Since this has been quiet for a bit, might as well do a quick summary, especially since pretty much all of Gen 3 are at it in some way at this point.
Blair (Echo) has been vaugeposting for ages, but it recently got worse.
Mocha (Suri) recently became more active and has also vaugeposted quite heavily over this month especially. She's also stated she intends to do "test streams" in the future.
Tori (Maeve) is making it very clear she's leaving soon (probably related to not doing a birthday stream, and there being an announcement scheduled for that exact day, the 30th). Her new model recently got funded through Throne
Noriko Darlington (Meeta) also recently became active and is also vaugeposting, and implying she might return with a new model sometime in the future.
And lastly, Pekoe (Cyon) is the only one that's not really actively vaugeposting (aside from a single post on the 21st the same day the others also vaugeposted and which seems to be an important date, only Blair didn't tweet that day), but she's retweeting the others' stuff, and she did make herself a new logo recently.
They're all following each other and already have the usual 'followed by their friends outside the corpo' stuff. They're also pretty much all confirmed, Mocha and Blair have been known to be Suri and Echo's PLs for a long time, Pekoe's YT (which can be found linked on Mocha's) has a cover, and Noriko and Tori made sure to express the exact same interests Meeta and Maeve have (Noriko especially stating she loves muscles, and giving the first two letters of her cats' names).