As someone who stopped playing Overwatch about 20 or so hours after the first few months of its launch; what does Rivals do right that Overwatch has gotten wrong at this point?
Granted it's super early in the life cycle of this game, but I can rattle off a couple of points off the top of my head.
1) DPS can actually do damage. Overwatch feels like it has turned into a game of bullet sponges and the most effective people to do damage are tanks. Hell, before forced role queue the meta teams were 3 tanks 3 healers. DPS just weren't worthwhile. Meanwhile, a well played flanker in Rivals will absolutely decimate you. Right now people seem to be figuring out how much of a menace Spider-Man is, but last week it felt like more Psylockes and Wolverines.
2) Speaking of Role Queue, the Dev's have outright said they are never adding role queue. As we discussed back here - - the leads of Rivals have said if people want to be retarded and have a 6 DPS team, that's on them to be retarded. Role queue is one of the biggest reasons Overwatch died because it's a symptom of the real problem with Overwatch, which is Blizzard's shitty balancing.
3) Speaking of - balancing. We're still in pre-season right now, but it feels like their approach is "If everyone is busted, no one is busted". There's few characters that don't feel TOO weak (Storm and Squirrel Girl could probably use some buffs) but otherwise balance feels in a good spot.
4) Monetization isn't too bad. It's all cosmetics. The battlepass per season is only 5 bucks so far. The only bad thing is the tokens you accrue to unlock the battle pass contents will reset each season - or at least the tokens you F2P earned. The paid ones will be maintained. This is all still up in the air, and modifications were already made after some outcry.
5) This part is mainly funny, but a game lives and dies by maintaining a player count. And most players are just bad. APPARENTLY, and I need to look I to this more, if you go on a massive losing streak in Quick Play it will covertly match you with bots so you can stomp them and feel better. People have figured this out because you can't view their player profiles. I need to go check it tonight. I just find this hilarious.
Tanks and supports don't do DPS level damage neither immortalize your own team but they're still essential for counterplay/stratagems.
I'll use Thor as a point since I've been playing him a lot. His most impactful ability is his Mjolnir Charge which he can use to fly 10/20 meters wherever he points depending on how much her charges up. The charge grants him 200 personal shield, is on a 2 second CD as long as her has the energy, and can refund the cost of the charge via one melee hit afterwards. You can also hit people with the charge and carry them with you. So he's great for chasing dying people trying to retreat, cutting teams in half, taking a enemy player out of position to single them out, or flank and chase down a squishy to eat them alive. And that's only one part of his kit. He still has 3 other major abilities including his Ult.