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Me not having an opinion on anything ever. Watch vtubers and get excited for more vtubers.


Big PiPi Energy

Man I Lemonlea F
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I have only one thing to say about today's shit flinging and then I will move on with my life.


That is all. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

Superduper Samurai

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I have only one thing to say about today's shit flinging and then I will move on with my life.


That is all. Have a wonderful rest of your day!
When a shiori enjoyer calls you gay you know you fucked up



We have some serious streams to discuss 🔨
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I would only even consider something like that if he contacted me (via e-mail) and professed an apology for all the nonsense he has caused, plus an outspoken commitment to changing and improving.

Literally nobody I have ever banned from here has done that. They have, to a man (random flips excepted) gone elsewhere and wailed about how bad and awful and horrid this place is, then gotten madder when I haven't unbanned them.

While I agree with that view in particular, I've also learned that it falls upon the Better Person to offer the olive branch. It befits neither this place, nor the interests of those with a higher functioning 'tism to generate an intifada against the forum because "they where oh so unjustly punished for slandering the wrong person, this is the def of muh freeze peach".

I can't believe I'm sticking up for the beaner retard troll, but I've seen what happens when you don't, and it is worse!

Poyoyo & Jill

Joined:  Jul 9, 2023
Wow this thread has at least more pages than some vtuber dramas

famous artist pipkun

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Hotdogs Aplenty

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The Proctor

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I've also learned that it falls upon the Better Person to offer the olive branch.

I have zero faith that any effort to reach out to him in any capacity would be reciprocated in kind. Until I am given reason to believe that, my stance will remain the same. If someone comes to my house, shits in my garden, spits on my food and then gets thrown out, I am under no obligation to send them a note in the mail reading 'I would like to discuss your return under appropriate circumstances'. The rational response is to ignore their existence from that moment on and only begrudgingly acknowledge it if they come back a changed man, begging to make things right for the damage they did.


Pig in human clothing
Joined:  Oct 3, 2022
Completely missed the point of my post. It was just an example based on the limited knowledge I have of the context, (because all of this occurred on discord). The issue regarding the subjectivity of humor and the receptiveness of others still holds true. Something that would be totally fine or even funny on one day could piss someone off the next.
Nobody missed your point. You're trying to act like this was about somebody making a call re: something being funny or not being funny. That didn't happen. What did happen is yamanbas couldn't not act like total yamanbas for 5 minutes and were openly hostile to the site, the mods, streamers, and faking that they though their weird, lolcalf-tier lashing out was funny when they don't think it is either. And did so for weeks on end. That's 100% of the context and the entire point.
If you want to discuss whether "is it funny or not" should be a sole basis for a system of government, obviously it should not. But nobody was trying to be funny. On one hand, I personally would have given Other Henri a three strike system, publicly, rather than spanking a child in anger. But on the other, we now know conclusively that wouldn't have worked because being a piece of shit was the kid's entire motivation anyway. It's not like he wanted to not have a leaky diaper but wires got crossed. He hates and pisses on the site and wanted banned so he could both brag about and cry about it while being TOTALLY not mad.


Lavender Spider Lover & Tsunderia Scholar
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Nobody missed your point. You're trying to act like this was about somebody making a call re: something being funny or not being funny. That didn't happen. What did happen is yamanbas couldn't not act like total yamanbas for 5 minutes and were openly hostile to the site, the mods, streamers, and faking that they though their weird, lolcalf-tier lashing out was funny when they don't think it is either. And did so for weeks on end. That's 100% of the context and the entire point.
If you want to discuss whether "is it funny or not" should be a sole basis for a system of government, obviously it should not. But nobody was trying to be funny. On one hand, I personally would have given Other Henri a three strike system, publicly, rather than spanking a child in anger. But on the other, we now know conclusively that wouldn't have worked because being a piece of shit was the kid's entire motivation anyway. It's not like he wanted to not have a leaky diaper but wires got crossed. He hates and pisses on the site and wanted banned so he could both brag about and cry about it while being TOTALLY not mad.
I'm sure Proctor can clean his own foreskin dude, no need to do it with your tongue


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I have zero faith that any effort to reach out to him in any capacity would be reciprocated in kind. Until I am given reason to believe that, my stance will remain the same. If someone comes to my house, shits in my garden, spits on my food and then gets thrown out, I am under no obligation to send them a note in the mail reading 'I would like to discuss your return under appropriate circumstances'. The rational response is to ignore their existence from that moment on and only begrudgingly acknowledge it if they come back a changed man, begging to make things right for the damage they did.
This is true. However it does make you bear a grudge for future instances, and a bog standard shitposter on the internet isn't worth it, I believe.


Pig in human clothing
Joined:  Oct 3, 2022

Topo Chico

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TIL on Reddit, that I’m on Reddit, and sweepers are heckin valid superheros that you must swear fealty to in order to step foot into their “home” (read: anime girl streamer forum for retards to spill hot goss about them).

Thanks for the updoots kind sirs, remember the narwhal bacons at midnight!! XD Thanks for making a wholesome chungus spot for me to hang out with all my E-friends, mxn, it’s GREAT HERE!


