Our very own meanie doodoo head if I may add
I'd take him than a random SEAnig driveby any day of the week
Plot Twist: @Bay Lurker is a SEAnig of thr Flip variety.
Bay Lurker will give you the reactions that you deserve, not the reactions that you want.
Suck it up nigga.
I'm far too easily drawn in by bird women, it's becoming a critical weakness.
Airi has said she is heading to the East coast to visit company offices there and will be within a drive from Pippa, wants to bully her into a visit.
Both Samsung and LG have offices a state away from Pippa's last known general location.
Will Pippa ghost Airi? Pippa has said she would have extreme anxiety meeting anyone from PC in person.
And explicitly said she is afraid of catching feelings for one of them.
I'm more afraid of Airi catching the Moldvid from Pippa.
Bay Lurker going to bed after another successful day of terrorizing nijifriends with the.
I'm already seeing copycats of his schitck but they will never hold a candle to the OG
There can only be one...
Fucking hell, I didn't think I'd make an almost dedicated post about this

Oh well...