God's Tastiest Bucko
A well-fed spider will bring you much happiness
Early Adopter
Sep 16, 2022
What the hell, you guys don't do research about any drugs you're to take beforehand?Yeah, it's very common for people to get hooked on some prescribed medication because the doctor just casually leaves out the fact that it's an opioid and only mentions it by the brand name.
It's mainly because some unethical doctors get kickbacks from pharms companies for prescribing that shit. The elder care in particular can be quite vampiric. I've had to sue a place because they repeatedly violated my grandfather's DNR so they could keep him as a paying client.
Wow, similar story for me when I got mine taken out. They prescribed me a week's worth of vicodin and I didn't need a single pill.
I was originally to be prescribed ketoprofen for wisdom teeth removal but argued with the doctor for substituting it with metamizole because I know my reaction to it better, and it turned out I only needed a single pill on the first day (plus a slab of frozen meat to reduce the inflammation/swelling - did wonders in the long run). The pain was manageable in the following days without any drugs.
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