The Pontiff of PonWolf
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Proctor asking the real questions:

"Don't be an identifiable retard"
Main account. Not even behind an alt we can all wink-wink-nudge each over, directly traceable to here. Even /vt/ knows Proctor, he's the guy who blogposts and overshares in chats until they either get sick of him and tell him to shut the fuck up or the streamer accidentally offends him and he drops them like nothing.
View attachment 54580
And how about that time Proctor prompted us to dox Ragdoll's location? Yeah I bet she thought that was some real valid criticism.

Listen, I like this place and a lot of users, but I'm fucking sick of the hypocrisy that floats around. There's a clear divide between those users who actually follow the rules vs those who pay lipservice to it and then immediately drop their pants to start shitting where they eat as soon as they think it's funny or no-one will notice. That the latter includes staff members isn't great. Takodachi's real issue is falling on the wrong side of the line where the right people (ie Proctor) didn't find it funny enough, not that he was acting particularly differently. It just happened to be something Proctor cares about, not something he can't be fucked to police like slurs or harassing other talents.

And acting like a reddit powerjanny threatening to ban people just for talking about the matter and actually following through on banning Rrat over it for disagreeing is just a red flag, smug cunt attitude about it and all. That's obviously not going to go over well with a Kiwifarms-derived userbase, don't know what you're thinking with that. This place took off because it was more convenient than the homelands with its semi-frequent outages, but if the staff are going to act like hypocritical spergs then that can change.
This is the one problem I'm having @The Proctor

I agree Tako rightfully caught a ban for directly antagonizing a Vtuber let alone Kirsche however that means you shouldn't do stuff like this even against people like Fefe or worse Froot
I just have one question after this, am I gonna catch a ban for calling yuri a stupid bitch every time I reminded of her
If I'm reading Proc correctly you'll be fine as long as you aren't calling Nano stupid to her Internet face with an account that can be linked back here
Tako's "outing" of "The Kiwi Discord" to Null is one example. One too many times the VToiletHumor discord called him a fucking moron and so he archived all of the posts of people saying "Man Null is being retarded about the vtuber thread" from a time when Null was being retarded about the vtuber thread and mentioned "6 channels dedicated to porn" when it was 6 channels dedicated to fanart where one of which was for porn, but that were called #lewds because that's how weeby fandoms roll.
Oh so he's one of THOSE motherfuckers the kind that will wallow in degen shit with the rest of the degens until the other degens hurt his feefees then he turns around as upstanding an citizen cleaning up the trash

I have no small amount of hatred for hypocrisy of that caliber
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May we never go to Hell but always be on our way
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Feel like Nenelove had the most accurate post for any thought process I can manage about this. It's a magnificient train wreck handled fucking terribly overall.

That said already looks like this shit's going to be awkward and gayer than usual for a while. Just make sure you all clean up when you're done.

Disclaimer: This isn't intended as a shot at anyone, moreso just an attempt to end it with some unfunny but haha brevity.


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I normally don't feel the need to make any sort of for / against commentary on this sort of thing. Others generally do so more eloquently.

I would however like to spend what very little amount of social capital I may have accrued to go to bat for Short. He was useful in ways I that think outweighed his feetposting.

If you want to complain about someone's coomerism/fetishes/whatever, I don't see any warnings/timeouts given to most of the other people actively airing their degen levels in the forum tbh. No warning, to timeouts, nada. I guess it's ok as long as you're not into handholding or snuggling during a movie.

As far as Short antagonizing you goes, If that's the level that gets you permabanned now, I'm at a loss for words. Not a day/few day/week, "see you later after you cool off," deal (and maybe you), but a full, "I don't want to see you here ever again"? Maybe there's an emote instead of words...
Meh. I'll look at the aftermath later


Joined:  Feb 23, 2023
Speaking of:
I would however like to spend what very little amount of social capital I may have accrued to go to bat for Short. He was useful in ways I that think outweighed his feetposting.
The only thing he would miss from here its that KF isnt as tolerant of thirst-posting

The Proctor

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As far as Short antagonizing you goes, If that's the level that gets you permabanned now, I'm at a loss for words. Not a day/few day/week, "see you later after you cool off," deal (and maybe you), but a full, "I don't want to see you here ever again"? Maybe there's an emote instead of words...

I don't understand this attitude at all.

I pay for this forum.

I run this forum.

I am objectively, in every way imaginable, the one person you should avoid pissing off at all costs.

I cannot think of any other forum owner who would allow somebody to be so egregiously antagonistic towards them as I do. Anyone who thinks Null doesn't do it is a retard. In 99.9% of all communities I have ever been a part of, directly mouthing off to the moderators/owners/etc is an automatically ban-worthy offense.

It is legitimately unfathomable to me why anyone here with even the smallest fraction of knowledge of how to interact with their fellow man would not view my attitude as permissive in the extreme, and berate me for not cracking down far sooner and far more aggressively.


haha it's unou
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
>Tacodachi [sic] (he is a spic) has a history of his actions leading to him getting banned and trying to internet-tough-guy and laugh it off.
>People run to his defense because he dindu nuffin he exposed them darn peoples with that kiwi discord with a billion and 5 vtuber nsfw channels I heards that from Null!


Joined:  Dec 30, 2022
whining about it on the farms what a great defense.

if you really wanted to give your side of what happened then don't look like a toddler when doing so.
So, he lists 120 places he's been banned for sperging, and then is doing a "why me?" because he got booted here?

To quote South Park's Kennedy:

Put a chick in it, make it lame and gay​

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