"Ah, good 'ole Selen, just the way I like my women, racist and illiterate"Selen Tatsuki

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Twin Adder

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I feel like this could have been avoided if we keep all posting to VTA only have the discord be open for posting during proctors stream. In truth I knew the discord would lead to some catastrophe and that why I never attempted to join.
I just wanna repost this now that the thread's slowed down since it was buried amongst the slapfighting earlier. Discord is gay but if the server started as a place for Proctor's streams then there's the option of only opening it during streams and having all the channels on lockdown any other time.

The Proctor

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I GENERALLY Agree with most of the jannie actions you have taken that I am aware of maybe not fully agree but I can at least agree that your not going full powermad I say this so you know where i'm actually coming from because I like to poke at things.

Why would they contact you or Johnny or Reinigen after YOU personally have banned them maybe your being honest maybe an actual apology would move you I don't think that matters even putting aside how GAY writing a Ban Appeal would be in the first place.

I am Turbo Gay and a True Autist though what do I know.

You make a valid point. I should update the forum guidelines with information on how to contest a ban.


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Who fucking knew discord brings out the worst behavior in retards?

While I don't think anyone should be permabanned yet, directly antagonizing a subject of discussion is pretty fucking gay and line crossing into deranged /vt/ tier anti behavior.

famous artist pipkun

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Who fucking knew discord brings out the worst behavior in retards?

While I don't think anyone should be permabanned yet, directly antagonizing a subject of discussion is pretty fucking gay and line crossing into deranged /vt/ tier anti behavior.
tako did what he said he would.

Lurker McSpic

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I said during nolan's trial that you negros need to define the rules properly, I understand that we live under our groomer in chief dictatorship but unless you want a proper revolt you need to lay the law properly.
I just have one question after this, am I gonna catch a ban for calling yuri a stupid bitch every time I reminded of her existence from now on or what? :urtearingmeapart: I enjoy civil conversations but other users have pointed out that letting off some sort of steam in the form of slurs and call outs seem to keep the peace and removing that might create more problems down the line IMO.
Either way I look forward to the commie phase of this forum. GG. :gurasemperfi:


Lavender Spider Lover & Tsunderia Scholar
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The Kiwi thread was "/vt/ with dox and less cooming" (no hate on the Kiwi thread if i get sent in exile haha) for those who got banned from said board, (no hate on the Kiwi thread if i get sent in exile haha) that is more unescapable than the stench of the Farms, however as we are (were until today?) we were well underway to becoming something more, with a good balance tween shitposting and actual content, i personally think the content of the general was getting better, with more variation in both chuubas and posters, the dreaded tendency of forums thread being a cabal of 20000+ post posters cranking each-others hogs lessening by the day, just this last week we had posters who seldom would post in general post there.

Whether or not Takos ban was fair, I cannot say as supposedly It was due to "Wordfilter evasion" "And "incriminating DMs" and unless said DMs, or rather the information contained within are shared, it will be impossible to judge the fairness. This lack of transparency does paint the whole situation in a bad light, We all know about the old Kiwi VT discord, however what exactly when on in there, and who did what? Are these the ones who charged lances down, seeing a chance to skewer Tako, who was the one to leak their porn-filled secrets unto Joshua "ShotaConnor" Moon? And does it not seem like, Proctor knight in shining armour that he is, rode to save his beloved Kemonomimi maiden Kirche of Boston? Something he would not do for others. (i cannot be convinced otherwise)

This whole thing has been handled with the grace of open-heart surgery with a sledgehammer, and as such the reaction of some posters cannot be unexpected. Many of us are older, have been in numerous other online communities before, we love being racist, sexist, homophobic free speech ;^) and many of our past communities have been ruined when the previously Laissez Fair attitude to moderation changed into something more "Khmer Rouge".

I of course hope that all will be clarified, all scores settled and we can once more unite, hold hands and sing "We shall overcome" together.
TLDR; fuck you read my screed:certifiedproctormoment:

I love Kriche and Proctor and Bibi and Cheri, i have never been disloyal to VTA
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Furious George

Low & Lazy
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tako did what he said he would.
OK, but calling a woman fat to her face is almost always going to end badly.

I don't think he should have eaten a permaban for it but he knew he was playing with fire.

Fucking discord man.


The abominable amalgamation known as "chyaaat!"
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If proctor bans me over this, let it be known that I regret nothing.
View attachment 46541
Hits a little different now.

I, like many others here, are/were not in the Discord, so I(we) don't know all of the more-than-likely dumb shit that goes on in there. So according to some, there's missing context about the extent of Tako's antics we don't know about? It's hard to tell what the case is with that. Either way, I think @Clown Penis put it best when he said:

everyone involved seemingly managed to hit the trifecta of bad reaction/response(s), bad optics, and bad timing.

