"On April 11th 2023, Rin desecrated Wikipedia by writing her own article full of mistruths, misrepresentations and general lies. The page is still up."Rin Penrose

Amelia Watson Ceases Activity From Hololive

Spooked But Lobotomized

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I'm still backreading, reading the official info and have yet to listen to what the talents have said. Surely what I want so say has already been said. I feel like I'd be coping and rambling. I want to believe this is a good thing for everyone and Ame especially in the long run. I don't want to look at a stage and only see four members of myth. It's absurd and not right.

I believe in you, Ame. I think one of the first streams I sat down and watched completely was Ame's There is No Game vod. It was really fun (and frustrating) but I loved how stubborn she was during it. I also loved her Obra Dinn stream, I actually went and rewatched it this summer. I wonder if she will do something on her PL? I feel like a sap for being so hurt, but I'd be a liar to claim otherwise. I'm still optimistic, though. I can't wait to see what she's cooked up.

Everyone always says treasure your oshi and what not, I've seen several people watch their oshi leave for better ventures or simply disappear forever. It always seems like you'll never see a true foundation leave, though. Then it happens. I'm not pretending she's my oshi, just I admire her a lot. I feel like a sap. This isn't making sense anymore so I'll stop.

I can't think of Chiku Taku without a hint of sadness at all.

Punished Lurker

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I saw the news earlier today but I wasn't able to make a post until now. Suffice to say this is a horrible day and I'm going to miss Ame so much.

I still remember watching her debut, and the moment she managed to land in the sun station will live forever rent free in my memory. She has always been a pioneer, and I think a moment that perfectly encapsulates that was the VR models and world, the first anniversary of myth being the perfect example of what she could accomplish

I am going to miss her so much, even if I didn't watch her her constant presence was comforting in a way, to know the gen that started it all was still around
Good luck detective

Shuba Saber

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Poor Kiara.

This is an aspect of the whole vtubing thing that I don't really understand. In my mind it's just a job. The vtubers are professionals doing a job, other vtubers are just coworkers, nbd. Yet they seem to form such deep friendships. I've worked a lot of jobs, and I can't imagine being moved to tears because a coworker leaves to pursue other opportunities.

It's great that they do, don't get me wrong. It's just something I don't get.
It is a job, but it is also its own social circle. This is commonplace in any job where you work with people. I worked in a restaurant over a decade ago and ended up meeting 2 of my closest friends during that time. We bonded over how shitty the job was, went out for dinner once and it was a done deal from there. All 3 of us left around the same time but kept in touch. Now I'm going to their wedding in a few weeks. It's not guaranteed of course. Many coworkers, vtubers included, will just stay as such and never contact outside the job. But it's also very easy to form a connection when you have someone dealing with the same workplace nonsense as you.

This is even more amplified as a vtuber because vtubing is inherently a social job. All vtubers, hell all streamers, form some sort of connection with their chat. That's literally the point of streaming. Then corpo vtubers will debut with genmates, will have senpai/kouhai around and they'll get to know each other, usually before debut and certainly after. They do collabs, come up with ideas, spend late nights chatting, etc. They're also a shoulder to cry on and vent to about their issues, because the person they're talking to is likely going through the same shit and can understand.

While doing all of that is part of the job, it also just naturally results in becoming closer and forming a bond. And when most vtubers are introverted, anti-social weirdos, they would want to keep that connection. Aqua's entire character arc over 6 years was about this and now she has so many friends she wouldn't have had otherwise. Of course, that connection can last even after someone leaves the workplace (we're getting frequent stories about Aqua hanging out with Holos) but it still fucking sucks because the job is what got them together in the first place. And with vtubing, that also means no more onscreen interaction, which feels bad for both the chuuba and the fans.

It's why I don't understand people who say chuubas can't really be friends or family or whatever (not that you said that @2DUM4U). It's fine if you don't get it, but Kiara's tears are very justified and so are anyone else's. Ame is beloved by so many and even with this affiliate thing happening, will be missed dearly.


