pteranodon
    • Snow Owl
  • Fubuki:
    • Raptor "Yuta-Sama"
    • Yutyrannus
    • Raptor
    • Argentavis "Foxstar Bird"
    • Deinonychus
    • Yutyrannus "Holoshogun Number 2"
    • Pteranodon
    • Pteranodon
    • Pteranodon
  • Aki:
    • Pteranodon "Mukidon"
    • Pteranodon "Mukidon 2"
    • Pteranodon "Mukidon 3"
    • Pteranodon "Mukidon 4"
    • Shadowmane
    • Pteranodon "Mukidon 5"
    • Pteranodon "Mukidon 6"
    • Pteranodon "Mukidon 7"
    • Quetzal
  • Haachama:
    • Giganosaurus
    • Gasbag
  • Aqua:
    • Argentavis "Aqutantavis"
    • Argentavis "Aqutantavis Kai"
    • Shadowmane "Aquatanmane"
  • Choco:
    • Brontosaurus
    • Shadowmane
    • Pteranodon
    • Magmasaur
  • Subaru:
    • Mammoth "Oozora Muki Muki Heaven Elite"
    • Pteranodon
    • Pteranodon "Subaru 2"
  • Okayu:
    • Argentavis
    • Deinonychus "Waiting to be Brestfed Man"
    • Doedicurus "Super Masochistic Watermelon"
  • Mio:
    • Argentavis
  • Pekora:
    • Argentavis ""Star Fallen Bird Star Quasar"
    • Pteranodon
    • Shadowmane
    • Carcharodontosaurus
  • Marine:
    • Triceratops "Yoshida Pochi Hanako T Special Generation Narco (Narcoberry Slave)"
    • Doedicurus
    • Daeodon
  • Flare:
    • Ankylosaurus
    • Shadowmane "Flare Shadow"
  • Noel:
    • Argentavis "Lucky Taro"
    • Argentavis
    • Argentavis
    • Carcharodontosaurus
  • Kanata:
    • Stegosaurus
    • Argentavis
    • Tek Stegosaurus "The Hero That Was Too Late"
    • Pteranodon
  • Towa:
    • Shadowmane
    • Snow Owl
    • Magasamar "Eren"
  • Luna:
    • Pteranodon "El the Scarlet Winged Absolute Ruler"
  • Lamy:
    • Triceratops
  • Polka:
    • Deinonychus
    • Woolly Rhino
    • Maewing
    • Woolly Rhino
    • Deinonychus "POLnonics"
    • Pteranodon
    • Pteranodon
    • Pteranodon
    • Pteranodon
    • Ice Wyvern
  • Lui:
    • Pteranodon
    • Shadowmane "Sirius Black"
    • Griffon
  • Iroha:
    • Stegosaurus
    • Snow Owl
    • Velonasaurto
  • Koyori:
    • Argentavis
    • Velonasaurto
  • Ao:
    • Ankylosaurus "Ikemensaurus"
    • Daeodon
  • Hajime:
    • Pteranodon "Bunbun-butenchiyo"
    • Argentavis
    • Shadowmane
  • Kanade:
    • Mammoth
  • Ririka:
    • Argentavis
    • Argentavis
  • Calli:
    • Pachycephalosaurus "Patches"
  • Bae:
    • Pteranodon "PPDON"
    • Tek Raptor "MECHAPP"
    • Pteranodon "ppdon v2"
    • Tek Stegosaurus "I LOVE AQUA"
  • Raora:
    • Tek Stegosaurus "Robertino"

