It's not THAT bad, except for the chorus. Take away the chorus and it's a solid 'meh' at worst.To be honest, the song wasn't as bad as I expected up to be.
And it sure as hell doesn't hold a candle to the damage that MGSV and Survive inflicted to the franchise.
There are so many times you can ask someone who is "done" with something to make more before he actually runs off of enough ideas to make something out of them. Kojima was "done" with MGS since MGS2.
Bettel and Altare are gay sexing. Bettel and Lando are gay sexing. Lando wants to gay sex with both of them together, but Randon and Altare gay hate each other, which causes discord in the gay sex relationship of Lando and Randon (which leads to more violent gay sex between them).
Source: I have watched like 1 stream since they left and I've seen the tweets that were posted in this thread.