(Moving this here since I'm not strictly talking about Hololive)
I'm actually curious, and I may be forgetting something obvious here, but are there any JP ex-corpos who've dropped dirt on their former corpo and had it work out well for them? I'm wondering how much of it is Hololive genuinely having cleaner hands and how much of it is a cultural thing - there's obviously a world of difference between socialism-poisoned English-speaking audiences who love any opportunity to shit-talk a corporation whether justified or not, and Japanese corporate drones who think poorly of anyone who breaks formality.
Hololive themselves haven't really had enough graduations on either side to get a good sample size since it could just be that the gaijins who've left are unusually well-behaved, but I'm wondering if the option to go scorched Earth on a company who wronged them would even be there in the first place for a JP talent, socially speaking.