And now for the recap. Information has been sourced from this post and the hololive fan Discord.
  • The server's billboards now feature fanart of hololive ARK.
  • Suisei was seen sleeping (offline) inside the main floor of the base building, so Fubuki moved her upstairs to the 2nd floor where the beds are.
  • Koyori wants a Reaper but only if room gets made in her dino slots (she has 3 dinos at the moment).
  • Raora was looking for Robertino since it wasn't at the base. She asked Towa and Towa showed here where it was: in a small storage in the base. Towa then showed Raora (and Calli who was nearby) how to use the cyropods for her dino.
  • Koyori went and brought new oil wells to replace the old ones that were damaged in the server.
  • The base is now starting to have metal for it's floor and walls instead of stone, as it's more stronger.
    • Since they want to upgrade the walls from stone to metal, a lot of members are working to farm metal and ores.
    • Members are working to remodel the base. Change the walls and fix up the old greenhouse that got damaged yesterday.
  • Calli met Okayu and her Doedicurus "Do-M Melon", who Calli guesed to stand for "Masochistic Melon". Towa and Koyori also came by to check out Okayu's dino
  • Watame joined the server. She came to Towa who helped explained some things, and Calli also introduced herself to her.
    • Earlier too Fubuki came and gifted a purple sheep for Watame. It has been seen wandering around the base.
  • The Cavalry Battle event. They'll be using a special stadium for it.
    • There are Ptetradactyls they'll pick, and then they will try to knock each other out and kill the Pteranodons. The game ends at the time limit or if theres no more Pteranodons left. They will have to stay below the red part of the poles. If they fall off they can go on another dino. The winner will be the ones who are still on dinos by the end. They are not allowed to whistle nor are they allowed to take a saddle off.
    • A lot of deaths are occuring from members nabbing others off of dinos and dropping them to their deaths.
    • The winners are Fubuki, Aqua, and Miko! As a reward they get a Level 1000 (pretty much unbeatable) Fjordhawk. The Fjordhawk retrieves items when you die. They also don't count towards the tame limit as they're shoulder pets..
      • Fubuki named hers "Mio's Karaage".
      • Miko named hers "Elite Mane-chan".
  • Calli lost her Pachycephalosaurus, Patches to some triceratops. It kept attacking the triceratops and Calli was unable to get it back to her, resulting in it's death.
    • Koyori and Aki will breed their own Shadowmanes and the baby will be given to Calli to raise. She names it "Tutu Mane".
    • Calli also tamed a Pteranodon. She named "Petrie from Land Before Time"
  • Koyori worked on making a Maternity Room for everyone to use.
  • A large group is exploring an Abberation. It's an underground cave and you can't really fly through it so they have to walk on foot (or ride a Shadowmane). Large mushrooms can be seen. Members who went exploring include Koyori, Pekora, Noel, Lui, Aki, Watame, Miko, Subaru.
    • They found some green crystals that they mined. They also found some mushroom pollen.
    • The group come across a Bulbdog. They find it pretty cute (or ugly). Lui gets the pet, and they name it "Belotaro". It can sit on her shoulder. The Bulbdog is native to the Abberation area, and it can help weaken Reapers (a dino the members would like to obtain) so having one in their party is a good asset. The Reaper can be found in the Abberation cave.
    • The group will be planning to get a Reaper. However obtaining a Reaper will be very difficult as they cannot be captured nor bred through normal means.
    • For now, the group head back to base.
  • Meanwhile other members are back at the base doing base and item management. One is Towa who is working on organizing, building, and making materials. Others like Okayu, Ririka, and Fubuki, are farming and gathering materials.
    • Towa is working on making a metal roof above the 2nd floor of their base and over the greenhouse, along with metal beams.
    • A Brontosaurus came and attacked their base, destroying the greenhouse. The Brontosaurus was dealt with, but the greenhouse would have to be rebuilt again.
  • Calli got an accessory pet spider as a gift.
  • Surprise raid!
    • Raid enemies include Reapers, Magamasaurs, Giant Crabs, and Rock Golems.
    • The raid was easily dealt with. Most likely due to more members being around, plus having Belotaro around helped to weaken the Reapers that showed up.
  • Aki sent out an open invitation to fight Wvyerns together. Lui asked Calli if she wanted to join and she agreed. Many others will join along for the Wyvern hunt.
    • During this, Fubuki was out on her own in the ice biome, investigating the Wyvern nests, when she was attacked by an Ice Wyvern. It killed her and her Pteranodon. But thanks to Fubuki's Fjordhawk, her items were recovered.
    • Aki has a Quetzal that can carry multiple members with a platform on it's back. Members who were riding along it's back are Mio, Noel, Ririka, Okayu, Miko, and Calli, with Aki as the rider. Kanata and Subaru will also tag along on their Pteranodons, Lui on her Griffin, and Koyori on her Shadowmane. Aki rides her Pteranodon.
