Nolan is everywhere.

You peaked the wild Nolan's curiosity instantly
Nolan shoots 0/2
During this guessing he decides to take a minor break and leak his location again...
Nolan has to go to the ghetto discord servers due to his near complete banning from all NijHolo Network. He is advised just to make alts, but our honorable hero is so attached to his accounts that he wouldn't DARE to make new ones. That'd be "lying." He cares a great deal about not ban evading and being honorable.

The righteous anger sometimes slips out...
Now Nolan
says he doesn't like lying, but here we have Nolan contridicting himself in another server
So, he's willing to ban evade on YouTube, but not on Discord? Make it make sense... Also try and find that second NolanCrush YouTube account.