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In all of this, I keep coming back to this clip

Of how Subaru regrets that 2nd Gen wasn't able to have Song and Live together

And yes it did, after 4 years, Myth got their own 3D just for them. I hope, really hope that Kiara and the rest of Myth won't have lingering feelings like that when the time comes because then its too late
What hasn't been accomplished now as a group will probably never will

But it wasn't enough
I wanna be greedy and selfish here
I cant honestly tell Ame "sad to see you go, good luck in the next one"
Fuck that, stay here Ame, stay here with the rest of Myth. I don't care about that little open door that might or might not be used in the far future. Ame leaving breaks all of Myth, all the relationships she had with the people on stream. AmeTori and AmeSame were peak and I don't want to miss such things
There are like a million things I wanted to see Myth accomplish together and now that won't come true
It feels like their idol journey barely got started

This isn't Japan where the graduated member can be visited willy nilly 2 stops of metro over. Kiara has to take a 14h flight just to see her. Ame will very likely won't be invited into the Cover offices in Japan again, so they also won't meet there when everyone else is in Japan

I love Myth
As a whole, with all its members
Ame being gone kills Myth
People say Myth4Ever and Myth will always be five, but the reality is that Myth is 4 now

And the thought of just never hearing anything from Ame again, of not having Kiara fawn over Ame of her not passionately tell every small detail of all her offline interactions with Ame

Myth just barely stared
They debuted like a year ago
It can't be over this soon.....

Fuck this gay earth holy shit I don't want to feel


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I tried to be strong, but goodbyes are always tough, even if there's a chance to reunite. I need a moment to gather my thoughts, and since many of you have asked why I admire her so much, why I love her so much, so I’ll write about that here.I'm not a native English speaker so sorry if there are any mistakes

I’m relatively new as a fan and probably know less about her than many of you. When I debuted as a Vtuber, I got many English-speaking fans so I wanted to learn more about EN Vtubers and their culture. I came across a clip of a cute girl with blonde hair and blue eyes who was my favorite type of girl(thank you for @translatoraki 's "8 Minutes to Understand Amelia Watson's Cuteness" clip)Her adorable noise captivated me, and her childhood stories and stream ideas excited me and inspired me, just like many others.

But for me, it was more than that. At that time, I was struggling as a streamer, unsure how to communicate with everyone since my English wasn’t great, and how I could entertain people despite the language barrier. I loved drawing and creating little gimmicks or games, and I wanted to combine those to entertain everyone. However, I gradually felt overwhelmed by pressure and ran out of ideas, leading me to rely on using just funny assets or acting in ways that didn’t feel like me, like a clown. I became trapped in the mindset of "I have to do something funny," and it caused me a lot of suffering.

After watching some of her streams, I realized that while her streams excited and amused everyone, she didn’t seem to be someone’s clown like I was. Many people use a lot of assets, effects, and software, but her ideas, expressions, and content were unique. The fans treated her with love, and she seemed to genuinely enjoy it. Above all, her streams always had fun moments that I had never thought of or imagined before. (Of course, I understand she probably felt a lot of pressure and faced difficulties and creative blocks as well.)

At that moment, I felt like I finally knew what I wanted to pursue. I didn’t want to be a clown who makes people laugh just with lots of items and assets; I thought I should use them as support to entertain everyone through my ideas. Of course, I don’t think I can do that yet, but instead of copying "AmeWay," I hope to find my own "PeoWay" one day, to entertain and excite everyone in my own way!

Now, as a relatively new teammate, I’ve grown to love the daily conversations I have about her as I learn more about her. Watching her streams has motivated me to learn English, and it’s been fun to hear about things that happened to her or recent news from everyone since I couldn’t notice them myself due to my language skills. Revisiting her past streams or watching new ones has made me feel her effort and evolution, which has been inspiring each time. I even learned some bad English words from her streams. Did you know that?lol

There might be a chance for her to appear before us again. But for the fans and me, the everyday moments we had are really hard to let go of. Change is always difficult. It feels like walking without a light when someone who has been a guiding figure in my stream life suddenly disappears, and it makes me very anxious.