    • When they arrived at the ice biome, a Rock Golem appeared and attacked the group. They were fine, but it destroyed the Quetzal's platform that it had to carry the members on board. It was rebuilt, and campfires were put on top to help warm up members who were getting cold.
    • Aki's Pteranodon was lost to a Lightning Wyvern that appeared during their hunt.
    • While hunting, another Rock Golem showed up and it killed Mio. Others members also got killed but were able to make it back to the group.
    • The hunt was ultimately a success. They managed to find multiple Wyvern eggs (Including a level 190).
    • Later on, Kanade and Kanata got a Lightning Wyvern each. Kanata named hers "WonderLightning".
  • Pekora and Flare are out on a hunt in the Abberation for gas and materials to help them make radiation suits to wear when they go and find the Reaper. Flare has also never been in the area, so Pekora is showing her around.
  • Choco was spotted at the base. She Said hi to Fubuki and Towa who were working on the base. They were replacing stone with metal.
  • One of the Shadowmanes got glitched and stucked in the wall. Towa used her whip to try and get it through, before Aki put it back in the ball.
  • Kanade showed her Penguin named "Freezing cold Penpen-chan" that Kanata was taming to everyone at the base.
    • The penguin died before she could tame it.
  • There's been another surprise raid!
    • The raid consisted of a single large Dodo Rex. They were able to beat it without any damage to the base or casualties.
  • A lot of talk this day has been about pregnancy, and getting Subaru pregnant so they can have a Reaper for their base. This is where making the Maternity Room (named Subaru's Hut) was for, along with getting materials to make suits so they can go into the cave to encounter a Reaper.
  • After hours of preparation they were going to go and get the members pregnant with the Reaper. Subaru and Flare have offered to be volunteers. Pekora, Lui, and Aki joined to help out.
    • Time was running out, but staff gave an extension: "We are extending the server's closing time until Oozora Subaru gives birth."
    • The members decided that Flare should go first, following the exact words.
    • Aki caught a Featherlight to help them with the Reaper. The Featherlight died at some point.
    • A Reaper Queen has been found. Aki, Lui, and Pekora worked to bring it'ss HP down. Flare then went up first and got successfully pregnant! Pekora immediately brought Flare back to base.
    • Everyone else took a trip back to base as the first Reaper Queen died.
  • Iroha was seen at the base. She greeted Miko and Fubuki who were there. The two showed Iroha, Subaru's Hut and explained what the members have been up to. They went to work on the Maternity House.
  • The Reaper Hunting group returned back to base and met up with the other group making the Hut. They check out the new Maternity House built and gave Flare her congrats.
    • Flare gave birth! It's a boy! Flare was able to live through the ordeal! Subaru gives her apologies as she was not the one to get pregnant first. Noel also logged in to watch the birth happen. Many hololive members have been tweeting about the pregnancy happening in ARK.
  • They will try again to get Subaru pregnant. Pekora, Aki, Noel, and Lui tag along to help. Miko and Fubuki stay at the base to keep Flare company as her Reaper grows. They're using Miko's Maewing to help with the process.
  • Subaru died to the Reaper and was unable to get pregnant. She spawned back at base. Flare showed them her Reaper.
  • Subaru was determined to succeed. #大空スバル様の妊娠 ("Oozura Subaru Pregnancy") went trending on Japanese Twitter.
  • After some preperation, Subaru went for another attempt. The usual group (Aki, Lui, Pekora, Noel) will accompany to help. Everyone who is online cheers on for Subaru. Fubuki while cheering on Subaru gives her Coco impression.
  • Miko's Deinonychus died while it was fighting a Gigantopithecus to help out Aki.
  • Iroha, Miko, and Fubuki went out to find Managamrs. Iroha got killed by a Managamr and Fubuki and Miko (riding together on a Argentavis) got chased by a Wyvern. Miko died but Fubuki managed to save Iroha's Snow Owl.
  • Subaru finally got pregnant! The time was around 5:40AM JST. #スバル妊娠 ("Subaru Pregnant") went trending on Japanese Twitter.
  • Back at the Maternity House, Subaru was put into it while the rest (Aki, Pekora, Fubuki, Lui, Miko, Noel and Iroha) watched and cheered her on.
    • The staff were kind enough to get Miko's items back since she was too busy watching the birth happen.
    • At 6AM JST, Subaru gave birth! And she also survived! Noel captured the moment. The initial proposal to name baby Reaper was "Oozora Pekora", as a gratitude to Pekora for the succesfull attempt. It was eventually named "Stellar Symphony". The announcement message from staff was: "Congratulations to Oozora Subaru for giving birth! We will close the server at 6:30AM."
    • Flare's Reaper has fully grown up. It's very large, and she can ride on it. Fubuki is given the honor of naming it. It was named "Sky Reaper".
  • Other new tames and deaths of tames:
    • Roboco got a Tek Rex.
    • Choco's Pteranodon died.
    • Mio got two Dung Beetles.
    • Watame got a Deinoychus and a Bulbdog.
    • Iroha got a Ankylosaurus. She lost her Stegosaurus.
    • Hajime also got a Ankylosaurus.
    • Ririka got a Deinonychus.

