As I've said before, these girls could live very different lives off-camera that this is probably one of the least whoreish chicks to get hired for all we know. In terms of burning themselves to the ground before even getting going? Not rare at all, people just usually only spill the beans to friend groups/circles which one of those "Friends" get jealous and pretty much become one of the main sources of dox material that floats around. Hell it's part of what lead to Pomu finally getting doxxed. But as it's an EN Indie, I have 0 surprises.
People just like to shitfling. V-shojo is annoying for numerous reasons, coomerbaiting is one of them, but I'm sane enough to avoid coomerbait in general.
In other news, a Vtuber indie I follow, Marshi, Graduated then ...Ungraduated within a day, which is honestly a first I've seen. People were right, the EN Vtuber community you truly will see everything. I'm used to seeing people reappear elsewhere or rebrand but straight up reversing a graduation I've not seen many of.
She sounded like a troon.

but she doesn't talk much at all on the streams I've found, so maybe I'm wrong.
lol she def traced the mothers day one. good artists should have different styles tho
An old Scotsman is sitting in a pub, sipping beer and smoking a pipe.
He sits, sits and says: "I built this mill myself, ONE(!)....
I gathered stones, mixed mortar and built it... but for some reason nobody call me McFlaren the mill builder.
Sat back, sipped a beer, took a drag.
- This orchard here, which now has the biggest fruit and berry crop in the world, I planted it myself, ONE(!)... everyone's enjoying it and picking it. But for some reason. nobody calls me the McFlaren Gardener.
Sat back, sipped a beer, took a drag.
- I built this bridge myself, ONE(!), I cut down the trees, sanded and made a bridge, now cars drive on it, people walk on it. But for some reason, nobody calls me McFlaren the bridge builder.
Sat back, sipped a beer, took a drag.
- But once I fucked that poor sheep...
ps. I apologize for the inaccuracies in my translation.
Layla is alive and celebrating her birthday
She's being a bit real at the moment talking about how "the current situation at this company" probably means she won't ever get her dream of meet and greets.
I don't think she's gonna last much longer
Anyone know her pl accounts?