When it comes to Tako, I think he's funny. Definitely an asshole at times, but most of us here are. Now granted, he does take it farther than most of us do. As I said, I wasn't in the Discord, but I know this isn't the first time he used the Discord to call Kirsche fat directly. As shown above, it was the first thing he said to her when she joined the server. It was funny then because that was just him being him. However, I do admit upon hearing she left the server yesterday after him doing it again, I asked myself how many times has he still been doing this in the server?

When it comes to the ban, I can understand the reasoning of not shitting in bossman's garden, but the optics of the ban are very poor and are even worse with the addition temp ban of Rrat and perm ban of Short. I'm not going to pretend to be outraged at the bans, but it's not something I would have done in what looked like a knee-jerk reaction given the context visible to those of us who aren't fully in the loop according to some.

In the end, I can understand the reasoning behind Tako's ban, though I wish it didn't come down to it in the way that it did. I'm more unhappy with Short's ban (Rrat too, but his is temp). When he wasn't heart reacting to some of the more degenerate shit here, I enjoyed the content of his posts, especially his nightly Chinchilla posts.

Anyway, reading through what I've written seems like a jumbled mess as I've grown tired of trying to make my thoughts as coherent as I could. I did want to question how members of this forum are expected to present ourselves outside of the forums, given we have multiple prominent dramatubers here now (which I'm not against), but I may elaborate further questioning later. It's Sunday, and I've spent enough time trying to gather my scattered brain thoughts together for this. It would better serve my Sunday to actually go watch a Vtuber and carve some wood or something. I'm done with this for now.


Dread Father
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Why does it feel like every time I pop my head back in here for a weekend you negroes are acting uppity and revolting? For fucks sake I just want a place where I can shitpost about cute girls pretending to be cute anime girls and occasionally say fag without getting insta banned for wrongthink. We had a good sense of community some time ago I think, and now it feels like half of you hold the other half in seething contempt for something retarded that I don't even care to sort out. Maybe that was just because at the time we were all rapefugees from somewhere else and now y'all have differing ideas on how to move forward, but still, I would have hoped that at least some of the principles that had you on one site would carry over to the other. You can disagree with each other and even call each other naughty words without making it gay like this, but here we are, and this all feels very gay.
I am approaching zero patience for retards who think the Joker was the hero of The Dark Knight.
He literally was though wtf dude
The entire follow-up movie was all about how everything Batman did just made things worse.
I feel like this could have been avoided if we keep all posting to VTA only have the discord be open for posting during proctors stream. In truth I knew the discord would lead to some catastrophe and that why I never attempted to join.
I knew as soon as I saw a discord existed it would eventually lead to a lot of very gay and very retarded drama. Literally no good comes from discord unless you count potentially grooming a 2view as good. I think it has exacerbated the divide in this community because there is now a "discord clique" full of people who seem to speak and act one way on the forum and in another manner on the discord. What's next, y'all gonna start a subreddit?

Superduper Samurai

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Tako is a bit of a sperg and the constant timelooping on "x being fat/a whore/bad" does get pretty retarded but i cant deny that your relation with Kirsche both in-joke and real didnt paint the best light to the real source of the ban

If i would give my 2 cents, i think there is a difference in shitposting on people based on their lack of principles (i.e. Froot) since doing it whenever a person is just there and not even much of a cunt (i.e Kir or Mori fat posting, many times with Kiara, see the recent Raden "yab") seems kinda pointless, i wouldnt disagree with that sort of behaviour being discouraged to an extent, since its at best retarded fluff and at worst it does seem like someone pulling a mini-gay op to make a streamer look bad, /vt/ is unable to be used as a sort of way to gauge how geniunely good a streamer could be due to its nature, compared to how much quiet shilling this and the kiwi-farms thread did in its apex.

Also, discord is a mistake and it should be shoah-ed besides a single webcall room, you retarded discord spergs
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Hotdogs Aplenty

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I request that Proctor karaoke this next stream.

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

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Going to reiterate what I said in the Pippa thread

Discord is gay, and this gay shit happens all the time

If I gave my honest thoughts I'd get a week ban. Luckily others have said it for me.

But anyway :takeyourmeds:

The Proctor

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It is very likely I will suspend usage of the Discord for posting and just keep it as a purely on-topic space with selective channels open as relevant. Or simply disable everything there when I'm not streaming.

