A handful of livers live with roomates, what?Matara also said another time that she had to live alone previously because of NDA's (with Nijisanji). Which for all I want to make another black company joke is just fucking weird more than anything else.
Maria also has a "roommate", Scarle has one as well, and I wouldn't be surprised if Ren lived with his girlfriend. Elira and Aia also live with a family member, so it's more than likely that Nina just didn't want to deal with the hassle of a roommate overhearing anything they weren't supposed to.Enna lived with a roommate and they are literally from the same gen. And she moved out because she wanted to live with her boyfriend, not because of any kind of legal stuff. Mika also had a roommate and she got married, so that's a strike as well. It either sounds like she didn't read the contract as Nina properly or decided it's way too much of a liability if it's a random person and not a close friend. Holos have roommates as well, I know Kiara does
I don't think Nina would pull a Mysta, it's more than likely she just didn't want to deal with them.Or Matara its just Lying to make Vshojo look good and make Niji even worse (thanks to the hate wave of current year)
You either need to input your Tencent account or a phone number, and I'm leaning more toward them having the livers use a Tencent account. I'm saying that because having a Tencent account is the key to basically everything on the Chinese internet, including Weibo, which is something most of the livers who use BiliBili have. You can use an international number for a BiliBili account, but Weibo doesn't allow that, so they more than likely have a Tencent account created by staff.Have no idea how to check the validity of this but apparently you already need an address or at least some type of personal info to register to post videos and stream on Bilibili so I’m hoping anycolor has the JP and EN members registered in a way that they don’t have to give their actual info…
Last thing they want is more doxx info out their for the crazy Chinese fans