Edit: Added more information provided by @Shuba Saber. More clips added.
Edit 2: Re-formatted to add the rules of the Cavalry Battle. Un-spoilered the rules. I forgot to note about the death of Aki's Featherlight.
Edit 3: Corrected the information about the penguin. Replaced a clip with an extended version.
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OG Pomu fan and former nijisister
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Poor Michi (not-Melatika). Anycolor has no shame at all.


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Poor Michi (not-Melatika). Anycolor has no shame at all.

I thought they could just ask for it.:dokiSmugNew:

If you do a joke and their response is "I know it's a joke, but you can't do that", then they 100% didn't take it as a joke or are being performative for someone else who saw and 100% wouldn't take it as a joke. So basically, Niji's opinion of their livers is lower that of a street thief, and only the contract keeps them from looting and stealing Riku's Yatch. :sinktheyacht:


The lurker formally known as Drax
Joined:  Dec 2, 2022
This whole Xenomorph subaru arc has been some of the finest HoloJP kino in a bit

You know Subaru is a duck, and modern birds are descended from dinosaurs, so it kinda makes sense she was the one to have a dinobaby.

God's Tastiest Bucko

A well-fed spider will bring you much happiness
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Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
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The Pontiff of PonWolf
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Next NamesTooVirtual talent revealed Ludmilavt

For context
I've discovered all 4 of their starting talents so I figured I'd give a brief description of my findings. First two I won't spend long on cause everyone here that are familiar with Haven X knows them. That said here are Roza and Eri

Now for the two I wasn't familiar with ludmilavt is a Witch ASMRtist with 7k subs.

And Kei Nyne is a brown fox woman artist and Valo player with 538 subs. @God's Strongest Mozumite
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That maid panko is really cute E: Damn embed hid specifically that

God's Strongest Dragoon

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Thank god it's no feet reveal
I thought they could just ask for it.:dokiSmugNew:

If you do a joke and their response is "I know it's a joke, but you can't do that", then they 100% didn't take it as a joke or are being performative for someone else who saw and 100% wouldn't take it as a joke. So basically, Niji's opinion of their livers is lower that of a street thief, and only the contract keeps them from looting and stealing Riku's Yatch. :sinktheyacht:
Oh wow, you mean to tell me that Claude Clawmark, another Elira Hanamori nepohire, lied to make the company look better and throw muck at people that justifiably complained?

Void Scribas

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John Vtuber👁️

Sentient Eyeball, Primarch of Hag Pride Worldwide
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The queen of opsec is at it again :smugpipi:

at this point, she should be a cautionary tale for any content creator, not just chuubas:

stop posting all of your personal information on your social media, please, I am begging you, do not underestimate autists on the internet

and then another few footnotes about who you choose to represent your community, the inevitable implosion because of it, nothing that hasn't already been said in a million different ways


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John Vtuber👁️

Sentient Eyeball, Primarch of Hag Pride Worldwide
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Lurker Throwaway

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Athy premiered a collab cover of Cendrillion.


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Khubie is yapping before her Roblox collab with Pafu, Yumitomomi, and maybe Denpafish.


jkterjter jkterjtier
LM's Ladyboy
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