Last Of The Mohicans

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I, like many others here, are/were not in the Discord, so I(we) don't know all of the more-than-likely dumb shit that goes on in there. So according to some, there's missing context about the extent of Tako's antics we don't know about? It's hard to tell what the case is with that. Either way, I think @Clown Penis put it best when he said:
It's not, necessarily, the context of events on Proctor's discord.

The context is people are starting to notice that Tako has a history of shitting up wherever he goes. The big thing he does is that he likes to try cowtip non-cows, famous examples being BatAtVideoGames, Pippa, and now Kirsche, and then gloat about his cowtipping of non-cows in other places expecting to get yasskween'd, which for people not familiar with him, they usually will for the first few days. When he finally gets pushback and start getting told he's an asshole, he'll run somewhere else and bitch about his treatment.

Tako's "outing" of "The Kiwi Discord" to Null is one example. One too many times the VToiletHumor discord called him a fucking moron and so he archived all of the posts of people saying "Man Null is being retarded about the vtuber thread" from a time when Null was being retarded about the vtuber thread and mentioned "6 channels dedicated to porn" when it was 6 channels dedicated to fanart where one of which was for porn, but that were called #lewds because that's how weeby fandoms roll.

The other example is playing out now back at the vtuber thread on KF. Continuing to gloat about his cowtipping of people who aren't cows -- usually a bannable offense on KF -- but then bitches about his ban here.

I stand by my previous feedback to proctor, that he should have gotten an effortpost warning/feedback or some kind of thin ice treatment instead of rocketing toward the ban button. He would absolutely have ignored it and eventually earn a proper ban, but at least then we'd have a real high-ground to claim instead of this horseshit we're now in.
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Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Okay... First I'm just gonna say that getting on and seeing this kind of shitstorm is not good for the nerves, I feel kinda drained and not happy with how things are going. I like this forum, I like a lot of its users and I consider it a special place forged by the strange bonds between a bunch of strangers that decided to stick together to discuss their favorite hobby, that without a doubt, is a wonderful thing.

But today all of that has been shaken, the stability of this place has been shaken, the trust and image of Proctor and the other jannies that the users had has been shaken. It is ironic that tako's last action was to cause the biggest amount of chaos possible without even doing anything.

I don't think banning tako was wrong in essence. I didn't particularly mind him and I even liked talking to him at times and we bonded somewhat through the mc server, but it is undeniable that the guy was a shitstirrer alike that of /vt/ and most of his existence apart from looking for 2-views was entirely centered around that. I don't think he should've been banned for that honestly, I don't agree with it, the only point that convinces me here is directly going into kir's DMs to try and fuck with her, that is the kicker for me and pushes me ever so slightly across the line from disagree to agree.

The banning of short I don't agree with at all though, even if he was throwing punches and kicks indiscriminately, the banning of rat I agree with less (even if temporary), banning people who disagree, even if in an illogical, angered state where they refuse to word their objections in a cordial way is wrong. Nobody is banning Proctor for being (understandably) angered, so why should others have to take the fall there?

And then we get to the real issue at the center of all of this: Proctor himself. Listen Proctor because I am speaking without mockery, without sarcasm, without an ounce of bad faith:

I think you're a good guy, as I tried to say before you began to die from laughter when I called in to your stream it takes a lot of balls to be the one to take the plunge and gather a group of hopeless, tired people who have been caught up in an internet war not of their own, that takes conviction.
I respect your ideals and your will to make a SANE place to discuss vtubers, that is wholly admirable and anyone who thinks otherwise is nothing more than an anarchist schizophrenic.
I don't know you personally, but I want to believe you're a reasonable, logical and down-to-earth person who thinks before acting and does what he preaches. You said it yourself, you're the captain of this ship, and you have absolute power. But such things also carry absolute responsibilities, you have as much a responsibility to us as we have to you, if you aren't a good captain then we will jump ship or mutiny, consider how many heads you will have to cut off in that instance.
I think I like and respect you more than most here, my personality makes me impossibly loyal to leaders I find worthy of respect and I will do anything to defend and uphold what such leaders have built and their vision.

But you do have flaws. We all do. Your manner of expressing yourself is extremely pompous at times, and when people are angry at you it can feel downright condescending. Your way of trying to claim absolute moral superiority is distasteful, specially when everyone here is more-or-less equal in social standing without our irl selves to back us up. In your scramble to regain control you're sounding a lot like the spiteful vision of a jannie a lot of people have, even if you don't mean to.

This whole fiasco came at the wrong place, at the wrong time, I admit that a lot of people who got angry probably didn't even stop to think when they began insulting you. But you are doing the same, you're pissed off and you're arguing with people who don't want to discuss ANYTHING with you, instead of settling your head and sticking to your guns you're just wrestling in the mud with the other drunkards. You SHOULD know fullwell how our kind views authority, we were not in kf for nothing, this situation was unfortunate but you're only making it worse. I seriously suggest you log off and go do something else then come back, I don't want to know how many heads are going to fly at this point.

