Expand the horizon a bit, one failure does not equal everything bad, right? Like come on, Elira got her new outfit that people like, she released a cover that one of the devs of game the cover was based of took notice and approved of, and there should be many good stuff, small or big that the talent of Niji and whatever management that isn't fucking it up that day has accomplish.
You just taking it on one and start digging deeper and deeper because you just let the

and the hate from these dumdums influenced you. Turn that frown upside down into a smile and try enjoy the good things from the talent, do not think of the failure. They have failed you but you don't want them to cloud what you like. Yes, they fucked up big time, yes they caused so much fuckery that ones that bailed have better career out of it (except Sayu, probably), but in the end, does it affect what you like?
Separate management/corporation from the talents you like, if the corpo/agency failed you and your oshi then it's not your concern, be concerned that your oshi is still doing well and not affected hard by it. If that just doesn't do it, then by all means, leave it all behind, or keep wallowing that everything is hating that agency and your oshii while you're just a simple watcher sitting in the sideline barely even affecting anything beyond giving them some money and buying their 2% merch.