Ah yes, another article from Schreier that casts all the blame on meddling execs and says that the poor devs are just poor innocent victims.
The execs pushing live service then reversing course can explain the mid at best gameplay and level design, but it doesn't explain the absolutely dogshit lore, story and characters, the area where Veilguard failed the most.
Veilguard had mid gameplay about on par with what DA2 had, yet it still failed.
Characters, lore, and story can be kept consistent through designing a game to be single-player or live service, most live service games that do story tell them as if the player is the sole person doing said story.
DA2 and Inquisition both showed that people would show up for mid gameplay accompanied by okay-to-decent story, lore, and characters.
That is mostly what people went to Dragon Age for after Origins.
If it had story on par with Inquisition, it would have still likely met expectations, but it failed to even meet that low bar.
The failure of Veilguard rests solely on the writers, editors, and directors that had a hand in the story and characters.
Schreier writes the same article every time, "the execs are the issue", on repeat. Can't possibly be the issue of the devs he forms friendships with for info, and that ideologically agree with him.