Am I the only one who thinks lobster tastes like shit?
Particularly the
french style where they destroy the taste with the
yellow goo, I feel like vomitting if I was asked to eat a 2nd one in the same meal.
I just happened to live in a country with an actual ocean and there are so many better seafood out there, and the standard way of cooking is steaming to preserve the natural taste instead of soaking them in the equivalent of
liquid poop. One of my favorite is jackknife clams (this one actually done roasted however).
You will also notice this with most asian countries. They only export and never actually consume lobster. You will never see lobster on a sushi plate, because it's considered garbage and has no place on an elegant plate. I know 300 different variations of seafood noodle, and not a single one would add lobster into it.

Price isn't an argument because plenty of them incorporates shark fin/sea urchin/random expensive crap for the people who want to waste their money.