This thing is so dumb I'm now inclined to believe she's a paid actor
The dude paid her as a glorified ads for how good he is at sex
There's no real other reason why it was even mentioned.
It was mentioned because it's a strong memory for her even despite the claims of things 'being fuzzy' she can remember particular details about the sex itself because she did actually enjoy it, she's just presenting the story in a negative light now because she wants to spin a narrative in regards to her own regret over it now because she changed her mind after the fact. Granted, legitimate victims of sexual assault can remember significant details of their attack but may try to downplay it in expressing to save themselves the trauma of reliving it, so in this instance I don't believe it's actually a traumatic memory for her. The most damning evidence of this is supplied by herself;
She agreed to the sex the first time around because she was out of her mind with happiness at being able to be with him, and she tries to downplay it as "What could warrant me saying no?". She spins it like it was owed by that point and she had no reason to decline at all, ignoring entirely that just because a guy is nice to a girl doesn't mean the girl is in any way supposed to repay with her body. She wanted it, and she was excited for the prospect, if she actually had any misgivings she's completely glossed over them and omitted them from the recount, which is what leads me to believe it's post-fact fabrication on her part. She's trying to make it sound like she's victimized by her own desire in order to win sympathy. Don't forget this all started because she would raid his streams and was thrilled she was getting attention back from him to start with, and that she's also admitted that the Tora-whatever callout post is what 'motivated' her to post this too. Even from the outset she was clout chasing, such as it is for streamers to raid each other for growth.
She got bred hard, loved it, found out he had a loli mouse bodypillow and, more damningly, she probably torpedoed her own growth and started languishing from it and now she's mad and trying to win back attention by claiming her mind-shattering dick-down that she consented to both times made her feel bad afterwards because she was
checks notes asked several times until she gave in? Ah yes, the criminal charge of asking a previous sexual partner for another tumble repeatedly until they relent. Annoying? Yes. Pathetic? Maybe. Illegal? Fuck no.
The part that really gets to me in all this is all the whining about the age gap. Frankly, who the fuck cares if they're both legal adults? Where's the part where this is wrong? If it was really a problem for her at all, like it's being spun as being predatory, she could have broken off at any point after learning he was 15 years on her but again, it's pretty clear she's retroactively changing her tune on her actions because it better fits her narrative now. The way it's told it sounds like she knew he was that much older than her well before they ever had sex, so it's not like it was sprung on her as a surprise afterwards, so she was into it from the start.
Fucking annoying. Maybe it is pedophilia because she's obviously still mentally a child.

I'm so glad my partner isn't a delusional cunt and is just normal delusional.