Even if she departs from our daily lives, my respect for her will continue, and I’ll keep pursuing her in my own way.She is my first Oshi vtuber, the first vtuber I bought merchandise, and the streamer I respect the most.For now, I’ll support her until her final stream. And I’ll keep my head up. If she comes back to us oneday, we’ll surely be able to talk about it together like we always have, right?
I love her so much
Let’s cry a lot, laugh a lot, take plenty of breaks, and keep pushing forward.
Everyone, make sure to rest well.
Thank you for listening


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It's fine if you don't get it, but Kiara's tears are very justified and so are anyone else's.
I didn't intend to say Kiara's tears aren't justified, I certainly hope no one took it that way. I only meant that vtubing - at least in some corpos - seems to encourage the formation of strong friendships in a way that's very different from any other job that I know. That doesn't mean that I think it's bad or unprofessional. Quite the opposite, it seems that they have something special that makes it even more sad now that Ame has to move on.

But that's quite enough about me. This is about Ame after all, and I was just thinking the other day about how much I enjoyed when she sang Kiss Me. Singing isn't her forte, but she always owns this one. I wonder if she'll sing it one more time before the last day.


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I realized, even has announcements from Cover and Ame, it was specifically not the White/Black text/background motif. Even in retirement, Ame will do it her own way.

El Rrata

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I realized, even has announcements from Cover and Ame, it was specifically not the White/Black text/background motif. Even in retirement, Ame will do it her own way.
She didn't want to repeat herself.

:hic: Still makes me laugh, the little shit.

Fuck... this stream was exactly 2 years ago... I'm sad again :ameraintear:

The Chink

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On the more uninteresting side, not sure whether Friday is specifically required for the timing of the announcement. (Aqua's was on Tuesday) But the time of the announcement is definitely demanded by the company. Both Aqua and Ame's tweet about the important stream notice were sent shortly after 3pm Japan time, which is the JP market closure time. And in the stream yesterday Ame apologized for the late notice and specifically mentioned it has to be JP time. The move is understandable commercially though to minimize the market impact caused by such announcement.
Well in other words, any stream during market hours highly likely won't be a graduation announcement stream.


The abominable amalgamation known as "chyaaat!"
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Change is always difficult. It feels like walking without a light when someone who has been a guiding figure in my stream life suddenly disappears, and it makes me very anxious. (Quote from Peo)
God damn, man..

Once again, my condolences to her fans, and especially those who call her their oshi.


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Don't let them work for hololive EN ever again!
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So, Calli, Kiara and Ina have had their say on the Ame situation so far...what are the odds that Gura says nothing at all?

El Rrata

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A couple more from talents.

Also something to lighten the mood:

Lurker McSpic

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Thinking of the logistics behind their agreement and I'm starting to think that maybe she got this deal because cover asked her to not turn indie vtuber and she agreed. It's probably the only way I can see orientals agreeing to keeping her IP alive with the nightmare that it would be to deal with her still working as a vtuber under a different name.

Aquatic Novellite

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La+ de Central Norte

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This doesn't actually explain anything since you lack context, but I tried.

The rrat example was good because i actually watched Power Rangers when i was a kid
But i guess this guy is a big deal in that sitcom? I guess this could be another comparision Holo gens are like long on going sitcoms


Joined:  Dec 30, 2022
The rrat example was good because i actually watched Power Rangers when i was a kid
But i guess this guy is a big deal in that sitcom? I guess this could be another comparision Holo gens are like long on going sitcoms
I don't think Steve's character was on that long in Married With Children. I think maybe this example from Happy Days is a better example, when Richie and Ralph return:


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So, Calli, Kiara and Ina have had their say on the Ame situation so far...what are the odds that Gura says nothing at all?
So far Gura has only reposted a bunch of AmeSame stuff but not text post as far as I can see. Kiara said there will be myth collabs so she'll probably address it sooner or later.


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Don't let them work for hololive EN ever again!

Yeah. They should work for Nijisanji instead.

Maybe on a Rosemi project. Right now.

Edit: Let the bug woman save her.
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