Imma try looking at their perspective:
The disclaimer of "You might be forwarded to another group" sounds like they are recruiting specifically for v4mirai/globie/idol.
Their studio and equipment is in Japan, they have all these equipment that they might have bought more than they needed, laying around unused because their EN branch are split across the world (same issue as HoloEN, talents are too far apart for a EN studio)
Might as well hire someone to come into those JP studios to make use of the equipment and try to boost the popularity of their 2-views EN by making shorts and tiktok, which they also outlined
> responsible for .... YouTube, X, TikTok, maintenance and organization of the motion capture studio
The "maintenance and organization of the motion capture studio" part also sounds susge. It sounds like they built more studios than there are staffers maintaining them.
So in paper this makes a lot of sense, but in reality DONT FUCKING PUBLICLY ANOUNCE IT YOU FUCKING MORONS. If you are going to do it just fucking do it secretly.
now if you see any idol/v4mirai/globie doing dances on youtube shorts, you know they are getting skinwalked.