That brings me to my last point and what has me worried. The asylum has been shaken to its core today. I don't know how many people have lost faith or are actively antagonistic at the moment, I don't know how long it will take for people to stop caring and settle down or grumble away their complaints. Tako himself will surely become a dedicated anti of this place and bend all of his autism and time to antagonizing us from now on, only making people in the homeland less welcoming. The air is tense today and I don't know for how long it will be that way, some people are laughing it off and mocking those who got banned but I'm worried, and I can't be the only one.

As I said in the discord earlier I feel like I'm a lot like tako, barring the DMs thing (which I find morally reprehensible) I act much in the same way of messing with others and antagonizing them for my own amusement. This is the way I chose to be and I don't mean harm with it, but the way this banning was carried out (what a lot of people seem to take issue with) the lack of warnings, the poor timing of it being kir, the fact that it was on discord and not here (reinforcing beliefs that discord is some kind of sekrit club cesspool), I think it has put the idea in a lot of people's heads: "Who will be the next tako?".

I can only say that I hope you reflect upon what I said here, I know this whole place is meant to be a silly, funny pastime, but I don't want the asylum to break apart from internal gay squabbles over stupid issues, this is a crossroads, the so called "jumping the shark" moment, I hope to god you choose well because you're the captain of this ship. In my opinion you should unban short and stop asking for private apologies from people for unbans, that kind of thing sounds incredibly condescending atm. I will not comment on this thread again and I will probably be less active for a while since I'm judging the situation.


Pig in human clothing
Joined:  Oct 3, 2022
It's not, necessarily, the context of events on Proctor's discord.

The context is people are starting to notice that Tako has a history of shitting up wherever he goes. The big thing he does is that he likes to try cowtip non-cows, famous examples being BatAtVideoGames, Pippa, and now Kirsche, and then gloat about his cowtipping of non-cows in other places expecting to get yasskween'd, which for people not familiar with him, they usually will for the first few days. When he finally gets pushback and start getting told he's an asshole, he'll run somewhere else and bitch about his treatment.

Tako's "outing" of "The Kiwi Discord" to Null is one example. One too many times the VToiletHumor discord called him a fucking moron and so he archived all of the posts of people saying "Man Null is being retarded about the vtuber thread" from a time when Null was being retarded about the vtuber thread and mentioned "6 channels dedicated to porn" when it was 6 channels dedicated to fanart where one of which was for porn, but that were called #lewds because that's how weeby fandoms roll.

The other example is playing out now back at the vtuber thread on KF. Continuing to gloat about his cowtipping of people who aren't cows -- usually a bannable offense on KF -- but then bitches about his ban here.
Tako IS a lolcalf.


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Get rid of discord. Seriously. It shouldn't be "people I want to hang out with" or "people from the forum I am cool with", it should only serve it's technical purpose of doing voice calls for the stream. And if you don't want that then don't mix actions on discord with actions on forum (Tako is a total retard for being very easily identifiable across different platforms and accounts, and THEN shitting up on all of them though). If you want a place to hangout then make it, but be it's own thing. Most people will not join it, most people will have zero context, most people will think it's all retarded and gay and shouldn't even be discussed and will instead make fun of you, because you allowed so before. And eat a ban because you are pissed off and trigger happy and they are too autistic (as we all are) to wait a day or two. Who benefitted from all of it? No one except people who now will point this out as "Proctor is a power hungry discord janny lol" because no one with that attitude will read walls of text with explanation of what led there.
So anyway, stop being so fucking optimistic about everything and actually be an asshole. Occasionally. In small dosages. Just to make sure people understand what's not ok and don't try to test you for the hell of it, if you are so inclined to believe in people fixing themselves and not being horrible after running this place for so long. As a resident shitposter who tries not to go over the rules, it's uncomfortable not to know for 100% what is unacceptable and what is only unacceptable if too many people did it at the same month


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~*~ Groomcord ~*~

Groomcord is the cool place to hang out. You can find most of the cool people there. In Groomcord you can just chill and do whatever and totally relax. "Take it easy" is the Groomcord motto, for example, that's how laid back it is there. Show up if you want to have a good time. Another good reason to show up is if you want to hang out with friends.

Topo Chico

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Superduper Samurai

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Every nigga involved:

we're on a vtuber forum, that is the default for anyone who watches menhera women play video games while piloting anime avatars of increasingly more dubious designs
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