In my day we just called that "reaching your goals and enjoying life"
In "your day", people have
always felt like reaching their goals was underwhelming. Listen to the vast amount of music about people having become disillusioned to the idea of celebrity, or the amount of music about how much people loathe their audience. Rush "reached their goal" - Limelight was written, talking about how being in the spotlight is too invasive, especially when people wanna be left alone. Kurt Cobain "reached his goal" - he got an audience he loathed and killed himself over the stress it caused him.
In Gura's case, it seems like she's become disillusioned for two reasons.
First - her fanbase, for better or worse, is
the largest fanbase of any vtuber on the planet, and she knows it. When she streams it feels like she cannot physically stand having to stream to 15k+ people. I feel like she wants to have the intimacy with her audience that she used to be afforded when she was Senzawa, or earlier when she was Gura. She used to have a great back and forth with chat and felt comfortable with everything, and that was when numbers were still around 5k CCV or so. At the current position of 15k every stream it's even harder to try and interact with people. I almost feel like I'm seeing the same issue as Pippa - trying to reach a position she was comfortable with number-wise so she can feel comfortable with an audience she likes instead of an audience she loathes.
Second - I think she feels like her content has stagnated, and doesn't feel comfortable with playing video games nearly as much as she used to be anymore. I'll repeat myself about the long-term burnout thing, and add on to it that during the stream Gura was speaking about how she looks at her steam page and sees all the games she's only played 40% of and thinks "Wow, I'm such a gamer!". That is the words of somebody who does not feel like playing video games anymore. I've seen it repeated many times when I've looked online and seen people who talk about their backlogs, with regards to anything, really. So she'd rather stick with more personal hobbies, like reading, or baking. I can understand wishing that she would share it with us, but the biggest hurdle she has is her crippling introversion that has only worsened over time. That's basically the final nail in the coffin for why she refuses to stream at the moment.
Let the woman lie. Nothing you say will really get her to come back soon, and if you're implying she'll graduate, there's almost no way she'll ever drop being Gura at all with her level of success. At worst she'll take the Kurt Cobain route and end her career on a high note (but hopefully not by killing herself). Yeah, it's fun to laugh at chumbuds and their delusions, but at this point the only chumbuds left are the people who genuinely understand her and why she is the way she is, and I gotta respect that.
The key takeaway I got from the stream was that Gura
does wish she could come back to streaming, but she feels too burnt out to try and pick up the pace. So she's sticking with simple hobbies and improving herself (lol) to regain passion for life in general. If that leads to streaming? Great. If it leads her in another direction that's fine too. I just hope she can find a good direction she wants to go in life without having to crater to the demands of whiny bitches online in either direction.
Regardless, I'm never dropping my Gura membership.